Why boys are failing?
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Pic related isn't failing. He's definitely succeeding.
Maybe bois should try being girls.
they aren't. sage. mods.
>wtf is that thumbnail
You gotta pay the troll toll, if you want this boy's hole
Thats a girl though.
zimbardo is the GOAT
Right. Because if a boi thinks he's a girl, he magically becomes a girl.
Feminism has fried your brain, SissySwede.
Sup /fit/
The person in that image is a biological female and not a biological male.
Pretty valuable video.
boys are failing because they cant compete in the power hierarchy because they dont lift (or try) so they become little manlets
>think its a girl
>attracted to her
>think its a trap
>even more attracted to her
What have I become...my sweetest friend...
>Why boys are failing?
>What have I become...
Those tits will not look like that after her 20th
>half time slag
Not outside of Sup Forums pls
that graph will change real soon
It's just because women these days are too out of rationalit that men have to go out and show them what is to be a woman by live demonstration.
Epidemic of single mothers neglecting their sons and not teaching them what needs to be done to succeed in life.
what I want to know is why is her left boob way bigger than the right one
does that thing have a benis?¿?¿?
found the perfect sextoy.
Oh, (((you)))
That graph is pretty much "as complexity and/or danger increases, female participation decreases"
capitalism died.
this is the most important post in this thread.
it will be ignored.
simply because pol is controlled.
most of it is probably fake.
most others don't want to change themselves.
what a joke.
this is the most important post you will see today.
i don't want a (You) i just want people to know that Keynesian economics is what destroyed the white race.
gas the keynesian kikes.
perspective and posture
>not participating in the rat race is a failure now
Jesus Christ, what a faggot.
Ha! this guy is cute.
These are pretty classic arguments. Pretty much just the usual call to traditional values.
I don't think it's perspective, if it's that then it's enhancing the difference
You can't see any sideboob for the right one
Boys aren't failing, society and their parents are failing them.
>they drop out of society because they are scared. So they stay in their digital world where they feel safe.
No, actually we're happy. It's society that is scared.
Young white males have been the innovators of human civilization and boomers managed to kill us.
>If you're not >6'2" Ottermode with 9/10 face, >6 inch dick with lots of girth and talk like Brad Pitt dont bother talking to her user
>If you dont have 10 years worth of professional experience and a PHD at age 21 dont brother applying for the job user
8/10 suicides are men
8-9/10 of homeless people are men
The life for 9/10 white males today is to work 24/7 to improve yourself so you one day can get lucky and become a beta provider for a used up roastie who hit the wall after getting fucked by 100+ guys and then divorce you and take your house + kid ( if it's even your kid )
The nuclear family is dead. The ZOGs won.
Hitler tried to save us but got destroyed by commies and jews uniting.
could also be the lense, or the focus, or maybe her tits are just more different than those of other women.
why is that important?
I know all tits aren't perfectly symmetrical but when I see that much asymmetry it triggers me
>The life for 9/10 white males today is to work 24/7 to improve yourself so you one day can get lucky and become a beta provider for a used up roastie who hit the wall after getting fucked by 100+ guys and then divorce you and take your house + kid ( if it's even your kid )
You surely overexaggarate.
No! I disagree. The age of male dampening in the US has taken over but it’s NOT over for the entire Earth. There are countries / cultures where the male is alive and well. They are thriving. One is Russia another area is the Middle East. These fuckers are tough. Think of it as a ebbing tide. The tide in the US is flowing out and the tide in other countries is filling up.
There’s going to be a great change where males will be back in control. Women and manlets who fail to embrace this fact will be eaten alive. I don’t give a shit how much money they have. If they fail to recognize the power of masculinity they are FUCKED.
This day is coming and coming soon.
> Start lifting
> Buy Guns
> Train to fight
show me your perfectly symmetrical tits
>No, actually we're happy.
>The life for 9/10 white males today is to work 24/7 to improve yourself so you one day can get lucky and become a beta provider for a used up roastie who hit the wall after getting fucked by 100+ guys and then divorce you and take your house + kid ( if it's even your kid )
So which one is it?
>Female teachers
>Actively oppressing masculinity in young boys
>Single mothers
to add to user's
wild monetary expansion "creates" money out of nowhere
at best, temporarily in hands of families and SME
normally, directly to short term investments
because every dollar is devalued, and family savings/SME actives don't grow as fast, it's basically a wealth transfer between them, and banks/state (via taxes)
I think his point is that men who are avoiding the roasties are happy (or at least less miserable than they would be raising kids who had a whore for a mother).
Most women haven't fucked more than 10 guys, and if they have it's easy to notice and you can get the fuck out of there
the matriarchy