Mark my words, he is /ourguy/
Go queer for Scheer today, Cancuckistan.
This man will gas the kikes
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The were worse candidates, but I'm still disappointed.
Im pretty happy with him t b h. Once i looked into his policies. A true tory
>A true tory
That's not a brag, leaf.
He'll be tarred and feathered in some sort of open mic scandal and branded a racist, sexist, xenophobic bigot who will bring Canada down than hold its people up and Trudeau will win another majority because Canadians are idiots
He's more libertarian than Harper, but that isn't saying much. Whoever won this leadership would shape the CPC, and Canadian politics as a whole, for decades. I hoped that we would see them become classical liberals or some other form of libertarian party, but no such luck, it seems.
The thing is, parties rarely change leader until they make major losses. We're most likely going to end up with a minority government in 2019, which will likely mean annual elections until someone is given a majority. So either we get someone barely better than Harper or another LPC (or god forbid NDP) government shoving SJW bullshit down our throats, poisoning the entire country.
At least it isn't Chong. :|
Harper v 2.0
>tfw when you'll never have a racist, sexist, xenophobic bigot as pm
What the fuck will i do with all my mad max memes.
File them away in the zip files of history.
If scheer is sodomized by the liberals in 2019, do you think it's likely we could have another leadership election?
Shove them up your ass, because now you're queer for Scheer, bitch.
yah an uncharismatic Jonah Hill is the best person to take down Justin
There were definitely worse, but I'm still not happy. He stands no chance of beating Trudeau even though everyone hates Trudeau. Holy fuck I hope the NDP better not step their game up or we're all fucked.
If the NDP can win in AB, they can take Ottawa too.
LOL at this country
Dont forget to vote for racewar. In 2019, vote NDP.
Were voting NDP, they will provoke anti-left sentiment and white nationalism. We might even get a radical right party out of it.
If they win another majority, yeah. It'll be another leadership convention. If it's a CPC or LPC minority (with CPC opposition), then we'll have to deal with going to the polls every year or so.
We might have Hitler in 6 years if we just force more marxism than the public can handle on them.
don't know what the fuck y'all're talking about, but godspeed leaf
We spent the entire last election attacking the NDP, I myself said it would be like a shotgun to the head instead of shooting yourself in the foot with Trudeau. My words.
I was wrong. Trudeau is just as bad for white people, because the less people hate him, the more acceptable it is what hes doing. Hes like moderate white genocide, instead of quick, fast, non-viable genocide. They start going door to door, and voting white peoples land away.. they have racewar.
Conservatives wont stop white genocide, but racewar might.
I just read your last post.
I was talking to my weapons dealer yesterday, and he talked about how hard the pendulum swings in the opposite direction when the country moves further left.
I'm into it. I'm going to larp as an NDPer from now until 2019 in public.
>tfw when your local surplus store sells Nazi gear, and no Soviet gear
Like we pushed conservative, Turdeau wasnt even seen as a threat.. we focused almost exclusively on the NDP, we barely had any anti-Trudeau memes at all.
Pic related is what we were working with, where as everyone knew the NDP were like communists. We didnt even have ammo against Trudeau.
Who is this faggot? Maxime Bernier was the obvious choice.
I dont think we will ever vote for a pro-white candidate ever again in Canada, the only voting Ill be doing is for the worst candidate.
20% white by 2060 is unacceptable, and as far as Im concerned, the government already declared war on white Canadians.
In terms you'd understand, our "Republicans" just had their "primary" for the 2019 election. Instead of getting Ron Paul, we got... IDK... Ted Cruz?
If NDP dont put this guy as a leader they will be doomed forever.
IMO we should infiltrate the NDP like the leftists did with the conservative party. Are they doing a vote selection too? Or just a party leadership decision? If we can pick the most anti-white candidate, even if they lose, they will scare the shit out of the public. They had some SJW in problem glasses, she was perfect.
No, we need them to vote-split the LPC.
Were talking about picking NDP because they are the worst candidate, not because they will split the liberal vote and get the conservatives in.
It's weird to think that this guy is younger than Trudeau.
I'm disagreeing with the premise that this will in any way help Canada.
Does he unconditionally support Israel?
You have to be a member of the NDP to vote for them which means you have to give them money. Plus you can't be a member of more than one party and most of us are already conservatives
It abosolutely amazes me how many university students want the commie NDP to take over.
I was visiting a friend a month ago in Hamilton, we went to a pub to watch hockey, and there was also a "politics" night going on in the next room, we went over to check it out, it was a bunch of NDP/Antifa plebs who were supporting some new NDP candidate.
My buddy was talking to one for like 15 minutes and at the end of the conversation my buddy says,
" I can agree with some things your saying, but i mean, how do you actually plan to get these changes done?"
The neckbeard with a fedora, (I am not fucking kidding) responds with, "Well there are more of us than them, so they'll have to obey"
I really am starting to believe all these radical left wingers are mentally ill.
There's your problem. That whole place is trash.
I might not help Canada, but it will help white Canadians. What Canadians need is a kick in the ass.
What Canadians need is to realize they cant just keep working their job, watching sports, drinking beer, going to strip clubs and beating off. There is a genocide going on, and the conservatives just mean 20% slower Genocide than the Liberals, and the liberals 20% slower than the NDP.
Ideally, there is no more sports, there is no more government oversight, there is no protection, there is no power. When these things happen, whites will stop the genocide.
When it becomes non-whites vs whites in one big hunger games, whites will win. Until then, we will lose.
