Taliesin Myrddin and Ricky John Best were riding a Portland MAX train when they saw another man allegedly hurtle racial slurs at two Muslim girls. They both intervened and paid for it with their lives.
Taliesin Myrddin and Ricky John Best were riding a Portland MAX train when they saw another man allegedly hurtle racial...
Was the guy actually a white nationalist or just an insane Berniebro?
Well that was stupid of them.
The news media is scared to reveal just how vulnerable the white anti white movement really is.
Once white people who don't hate whites figure out that targeting anyone but white traitors and light skinned Jews is a waste of time, they will know who to take the fight to.
You have to turn off the tap before you mop the floor. Taking on the light skinned Jews and white self haters is turning off the tap. The anti white movement is powerless without Jews to think for it and whites to fight for it.
I bet these are the type of people who never batted an eye when immigrants raped americans. This will become more common until they finally get more afraid of nationalists then immigrants, which is when they will switch. That's how these people function.
Defend the sand and you'll get canned
> Taliesin Myrddin
The most Welsh name I've ever come across, Jesus.
>confronting crazy belligerent homeless people that typically carry knives
It's like the #1 rule you do not break when traversing through the hairy part of a city, this is a darwin award level fuck up on these guys part.
Bum bum bum another cuck bites the dust. Bum bum bum. another cuck bites the dust. I wonder what the faggots said/did to make him use a knife
he slit their throats and stabbed another person who tried to intervene
After the attack, Christian reportedly fled on foot from the Hollywood Transit Station to a nearby medical center, where he was soon apprehended by police. An amateur video published by the Oregonian appeared to show Christian taunting officers before his arrest.
Always archive activist blogs notorious for crap journalism and clickbait.
"Interfering in someone else's argument is as foolish as yanking a dog's ears." - (((Proverbs))) 26:17
Wow, this damn white supremacist had so many hatefilled posts on his super racist page on Racebook.
Oh wait, he was a lunatic leftist fedora who took a bullet to the head during a bank robbery and started a 'war' against all theologies and uneuphoric people?
the shooter
Good, fucking race traitor scum.
>people defending two low T tards
Shorts, white socks and black shoes.
This cunt deserves the death penalty for that alone.
Never never correct a Bernie bro when he's lecturing about free speech.
It might just cost you your life.
False Flag committing failure of a Communists
using Jewish tactics
>Watcha doing there rabbi.
Well, that should should certainly teach them a lesson about interfering with someone's freedom of speech.
Holy shit they were Reed Alums? This is what happens when you step out of the bubble.
This is what all white knights deserve tbwh senpai
Kek I dropped out of Reed. Was a bit too kooky.
And nothing of value was lost.
Totally fucking worth it! This shows all those white nationalist kooks and Gulag-dreaming Bernie Bros that we the people of Portland would rather die than let some crazy say something racist! As one of the whitest big cities in America, it is our duty to be the white knights of shame. We must thrust our limp wrists into the fray, screaming: "Get Out! Get the Fuck Out!" To all whom stand against us!
It's a shit show dude. Good school to go to if you don't want to network.
Wow, measured and balance.
Nice try Germany
>Fedora screams about supporting whatever side kills the most religious people of any type
>white supremacist