Why are most alphas Neoliberals while most Alt Rightists are betas?
Why are most alphas Neoliberals while most Alt Rightists are betas?
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I think it comes down to IQ. If you look at a place like silicon valley its very liberal.
yes, I've noticed all the productive urban areas that drive the economy and innovation tend to be liberal while the rural backwaters are right-wing.
Relatavism thread
Truth thread.
>why is chad that doesn't follow any politics liberal but autists who spend the majority of their time following politics conservative
hmmmm idk user
>I think it comes down to IQ.
Oil barons, bankers, and insurance salesmen skew the stats.
The smartest people are libs.
Tfw when too smart to make money
>literal wannabe socialist is a neoliberal
if only
he'd be a lot less annoying if he were just a neoliberal.
Anyone who deadlifts is a right winger, fact
You're both proxyfags sitting in the same room
Nice try Shariablue
Smartest in terms of academic ability. They can't question anything for shit though. They're sheep. They don't think, they just exist.
You can't ignore the stats for successful conservative professions, moron.
Scientists aren't libs so much as dems might give them more grant gibs for bullshit studies.
(((actual new sources))) , (((actual education))) Why is a poly-sci major better than mechanic?
looks like the polysci majors voting clinton with thier (((education)))
Trump supporters don't complain about minorities, they complain about Muslims and Illegal Hispanics.
surely you arent suggesting this is home of the >>>>alt right? otherwise why would you put that here?
>I have designed multiple boards of hardware for two companies before the age of 21 (like the motherboard in a computer)
>be very right leaning and hate the cultural hedonism in my country
>Almost done with my education, soon to be graduating early with a major in electrical engineering, minor in computer science, and minor in macro economics
Guess I am literally retarded because I hate sexist, anti-western, religions
Let me break it down to you:
The stupidest, least conscious, most easily led sheeple are 85% of very big cities inhabitants
They're overwelmingly liberal because they're incapable of social ascencion through their own means. That's why they only vote for people that offers them free money and free stuff paid with the money of their betters.
The high class are overwelmingly conservative, up until the 1%, because they ascended socially through meritocracy and believe in the value of the science and hard work. They're mostly high paid professionals, businessmen, and innovators (not billionaires)
Now, let's talk about the ACTUAL 1%, that is overwelmingly liberal/marxist/open borders.
They're insanely rich through inheritance, lobbying, exploration of cheap labour, profiteering of war.
Their insistence on liberal values stems from knowing the individual benefits of social marxism to the ruler class.
People of very little education or useless education, ignorant of their civil rights and liabilities, are very cheap labor. They're the perfect employees to coorporations.
Liberalism is the perfect mask of compassion, and they make VERY effective use of it.
that's it for short.
>nothing is """"pure""" enough for my beliefs so everything is Jewish
t. Sup Forums
ok there kike
>Overweight, unhygenic neckbeard
>fit male model
Yeah this sums it up. Fucking drumpftards
You're a very clear example of the second class of people I posted here
why would I hire retards if they can't produce anything though? In the United States more advance education for digital system related products, programming factory machines, and an understanding of medical equipment is more important
because they're meant for menial, non-creative, mind-numbing labour.
See China. Innovation and high ed does not correlate to GDP.
And GDP is God.
you stupid money, that's a poll taken months before the election.
considering you don't even understand basic statistics, I'm skeptical of the rest of your claims.
>scientists, engineers, tech workers, lawyers, mathematicians, most doctors lean liberal.
>not the smartest
Everything you posted is false, non-verifiable, anectodal and just very, very basic shilling.
You're either very naive or you're working for someone.
>you destroyed all my arguments so I'll just call you a shill
kek, typical low IQ right-winger.
Where is the MAGA?
>Everything you posted is false, non-verifiable, anectodal
I agree that some people like RamZPaul have no evidence pointing at them being jews, but half of that list are actual self-claimed jews.
Most European ministers are hated by their own people as well, the looking glass is the only thing that differs.
Who cares. This isn't an alt right board. Go to storm front if you want to get some reactions
Please back that up with some names. I know Milo is a jew, he does not keep this info from anyone. Who else?
Hahahaha Neoliberal Alpha!
That's like saying straight faggot!
Or intelligent Nigger!
Nice try Tyrone Mohamed Blumenfeld!
Remember when during his campaign he called everyone else low energy?
Nice try, burger. Trudeau is almost the epitome of beta. GTFO.
Look at the economic opportunities that the boomer generation had.
Now look at the economic situation that every generation since has inherited.
Now look at where neoliberalism started kicking in.
>But credit cards, bursting stock market bubbles and cheap slave made crap from Wal-Mart make up for it all
OP do the right thing for the good of humanity and go neck yourself.
Look a bunch of fags with absolutely zero understanding of reality sucking each other's shit covered dicks off
Whores who have to beg for money aren't smart they are whores but it's a hard concept to understand right anonblue
this must be the funniest picture on the internet
Hey thundercuck
Prove no one wrong delude yourself then act smug wow shareblue you really are going all out for that 10$ hour aren't you
You mean the right? Because right-wing policies are being implemented right now, and they're just hurting people and driving allies away.
>everyone who disagrees is a cuck shill
Do you even have a real argument?
Clearly Japan isn't there butt hey don't let reality get in the way of delusions
>start running in March to get ready for summer
>DL drops from 385 to 335, squat from 285 to 225
Is there any way around the cardio jew?
an atheist and jew? top fucking KEK
found the jew
Yeah hurting people like this pic related and driving always people who say things like the people in our country are evil monsters and we need to import millions of people from Somalia because they are better in every conceivable way. So yes I know in your deluded fucked up world those are bad things.
Yes do you have actual thoughts and understanding of reality not your a shill who spews nothing butt cucksense so you get the very base argument princess
Not very nice