8 dead in Mississippi. Gonna assume it is a white male Christian because hey; you faggots never give us the benefit of the doubt :^).
8 dead in Mississippi...
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It was a nigger
The shooter has already been identified as black
Better luck next time Abdul
more like terrorist attack.
>you faggots never give us the benefit of the doubt :^)
well no shit. the shooter was a nigger
>8 dead
>black male
I must bury this
Gonna assume they're not since Mississippi is like fucking 99% black.
So what is the MSM going to run with. Evil Guns. Reaction to Racism. Angry at White Privilage. Gotta be one
Good call there ahmad
Well since it is cool to use isolated scenarios and make it into a group issue; what about this guy? He turned Norway, a perfectly safe country with a clean record into the biggest mass shooting in EU history. Even bigger than the Orlando nightclub here in the U.S. :^)
Black on black?
Doesn't count!
No one wants muds around.
If Norwegians cared about Norway he wouldn't have to sacrifice himself for his nation. Too bad he was the last Norwegian nationalist. Enjoy your cultural suicide...
Think about this:
>Voter ID is illegal and racist because it specifically targets blacks
>Gun control is illegal and racist because it specifically targets blacks.
Weird how you never hear about gun control being racist...
breivik didn't kill shit skins though. he killed young adult commies at one of their indoctrination camps
Winner winner
Chicken dinner
Not surprised
Tis just a nigger
Give that man a PS4!
>Gonna assume it is a white male Christian because hey; you faggots never give us the benefit of the doubt :^).
That's because it's you most of the time. Also, Mississippi is 37% black, so it's pretty fucking likely that it's a nigger.
oh look, it's a nigger
Breivik did nothing wrong, he killed future communists.
Well currently CNN has nothing on their page about it, so typical lugenpresse.
Too bad he was the first and last terrorist to attack Norway.*
The irony with Breivik would be fucking hilarious if he didn't kill 70+ people because "muh government is taking in brown people and i dont like it". Topkek indeed.
Lookie how sad da poor dindu lookie
Never knew no pops
Moms wuz meanie to him
Whitey always keeping himz down
And now, annnd now, even da chickens dont taste no good
Take this filthy nigger to the nearest tree and get a rope
Lets have us a nigger hatin parteee.
The nigger was about this tall.
>killing a bunch of Commies and Socialists is bad
>'history of the EU'
Holy fuck, kill yourself.
It looks like he used an AR, so it's going to be BAN FULLY SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT RIFLE DEATH MACHINES NOW, or they'll just refuse to talk about it
>cops are just killing black men for no reason
>if he was black they'd have killed him
>nigger kills a cop and 7 other people
>is taken in alive
>his goal was to suicide by cop
>this is the fault of the kike media narrative
Here is a video of him being interviewed while being arrested
We all know if its a violent crime its over 50% chance its a nigger.
lol butthurt that one of your savage shitskin brethren is yet again responsible for a mass killing?