>mfw you realize there are black supremacists dreaming of white genocide and a Black ethnostate

Well, pol? "Say something nice."

Good luck. After whites are extinct, blacks will be next.

At this point I'd be happy for whites to go extinct just so the japs and Chinese can have a good laugh at the noggers once they're left to their own devices

how is that bad news?
We too want a black etnostate.
Since we agree on this, lets distrubute places from backs and whites.
Then we can live in peace seperatly or go to wars and shieet.

>soon the oppressed will come into power and become oppressors

Almonds status: activated.

that is what we deserve for all being born racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, islamiphoic, biggotted, and evil :^^^)


This guy lived here his whole life, maybe he can do a better job than the nigs in Africa

As much as i pity this brainwashed little nigger for falling prey to the black vs white gameplan.

I aslo think its racist not to give him the race war he desparately craves.

Let them start it so that we may finish it.

Let the next genocide number 3 billion.

What is left will be a great white paradise, praise god.

Arm yourselves and train, for the day approaches. The war is coming, and with it, our glory.

Be ready.

These "people" are pushing whites to the point of no return. Once we are unhinged from moral constraints, boy oh boy are there fuckers in for a ride....

look forward to meetin' ya feller!'

if he hates whites so bad why doesnt he go to africa, i dont understand

There are plenty of black ethnostates in Africa without white people. I'm sure these black racists love it.

What a crazy fucking nigger.

>doesn't even understand sentences


Who do these niggers think is going to feed them when they get rid of all the humans?


Meh if if they ever try shit against us we'll just kill them. Would be nice


He's a man that hit me up on Tagged app asking me to be his Muslim wife kek he's trying to convert me

Could you please document the conversation and username? I'd actually really like to talk to him about his strange views, see what he does when subjected to psychoanalysis.

Not surprised the nig is a sandnig shill though.

Probably a LARPing faggot

not trying to doxx him he's just flirting in his own way

He's not a LARPer he has like 300 black power memes

Forgot pic kek