Really makes you think.
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
Nope. Teenage girls are the lowest common denominator, the easy market. Sell them sex but keep the clothes on.
>pop star is scantily dressed
fukken woah
play degenerate games win degenerate prizes
>Sup Forums hates the free market when people watch things they don't like
Degenerate Cunt...too bad she didn't die
literally what did they mean by this
am i supposed to notice her clothing or the black guys?
where do all of these nationalistic twitter profiles came from. cremlin seems to be cooking up something big. we need to stay as strong as never before together, seems like russia wants to reinstall fascism in europe to weaken us.
Fortunately she's returning to Manchester so that 8 year olds can again hear her sing about huge black cocks or whatever.
That's why we're Nazis.
Pause for a minute and think about it. What state of mind must you be in for this to be "normal" and "expected"?
>not knowing lana
>talks like a shill
go away
"Free Market" doesn't make you immune to judgement, dumbass.
look to the left and right, stupid
>free market
What other choice do they have? All pop culture is degenerate. It is pushed on the youth. Advertisers create the stars.
Kike producers on simply responding to demand for degenerate media, they are creating the demand for it for social purposes.
(((They))) admit this openly.
I didn't even notice the Black guys till you pointed it out :(
You seem to think that people haven't always obssessed with sex.
Become a degenerate or die in bombing. Which one do you prefer?
Brown pop star surrounded by brown/black dancers.
I don't see the problem.
But she is clearly not white. What is the problem?
As one example, read St. Augustine's Confessions.
he's not talking about the pretty slut he's talking about how the pretty slut is juxtaposed against black males
it's more cuck programming
Are you saying that nothing of importance was lost ?
Large numbers of shill in this thread.
This bint is in the same stable as Beiber.
It's another FUCKEN BEIBER scam tomind control little kids. Like all Beiber's shit that has hidden messages to go kill yourself.
Couldn't have happened to a shitter piece of shit.
her main audience are white girls
wtf I love the islamic terrorist now
Ugly girl in a state of undress with two crouching negroes by her side? And? Madonna did this 25 years ago, and she was actually quite pretty once.
That's not what he replied too.
>am i supposed to notice her clothing or the black guys
just aspiring rappers
How is that different from twitch streamers/ig models/other whores
They're all black. It's not like she is white. Who gives a fuck.
So what is she then?
The overall degeneracy, but since you are a kikenjuden, you think it's normal and there is nothing to point out. Btw, how did your ancestors manage to run away when Hitler tried to stuff them in an oven?
Some kind of brown with a skin product that is turning her orange.
Have a (you).
She's forced to look like a shitskin
> we
stfu fagot
Well the person making the comment appears to be a young white female on social media, so we can assume she is DEEPLY concerned about the well-being of minorities and is therefore referring to the black people kneeling.
While probably a picture at a somewhat random moment during a dance routine meaning absolutely nothing of import, @LanaLokteff has put her post-colonial African studies degree to good use and determined that whatever is going on in this picture definitely isn't a dance performance and is, in fact, some sort of perverse expression of dominance of the white colonist over the black underlings.
>Oooh teehee posting this nonsense netted me 279 retweets and 553 likes! I'm soo enlightened and self-flagellating~
Dan "The Candy Man" Schneider really did a number on her, didn't he?
>sweaty Sup Forumstard in front of two buttons
>one says stop degeneracy
>one says stop terrorism
Sup Forums is overcooking my noodle with this one. Are we really confused as to who is worse here?
Just (((them))) trying to normalize the skin tone change of entire populations.
Or you know, someone who goes outside once in a while. It's called a tan you autist.
what about this is free market? every part of it is wrapped up in regulation and bullshit. do you fuckwits even know what "free market" means? jfc, kys.
>that thing on the left
Degeneracy is worse. There is no confusion.
Greek and North African*
>Btw, how did your ancestors manage to run away when Hitler tried to stuff them in an oven?
