Is this only realistic solution

Is this only realistic solution
Bosniaks and Croatians are pritty much the same only they are muslims we fought together since 7st so they wouldnt minded
We can rename country to Croatia and Bosnia

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Bring back Yugoslavia with just Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.

I'm sorry Zoran, but Croatia is rightful austrian proxy-clay

they cant have Country that looks like this, can they?
LOL bring back Yugoslavia but only with downsides no upsides
Ye dream on we elected you to be our king for sake of Christianity and if Archduke Franz Ferdinand wasnt killed prob tings would go well since he was for Trialism

Your upside is the three actual balkanisation trouble makers are crammed together to work out their problem and not have horrific border gore.

btw sorry for VIDIN
Vidin is Bulgaria
Ye we schould send all our trouble makers to australia like we used to

just tax the shit out of islam
they became muslims just because they were greedy pieces of shit, and still are hopefully

You wogs only exist to kill each other so get back at it or fuck off. FRY breakup proves you live to kill each other like niggers.

Yeah, your ancestors (not you, NOT YOU) wuz kangz so long ago it's no longer relevant.


see Islam is not so big in bosnia i feel like they would turn back to christianity in 2 generations

how about this?annex the green if you want to

we want posavina

and we want dubrovnik. not gonna happen, need a wide coridor

You dont have absolute any historical claim on dubrovnik
we want srijem

>croatian education
we can do this shit all day ante, just dropt the two fucking villages and we can build a big wall between eachother

You can draw as many maps as you want point remains nothing will change in the next few decades.


nope if you give a finger to serb he will want whole hand.
like presented you got 50% of bosnia not happy

>inb4 there are more serbs than croats
Are you willing to rename serbia to Serbia and Bosnia and give them equal rights

>nope if you give a finger to serb he will want whole hand.
literally entire history this is all you do
disgusting pieces of human filth you are, ante

>Trst not Slovenian
>Macedonia exists
>Kosovo not Serbia
Inb4 >k-kosovo 90% z-zerg!
Should America be nigger country because niggers have 10 children?

>nothing will change

At least gib Posavina

if you honestly believe anything, anything at all will happen, you're in for a big letdown.

Kosovo will become independent, its inevitable

Republika Srpska will become part of Serbia

Shitshow in Ukraine

Scotland maybe independent

NO, you can not have name of Bosnia. It has nothing to do with Croatia.
But however, we are more than happy to give ya bastards those wretched Muslim traitors.

And this is actualy true as fuck. Croats love larping as Germanic proxies. So i say, Hell Yea! Croatia is rightful Austrian claim. (disclaimer, I actualy like Austria)

>Croats love larping as Germanic proxies.
> Croatia is rightful Austrian claim.
> (disclaimer, I actualy like Austria)
every white person does

Dude i am talking about realistic solutions not about ideal stuff

the only difference between Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks is your fucking religion. You retards should have kept Yugoslavia and you would be relevant nowadays
Also Macedonia is just meme Bulgaria with a Albanoroach infection

Why the fuck would you want to be relevant anyway?
Literally every relevant country nowadays is getting butt fucked by Islam as we speak

Bosniaks deserve their own state, Serbs should be removed from republika srbska, preferably by shooting them all.

Be realistic for once maintaining the current status quo is infinitely more profitable than bringing in any solutions.

Oh, right, my mistake then.

pls you are country that managed to steal land from every single country that you been in touch with
and now serbia will lose only part of serbia that is original serbian clay Kosovo

Because u Bastards always hated ur Slavic/Balkanite origins, and always secretly wished so damn hard to be part of ((holy)) west.
And every single one of decisions u made was pointed in hopes of that outcome, even if it meant the suffering of those closest to your ethos.

And before u Mention Yugoslavia. Croatia was forced to be part of it, if it did not, its name would be Big Serbia still.

This is just a drop of some harsh truth my brother.

because we need some bigger countries to counterbalance those cuckreichs like Germany or France. Smaller countries in Europe are literally getting dictated on what to do. If there was a bigger, relevant country that could team up with Poland we'd already have more chances to stand up against what's currently happening.

Yes but they cant keep this shit going on forever, no? People will be pissed and eventually something will happen.

>central bosnia not part of croatia
>montenigger not serbia
Shit map

This. Altough its not our fault as much as it is the fault of politicians

>Croats love larping as Germanic proxies
next starts larping as germanic proxy
>I actualy like Austria

Are you serb? waht religion are you and witch part of bosnia you live in

How can you say that Bosnia and croatia dont have anything incommon

>implying this isnt what modern day Serbia is doing

need coridor sry

No chance. Muslims are already 51% in Bosnia, Christians have negative demographic.

Because I am Serb. And i agree Muslims did the same thing always, but they are just under sever regret syndrome, so will chimp out every time they get the chance.

And i like Austria because they secretly represent the mutiny against ((globalism)), they are pushing for Austrian school of economics. Are not only not part of NATO, but also forbid all military flights over her territory.
So yea i've got lot of reasons to like Austria today.

