I'm a Jew who lives in Israel; I have no shame in my identity and I'm very anti globalism and pro nationalism; and I got banned for no reason but for being a JEW. Mike Peinovich, a.k.a Mike Enoch, is one of the owners of the site, until recently was married to a Jewish woman, and might be a Jew himself. That guy has the audacity to ban me??!! I want to annihilate that hypocrite is clearly delusional, that dude is overcompensating for being marrying a Jewish Woman and possibly being a Jew himself.
I Was BANNED From TRS Forums for BEING A JEW
Other urls found in this thread:
god i love that site!
Fuck off, this is a TRS shill trying to pretend that their shitty website is relevant. Your whole fanbase is the altright kekistan poofs. Enoch is a jew and you cunts deserve what you get.
You lost your faggot supporters to lauren southern for fuck sake, give up.
its funny u tried to put a commaa when formatting your fake ban message
>effort posting
>implying the ideal isn't to shitpost effortlessly with complete basedness
Congratulations OP.
You have finally realised that there really are people out there who hate you simply because of who you are.
I'm gay, and though I long for a conservative nationalist party I can support there simply isn't one that isn't straight up voting against my own interests because they all end up being controlled by people who consider themselves my enemy, and so who I am destined to consider mine. That's how I can end up voting Labor or Greens instead of Liberals or One Nation (though I do still vote One Nation in real life because they'll never have the power to stop the gay agenda but might have some effect against the multicultural agenda) despite my actual ideological positions being the reverse.
Don't let your imagined - nonexistent - camaraderie with these people seduce you into voting against your interests. There's more to politics than epic memes.
>Israeli jew
>browsing white nationalist forum
What did he mean by this
>I'm gay
Stopped reading there.
Fuck off.
Imagine my shock
You did more for my argument with that post than any other one you could have made, friend.
If you're really a kike then post nose and timestamp
oy vey
its anudda shoah
wait till i get my rabbi and the adl on the line
jew'll heah from my lawyah
8pol and trs are honeypots. you don't want to be there anyway.
>I'm gay
Get a load of this fag.
>My own best interest
You fucking stupid pillow biter, what interests are you talking abput exactly. Gay marriage? Why the fuck are fags so obsessed with a horeiblw institution to begin with? Doesn't matter who gets in office, it's not like fags are going to be hunted in the streets in the first world. Vote for ACTUAL fucking issues bigger than the fact you like to stick your dick in dudes, you self-interested turd-burgling piece of turbo faggot shit.
>our whole fanbase is the altright kekistan poofs.
No, those guys can at least make you laugh once or twice. TRS is just misery.
>it's not like fags are going to be hunted in the streets in the first world
Yeah, I trust that promise coming from you.
>inspect element
Fuck off. We dont care about some shitty forum anyway. We have Sup Forums, you idiot.
I swear to god it's been like 20 years and people STILL advertise their own shitty message board on other boards. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE DO THIS? WHY SHOULD WE GO TO YOUR SHIT?
You're literally mentally ill. You shouldn't even be able to vote, and your opinion holds no value.
I wish it was fake. I kind of liked their politcal analyses on their podcast. This shit just shows me these guys are truly delusional. That guy was married to a JEWISH WOMAN until 4 months ago, and probably would have brought to the world 100% KOSHER BABIES, if he haven't been doxxed. So that motherfucker (Jewish mother, fucker) has no right to pretend he's some kind of a purist.
He's been larping all this this time before being exposed, and now he doubles down and is larping even more. (TO COMPENSATING FOR MARRYING A JEWISH WOMAN).
He still has the nerve to talk about Jews trying to co-opt his movement, even after learning the truth about him.
10/10 fantastic pitch I'm tearing up here. You've won my vote for all eternity.
Reminder that TRS is a honeypot
>I'm so persecuted
So what, you're a faggot, I'm not going to hurt you for it. You're no better than niggers in the US with this fake victim complex. Grow some thicker skin you nancy faggot.
why dont you just not be gay then???
Wait a minute... What?
TRS owners are antisemitic???? Somebody has to stop this!
You're a fucking JEW what did you think was going to happen Shlomo? Your kind have already invaded our academia, media, and politics.
Fuck off and into the oven.
Can somebody please raid them?? I want them destroyed!
>>I'm so persecuted
No, I didn't say that.
I said that I could be. And I feel no need to increase the likelihood of that scenario by supporting people like you, who obviously have a bone to pick with me, despite any other ideological happenstance alignment.
See, that's the thing. I want to be on your side but you won't let me.
>but it's just words! grow some thicker skin!
My dude, if I fell apart at being called mean names I wouldn't have lasted a decade in this shithole. I guarantee you it's not the words that concern me. It's the underlying mentality that in a small number of people want to see words made into actions and that, in people like you, make you ready to excuse actions even if you don't participate. In my mind, you are the "moderate" Muslim who doesn't blow himself up, but defends the retards who do. Maybe not even consciously, but you know as well as I do that if you had to choose between your dream America, or people like me - and this assumes that people like me are even compatible with your dream America in the first place - that's not a choice at all.
