A pedofile (16) tried himself on my sister (6)
+47 46839963
what the fuck are you talking about man?
call the cops.
that's the step you take.
You need to offer more than that for us to catch Emil Holmberg Sunde. What happened?
Thats his number btw, call him and harass him.
The power of breivik compels you
It was me. Sorry senpai, but she was hot.
I just phoned him and congratulated him. I hope that's what you wanted
how can a child (16) be a pedophile for being with another child (6)
are 16 year olds not children anymore pizzacancer?
proofs or didn't happen
Background info please
So instead of going to the police, you post on Sup Forums
You're really smart aren't you
Fuck off, 6 you dumb cunt. Learn respect and quality shitposting
He touched my sister, ive tried talking to the cops, they didnt take the thing serious enough, so lets bring this fucker down
Children fuck off and draw pepe elsewhere
>respect AND quality shitposting
Behold the power of Antipodean sorcery
You have only two options:
1. Be a bitch and call the cops.
2. Beat him to a pulp and then call the cops.
You took the third option of posting on Sup Forums, with a woe is me tone, while you let your sister be harassed.
My sister is 8, we are a generation apart, and that cunt would be halfway dead if it was me.
ummmmm nah. Grow some balls and some realism
>they didnt take the thing serious enough,
because it was two children playing. if it's a problem to you and you are also 16, burn down his house and tell everyone why. charity will fly at you from everywhere in the world.
also remember you might be the difference between a "no crimes" year or not with your ONE SINGLE crime report. The police wouldn't want bad numbers, would they?
Can be trolling.
Did you beat him into a concussion?
aha so you a scornd roasty?
kek; low test nordcuck too afraid to beat the shit out of him, off yourself faggot
i got no proof, other than what my sister is telling me, i take this serious, but police doesnt apperantly