One grandfather escaped in the 30's, the other fought in the war with the red army. One grandma got smuggled from germany to a safehaven in italy, the other grandma wasn't from europe.
White people don't tan like that without skin products kike. Why do you think one of the racist terms for white people is 'red neck'?
I wouldn't take anybody here seriously about "degeneracy." 9 out of 10 Sup Forums posters scream degeneracy in one thread, and then promptly hit their bongs and head to Sup Forums to masturbate to shota, furries, ponies or loli.
It's like when a cheater accuses someone else of cheating.
I don't see how one deals with the other. Stop both
>This pass as white in America.
Kill me if she's not some sort of maghrebi mongrel.
Then the Sup Forumsack looks up in to the sky! He sees Pepe the prophet of Kek holding a book in his hand. The books is red and has a swastika in the centre and is titled 'White Sharia'.
So what? This doesn't prove something is wrong with society.
It's abnormal. Pop stars are sexualized amongst other things so they are a spectacle and people take time out of their regularly lives and pay ridiculous prices to see them perform. Why not complain about the absurd amount of porn the average person consumes and how it could affect them? Why aren't ISIS bombing Brazzers HQ? Fuck off.
Found the ISIS shill.
>2 goats have been deposited into your account
wtf I love ISIS now
Grover is ready to take back Europe.
He is tired of this Muslim bullshit.
These violent delights have violent ends
It'll remain a mystery
Yes we do. Webm related.
She's Italian.
I'm about as worldly as a rock in my backyard and even I can tell someone with olive skin and a name like "Ariana Grande" is clearly Italian of some sort.
Thanks for your (useless) opinion. Degeneracy is the sole cause of terrorism.
Let me add this quote from adolf:
>I can only hope and expect that the other world, which has such deep sympathy for these criminals [Jews], will at least be generous enough to convert this sympathy into practical aid. We, on our part, are ready to put all these criminals at the disposal of these countries, for all I care, even on luxury ships.
Back to plebbit.
Both her parents are of Italian descent
>am i supposed to notice her clothing or the black guys?
"Oy vey I was too busy thinking about scheming schemes oyyyyy"
i dont do that. i bet most dont either
stop projecting
That looks nothing like her.
But do you use one to stop the other? Doesn't that make you part of one?
I chuckled
indeed she's part moroccan, not just italian and greek
First they will force the female porn stars to wear burkas. When they assume control all women will be replaced with goats and the LGBTQ sections will be full of videos where gays, trannies and what not being trown from high buildings.
>une putain de feuille
Half my family is italian and I can tell you this thing is not italian and never will be. She looks 1/4 white at most.
It's bottle tan, it's very popular in america. She's about the same colour of trump.
>(((free market)))
One of your best.
You know, there are other ways of stopping people from doing things other than blowing them up or running them over with trucks, right?
1. her main audience are white people, thus forcing the >intermixing is good meme
2. (((they))) want to cuck every race on earth, at this very moment they are blacks flooding China and they're greatly rising in numbers in Japan.
That is not her.
Left nose is much bigger and has another shape.
Dan "Give me your Sole if you want the Role" Schneider is definitely a top level handler / groomer
After a simple google search, yeah, she's Italian.
No, of course not, everyone who posts here is the pinnacle of civilized society and definitely not neets.
>Degeneracy is the sole cause of terrorism.
Whatever you say, Mohammad.
> Arriana GRANDE
Take a wild fucking guess
That's her mother surname.
After a simple google search, her grand fathers are greek and morocan/tunisians. We have arab "frenchs" here too.
How can you be killed AND injured?
I'm gunna assume that is not her real or full name
What did they do to her? he seems very convincingly perma-tanned now, looks 100% latin american.
Faggot kike, she's not italian
Do you think there is no moroccan/tunisian/algerian diaspora in italy?
Spray tan 3 sets of 12 reps
she* damn
And a Jew. Note her wrist-mounted Kabbalah shit.
Wrong board reddit friend.
wasnt southern italy colonized by greeks thousands of years ago? are north italians the only real ones?