I face the same choice, and I happened to choose the side where I'm actually allowed to be.
If you don't want to make enemies - stop searching for them so God damn hard.
My junior high teacher told me to just b myself.
Do you even know where the fuck you are????
What is this shit anyway?
this post really makes me think
Of course a jew in Israel is going to be nationalist. You're at home base.
At least I was upfront and honest about me being JEWISH. Mike had been larping and pretending to be one of you guys for all those years!
Yeah, are there any whites who can fight my war?
>ly make
At least I was upfront and honest about me being JEWISH. Mike had been larping and pretending to be one of you guys for all those years!
>You have finally realised that there really are people out there who hate you simply because of who you are.
Are you retarded? This is the only reason why people are hated, because "they are something".
>hated because you are a faggot
>hated because you are black
>hated because you are white
>hated because you are a criminal
>hated because you are below 6'
>and so on
Being hated for "who you are" is basically always the only reason why someone is hated...
Ok sometimes you can be hated for not being something... for instance being hated for not being white... which still means you are either brownish/jewish or have strange eyes.
I'm not a democrat. I don't give a fuck about your vote. You belong in a mental institution, you degenerate.
Really? I thought 8pol doxed those fags because they were all for based Jewish nationalists.
I-Is this advanced shiposting?
A good way to prove his point...
Singlehandedly the most Jewish thing I've ever read on Sup Forums. Put me in the screencap, then fire up the ovens.
For the record that forum looks really gay and is likely filled with complete failures.
I do not think you understand what mentally ill means.
Your the enemy of humanity. You deserved it, Jew.
yeah but gay people do need to just be quiet and leave straight people out of it. it's not our job to cater our political interests to you or your demographic. i don't people fear the gay lobby as much as they did before
>Mike had been larping and pretending to be one of you guys for all those years!
plz. Everybody knows TRS is controlled opposition. Only the stupidest niggers on Sup Forums visit that shithole.
>I'm a Jew
stopped reading there, because jews go into the oven.
Merchant Minute is good tho
>israel asking others to fight their wars
A Jew is a Jew, even if he wears a mask.
Guess what, being Jewish doesn't grant you special privileges.
They talk about why they ban Jews from the movement in the latest Shoah, have a listen:
Jewanon this is *our* movement. You already have your own ethno-nationalist movement: Zionism. You don't get to be a part of ours because you aren't one of us.
What does Israel think of ex-Jews?
pls go
Everyone at trs is a jew. doesnt make sense.
Redpill me on TRS
Why do the articles have no comments anymore
Where the hell is Lawrence Murray
I need my alt-right fix
That's true, but it's generally expected that you'll be hated for what you choose to do, and not merely for your characteristics.
You belong holding a plunger and bending over a toilet but I don't feel the need to bring that up, polack.
What's the point of this discussion? Do you want to sit here and trade witticisms for the next 450 posts? Is that a productive use of your time? I think your opinions have been made sufficiently clear already.
The Emus make me do it.
>it's not our job to cater our political interests to you or your demographic.
Yes, and you're not entitled to anybody's vote either. Acting like you are entitled to the vote of [minority] because your ideology is the saviour of America rings hollow when your platform seems to only be saving a select few parts of America.
>but nobody feels that
Nigga, just look at telling me to stop considering my own interests and just shut up and vote "correctly" because his political ideology is the right one and all right-thinking people owe him their allegiance regardless of what's in it for them or how much he insults, derides, and most importantly, disregards them.
All of this isn't to say that you're wrong. Believe what you want. But don't expect me to march in lockstep with you if I don't think you're genuinely on my side. This brings me back to the original post I made in this thread, directed to the OP: nobody is your political ally just because they're your internet friend. I'm not yours - and you aren't mine. Not as far as I can see here, anyway.
Not that it matters anyway, we two being from different countries.
Humans reproduce sexually. If your sex drive directs you to sodomy with partners of the same sex, you are severely mentally ill.
That's what you get morraiku you jankem huffing kike
You do realize that considering Jews non-white kind of destroys your entire argument that race is real right?
It would sound convincing if he wasn't married to a Jewish woman
Okay, so the answer was "I have no idea what mentally ill means." That was all you had to say.
No it doesn't. Be Alien Semetics somewhere else.
Why? Titus banged Jewish royalty and he sacked Jersualem and destroyed the Temple.
>it's generally expected that you'll be hated for what you choose to do, and not merely for your characteristics.
Fag "sex" is a behavior.
The purpose of you sex drive is to get you to mate and reproduce. If you prefer masturbating into your friend's butthole, there's something wrong with your brain. It's pretty simple.
Where do jews come from?
Where do white people come from?
Jews are not white
>you guys
>implying Sup Forums is white
Fuck off, Jew.
No it doesn't. There are biological differences between populaton groups and the lines we draw between them are cultural and somewhat arbitrary. There is no contradiction there.
Sorry pal, TRS is for Goyim only. Go try The Daily Stormer forum and see if you have better luck there!
Makes perfect sense. They'd all protect each other if they were a minority on TRS. Evidently they're not.