Serbia did that in 90's as well. Who said i think Serbia is worth shit today?

If croats woudn't have croatian/eu citizenship we would be fastest growing group in bosnia

The shit about german proxies you were talking about
they aren't proxies, they are just diasporas

you stole istria from slovenia, baranja from hungary, western slavonia, eastern srem, dalmatia from you have any shame?
rightful serbian clay
even more
only one which can be said of all of these that it's not so much of our rightful clay, and even that's a stretch
meh, a few towns, i'd give them back tbqh, but they don't seem to even want them
greatest ally

Even in Serbia, only Sjenica, Novi Pazar, Tutin, Presevo hve positive demographic. All muslim cities. And I've been to Belgrade multiple times, it's like modern day Sodom and Gomorrha. There's a reason for all that.

you did not understand the point.
I meant proxies as in;
>will side with them under any circumstances, just to relief them self of their own identity.

And that meant u were and still are under direct control of Germanic nations. Which honestly i dont mind. I love seeing u slave ur errors away.

>you stole istria from slovenia, baranja from hungary, western slavonia, eastern srem, dalmatia from you have any shame?
>istria from slovenia
Literally how?
>baranja from hungary
>dalmatia from us
you're so fucking delusional

If anything, dalmatia was core of croatia, it's rightfully ours since ever

>part of Serbia


oh and Novi Sad is growing I think (serb city). Everything else receding.


he probably thinks its the main core of serbia

I unironically understand the hate for Bosnians. My city has the most in the U.S. Godspeed.

istria was never yours. in the split after ww2, should've went to slovenia, after that to italy. but in no way to you.

baranja was literally never serbian/croatian before ww1

everything south of split used to be serbian, "red croatia" never existed.kill yourself.
that's lika, not dalmatia.
where you from?

thats my opinion every nation deservs its state
but sadly thats not realistic
Slovenia? Carthania yes i would gladly remove Istria from croatia
Baranja they gave that to Ban of croatia not stolen
WTF you rly think slavonia is serbian clay and dalmatia? you ruled dalmatia for 20 years and slavonia for 3 yers in 90'
srijem is not your claim even in Kingdom of yugoslavia it was croatian ffs every border is on river except for srijem and baranja
>calls Romania biggest ally
you 2 rly make a pair of backstabbers

I heard there are 77000 in St Louis

Solin, Klis, Bribir, Nin, Šibenik, Knin, Poljica, all in Dalmatia

>istria was never yours. in the split after ww2, should've went to slovenia, after that to italy. but in no way to you.
Istria was never Slovenian, Croats were a majority there for ages
>everything south of split used to be serbian, "red croatia" never existed.kill yourself.
>serb education
>that's lika, not dalmatia.
Oh my god
a Serb is telling me that Zadar is unironically their rightful clay
you people deserved jasenovac

They have for the past decades, they can and WILL keep going on like this.

Istria is rightful Croatian clay, fuck you.

read also, not entire slavonia, just vukovar and surroundings
>you ruled dalmatia for 20 years
literally don't know what period are you talking about, but we ruled it even before the nemanjic dinasty. pretty much between slav migrations and venice taking over, the area between split and dubrovnik was only serbian.
fine, let's rephrase my sentence as southern dalmatia. you are avoiding what the point obviously is. zadar not really, but dubrovnik without any doubt.

>1 every 4 Serbian citizen is Albanian


I lived in Novi Sad for 7 years, can attest that it's growing at a nice pace.
Why would you want muslims in your country, having the power to vote and having to be represented in Parliament?

I don't think Serbs gave up on Krajina.

you serbs ar at it again
red croatia wasnt state
red croatia is used by porfirogenet as term so he doesnt need to name all little coountries around dubrovnik that were vassals to croatian king
you litteraly never ruled dubrovnik you were at war with dubrovnik how is it yours?
ffs there is no help for you

and pls tell us more about how bosnia and slavonia are serbian clay?

Nis and Belgrade is also rising in population in Nis children are like 20% of the population

literally the first picture in the article proves me right. at the height of your power, you didn't own neither istria neither baranja neither dubrovnik. and keep in mind that you owned entire bosnia for 3 years only and the map shows it. pic related is the original serbo-croatian border
red croatia is only mentioned in a croatian version of already semi sci-fi book by a possibly insane priest.are you fucking retarded?also, serbia never ruled dubrovnik itself(or perhaps it did for a short time), but we pretty much owned everything around it and we were the majority probably in the beginning of the 20th century.
so, if it doesn''t go to us, it should go to italians, not you.

half of bosnia, rs, is like 85% serb

kosovo needs an ethnic cleansing of the albanians and i wager the greeks and macedonians and montenegrins would jump on the chance to get rid of their own albanians too. Probably help eachother out.

I dont care about krajina

Croats can have the other half of bosnia or leave the middle part of the bosnians. We dont want them.

also why this htread all of a sudden

is some mad shit going down in the balkans or what

Bosnians are serbs. They speak serbian, have serbian ancestors, heritaga and history. Bosnia were just region of serb's land in medieval.