Landslide Andy is a kike Muppet
Landslide Andy is a kike muppit
Landslide Andy is a kike Muppet
Landslide Andy is a kike muppit
Landslide Andy is a kike Muppet
Landslide Andy is a kike muppit
You're thinking of Israel
>The neckbeard with a fedora, (I am not fucking kidding) responds with, "Well there are more of us than them, so they'll have to obey"
Thats exactly what we need. Id elect that guy to PM today, if I could. There wont be more of them for long, if they are forced to see these people as their leadership. Thats who is really running the NDP, well, kikes are running it, but useful idiots like that spread the anti-white pro commie bullshit.
I would have prefered Max but Scheer is very solid on the important issues, we should try and push him to reduce immigration but overall he is fine.
What Im saying is I want the left to push for Zimbabwe while whites still have the majority, emboldened into provoking a conflict with the white majority. Threaten the white majority with the NDP.
I want every Canadian college and university to be Evergreen college. I want BLM to be the mayor of Toronto, and push for reparations. I want white land confiscated and given to blacks.
Its better it happens now, than later, when we cant defend ourselves from it. Make them push for the final solution before they are ready.
>Conservative minority in 2019
Nope. Without someone to stem the identity politics (Raitt, Bernier), Trudeau is going to waltz into another majority. Maybe slightly diminished, but the fact that he'll still carry Québec, the Maritimes, and S. Ontario means he's a guaranteed win.
(((Scheer))) is decent by Canadian standards. Do I think he has a chance to beat Trudeau? Unlikely.
Trudeau cant win if we rally the lemmings to vote NDP instead. If the NDP get in, whites stand a chance at surviving because we might actually say weve had enough. The country will fall apart and turn into a whites give to blacks welfare state, and when people start leaving with their money, it very well might devolve into civil war.
The solution isnt to bring in 15k syrians instead of 25k and 35k by the end of the year (PC, Lib, NDP promises in 2015)
The solution is to vote for for many "Syrians" that the government collapses into radical Nationalism and extrajudicial governance.
vote for so* many
Were also a tiny country and the worse the left destroys Canada, the better chance every other white country has of fighting back. We are like a propaganda victory in the form of a country. Canada is like Sweden. No one wants to end up like us. Well lets really show them what they dont want to be.
You seem to be drastically overestimating both Sup Forums and the political engagement of the mainstream Canadian population.
I overestimate neither. We elected Trump, and we can get the rest of the board participating if they understand they are making white countries great again by destroying Canada, helping white people by destroying the first post-national state.
I understand most Canadians have their heads in the sand. Thats why its possible for us to outright shill the NPD. We dont even have to try to put them in, even just a fake well poisoning attempt at pretending we are NDP. Go around passing out posters that say its racist to have white kids or something, and put "your local NDP supporters" on the bottom.
Antifa does it already.
You don't need to force it. It'll happen on its own. When the real estate market crashes and terrorist attacks keep happening, people will be confronted with the reality of what is going on whether they want to or not.
Would have preferred O'Leary over Max, but does anyone know what Scheer wants to do as PM?
It's not like he will ever become PM or anything. We're forever doomed living under Lord Waterhole.
Sup Forums was a meme generator that was useless without widespread support and collaboration from multiple bridges between the average person and the Internet. People like Milo, Hannity, and even Joe Rogan and the clueless pro-Democrat media making an ass of themselves, etc. that made people aware of the internet support for Trump.
Not to mention how Trump also appealed to just the right type of disillusioned Americans without Internet support.
Canadian politics is 100% dominated by identity now, and without a Franco, a woman, or a non-white in charge of the Conservatives, they can't beat Trudeau's strategy of copying Obama's plays.
He's basically a solid Conservative, he doesn't have a lot of issues that specifically distinctions him but there isn't anything is is really moderate on. One of his strongest stances is that he wants to deny federal funding from universities that don't support free speech. He's also talked against JTs refugee program and he's hinted at reducing immigration but nothing solid, which is why I think we should push him on the immigration issue.
That sounds good to me, i just wish his website had some details on what his plans are because all it seems i can do is fucking donate.
It had a list of his policies before but now all it says is "thank you" someone on metacanada did archive it however
He's a goofier-looking, beta version of Stephen Harper. I don't dislike him, but he will never defeat Trudeau Junior in an election. We're stuck with the Liberals until 2023.
>opposes marijuana legalization
He said he won't do anything about it once it is already legalized which according to the liberal's timetable it should be.
They're going to drag their feet on it as long as they can and you know it.
They have already laid out a specific timetable so they would have to go back on that. More importantly destroying your entire country because you want legal weed is the most cucked and degenerate thing possible. Especially considering it was already practically legal under Harper.
Gays have balls. The right is the jewish wing. None of your post makes any sense but you know this. Gib sheggels bls
It was the highest rated part of their platform and they decided it was more important to bring in a fuckton of Syrians and pass shit like Bill C-6 than legalizing weed.
>hamilton is shit
>NDP are commies
>we attacked them too much
>didnt attack them enough
>be gay for Scheer
>here is a trudeau penis picture
>all parties ban other members
>all of them need donations
>it's like $5 to become NDP
Just shut up and vote orange
I've been discussing this with the family. If the conservatives look like they will lose more votes approaching election time (they probably will) then we need to shill for NDP. There is no fixing the liberalism disease until people experience the pain it will eventually give us. We can rise from the ashes but until we burn there will be no recovery.
Trudeau's reaction upon hearing this news.