I am on a holy quest to obtain many a racist memes to shitpost my normie friends with. I have travelled far and been to many (2) a discord servers, yet my meme harvest is poor and of low quality. But then I had a revelation. Sup Forums, the bastion of unironic racism. Please aid a humble begger with goldy nigger bashing memes.
Racist Memes, give me now!
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Get the fuck off my board, dumb reddit nigger.
I'm not leaving untill i get what i want.
Fuck of Reddit Fagott go count your gold you Kike faced gash
Your misplaced salt fuels me, sexually ;)
How 'bout dat?!
lol thats hilarious.
ill post my black hate folder
I choose to believe this is good subversion, and nobody actually thought about it and then took the time to make a nice infographic.
Your no different from a nigger so why the self hate you Reddit fag
I'm getting the impression you lot don't like Reddit.
Not sure if this counts but I bet it does.
Here ya go:
God made the little nigger boys,
He made them in the night,
He made them in a hurry
And forgot to paint them white.
They both look like deformed monsters.
I've thought about adding big hamster wheels with police chase simulation inside the ghettos near me & a nigger bait like an EBT card, watermelon or a bottle of cheap shitty malt-liquor so niggers could contribute to this world by atleast producing electricity.
Holy fucking shit, what are they doing with the money they get? Burning it?
What do you throw a drowning nigger?
The rest of his fambly.
>"people" who abuse animals
gas chamber now
Is that Jeff the fluff Huffman?
Why did so few niggers vote for Jesse Jackson?
He promised them all jobs.
>Stop learning Mandarin.
I need some blackface if it's not already illegal. I could use charcoal not like niggers would know the difference either way. I'd probably be told on by an anti-white-white so I'd have to kill them first
Hmmmm, delicious leftist trash butthurt about the waicism, attempts to deflect before they get panic attack. That 'reddit' line, did your white college professor told you to use when you see something you don't like?
no sound?
its true, they're deciving wild animals. have a story on how my pajeet friend form uni cucked a massive subsidiary for trying to fuck him and his goons over for their cut of a business deal.
came here to post that very image. Guess I'll post this one instead.
>people who abuse any form of innocent life
Gas chamber and napalm now
based on assumptions, this is just piss
obviously all who don't get prosecuted are white, yeah, sure buddy
Better resolution?
how do we know about all unreported crimes if they are, well, unreported?
help im stupid, how is this chart supposed to be interpreted
why are they documenting themselves abusing children?
keep in mind that "Norwegian origin" only means born here.