>and pls tell us more about how bosnia and slavonia are serbian clay?
You do realize that you sound retarded like WE WUZ ILLYRIA Albanians when you claim the whole Bosnia because of the middle ages?

How come Dalmatia has ALWAYS been Croatian culture?
How come there is NONE Slovenian claims on Istra.
Dude i know you hate Croatia, but no point fighting against facts.

both of your statements aren't factual. slovenians oftenly claim istria as theirs and a region can't be a culture, that makes no fucking sence. also, croatian culture=serbian culture pretty much.
i don't hate you, i just get pissed off at how much you are willing to bend history to assert your needs.

Only orthodox church in dubrovnik is some small chapel, no way serbs would be in only that if they were majority.

you litteraly did that with slavonia and dalmatia
and bosnia bosnia is BOSNIA imo they schould have their country but they are sure more likely to join us than you

So if Slovenes claim Istra its automatically theirs?
That makes no sense
>croatian culture=serbian culture pretty much
Religion there was always Catholic, never Orthodox
But i agree, our cultures are the same
Except Dalmatia, I am a Dalmatian and my culture is much much different from any Serbs or N. Croats.
You have no rights to claim Dalmatia since it was never actually yours.

do you guys have Jovan deretics books in elementary school?

There you go. I made the only logical map. The albanians get to be moved to mass graves. Only solution.

I dont give a fuck.

And what? Do you think after Balkan Wars, Massacres in WW2 and 92-95 any muslim wants to be Serb?

I'm muslim from Serbia and nobody would even dare say he's Serb. We are muslim, they are christian. That's it.

Many religious confessions (especially orthododox and Islam) coexist peacefully in Russia since ages, that's why I like Russia.. People don't have that mentality here.

In what way culture in dalmatia can be serbian? It's completely different, italians have more claim to it than you dou to culture and that it was part of venice for 500 years. Similary as turks have to you

Why the fuck is the majority Croatian region 'Livno' Serbian?

Good enough

gl with that

Bosnians speak serbian and never spoke croatian (not literary croatian, which is actually also dialect of serbian, but in initially croatian language - kaikavian)

Livno is more south, Glamoč is serbian there, and Glamoč is mostly inhabitet by serbs. Curently Glamoč is part of Livno county

because i sued this map to geustimate what the borders could be

now are you going to lose your shit on me like a little autist

obviously there will be spill over between the borders, and that doesn't mean i expect the people living outside of their respective area to be oppressed.

Balkans are so fucking retarded

It's religion, but i talk about ethnicity. In russian there is also starovery, which are historically hate other russian orthodox and also in Galicia (now Ukraine) in the begining of 20th century were russians, which considered themselves as 100% russian people, but were catholics.
>Many religious confessions (especially orthododox and Islam) coexist peacefully in Russia since ages, that's why I like Russia..
Depends on nationality
We hate churkas muslim (midle-asian shitskin migrants), which migrate to our indigenous land and spread islam and their traditional here wothout understanding that we have a different culture and we live in our own land, but pretty ok with tatars, with which we living together many century and respect and understand culture and soul of each other.

catholic serbs existed you moron
you said they have never claimed it. you should've said religion if that's what you meant. however, dubrovnik is objectively serbian clay, rest of dalmatia is yours pretty much.
we unironically do in middle school or college, but it's just a different guy with the same name who specializes in some poetic history or some shit like that. also you screencaped something i never claimed since it's retarded and haven't actually debunked anything i said, because you simply can't.
would make some small changes, but ok
it is as croatian as it is serbian. also, low quality b8 with "serbs are turks" shit. i also never said we claim it because of culture, we claim it because we have more claim to it than you. also, can we take a moment to reflect upon the fact that this entire argument started because croats wouldn't give up two villages in a imaginary map, fucking balkans

Dude it doesn't work the same way here
Either you're Orthodox (Serbian) or Catholic (Croatian)

fixed that for you

half of the population is serb
the other half is mountain serb (promise them they won't have to work)
With regards to maybe ironing out some issues in the livno/glamoc area, there shouldn't be any problems here
We don't want the bosnians of sarajevo, they are filth. If you don't want them they can all starve for all i care.
Worst case scenario we get northern kosovo and have to wait for a world war of some kind or islamist problem that the west would let us at them for. This area would be the hardest to completely get back, but, i mean they can't really join albania and every couple of years kosovo has a collapse of government so they cant really survive on their own anyways. Besides all those albanians are just filthy transplants that the turks or tito created.
The only minorities I would consider respecting within the borders of this new serbia would be the hungarians, croat spill over, non muslims and vlachs.

> however, dubrovnik is objectively serbian clay
Why is Dubrovnik Serbian clay?
They were always Catholic aka. Croats, if you have any source that proves otherwise, gib

All balkans are the same shot keep being turk good guvyar 80iq balkanlars

Catholic serbs only exist as insult towards croats. And exactly what claim do you have, I'm courious. And I never said that you are turks, by that I would confirm that we are italians