How is this not terrorism?

If you fight terror by terrorizing your own, then you doing ISIS's job for them. White power movements are growing everyday, in 10 years, as whites become more of a minority, we may have a bunch of timethy mcveighs all around the country. how is that a good thing?

Other urls found in this thread:

Please archive media notorious for bad journalism and clickbait. Thank you.

i didnt know we have bots here. Am i on reddit?

Terrorism is a means to an end. That end is the destruction of Western Civilization.
White Nationalism and even White Supremacy are not looking to end Western Civilization. That's why it's not terrorism.
Also, turns out the perp was a Bernie Bro. kek

Not a bot.

the guy was literally schizo tho

Terrorism works, so...

I guess that's why he supported Bernie Sanders.
Makes sense now.

What the niggers in Evergreen college did was terrorism, thats self defense you fucking scmuck. Terrorism is when you DEMAND POLITICAL CONCESSIONS IE SHARIA IN WHITE COUNTRIES and then START ACTING VIOLENTLY TO ACHIEVE IT

Thats islam, guess who made no political demands. Dylann Roof. Anders Breivik, etc etc. They went and killed the enemy, that was it. They might have said why, but they didnt demand shit.

2 dumbfucks come up to you and tell you to stop harassing someone, you slash their throats. No political demands, no terrorism.

You however love terrorism, mr sandnigger, youre here defending it, trying to obscure its lines so that you can say other people do it too. Youre just scum, please get blown up.


>how is that a good thing?

It's the only way you get what you want.

So, it's great.

its not terrorism because hes a berniefag and terrorism = power + privilege

He has extreme, beautiful autism. I see him spamming his pasta every day and it makes me smile

Red extremist supporting Bernie
red-on-red violence
try again

Don't worry, when we reach the RWDS stage it won't be a random stabbing, you'll know it when you see it.

>dem mental gymnastics

Its terrorism. Not very effective, but its terrorism.

Terrorism is the use of, or the threat of violence against a civilian population to achieve a political, religious or otherwise ideological goal.

What was the guy trying to achieve and why?

>How is this not terrorism?
It seems like this was a random act by an unstable person and not planned. It doesn't really fit the definition.

We define what terrorism is. Whites against woryhless shitskins is not terrorism.

Terrorism is Guerilla Warfare to achieve a Political End based on some Ideology.
A stabbing is not Guerilla Warfare and there is no solid ideology to work off of.
You're making a categorical error.

>Bernie Bro

This will go away quietly now. It doesn't fit their narrative.

It is terrorism the moment Black Lives (Don't) Matter is recognized as a terrorist group.

Your move, retards.

If it was terrorism why didnt he go out to set fear to the other passengers amd attempt more damage. There was no clear obiective it looks like, just an escalated scuffle. What was actually said?

Terrorism is a specific act designed to instill "terror" in a populace in order to force political/combat/cultural concessions. Without clear instructions and goals, an act of violence isn't any more "terroristic" than any other crime.

If ISIS is telling their lone wolves to randomly stab everyone that argues with them, that's terrorism. If it's just a single radical that flipped his shit, he's just a murderer.

All the shithead liberals that have brought these shitskins into our country to kill us are effectively terrorists. Their goal is the destruction of western civilization and these acts by proxy are how they'll achieve it.

Good post, for a leaf.

>how is whites not spreading their asshole and sobbing miserably not a good thing

Sup Forumstards ETERNALLY BTFO'd


>exercising your right to free spech
>attacked by literal communists for doing so
>stab them both to death

Looks like self defence to me.

It was self defense by a Commie libcuck retard hobo

Damn racist Trump supporters going around trying to murderrape innocent Muslim women with their tiny white knifecocks...

Oh wait, you mean he was a rabid Bernie supporter, posted hate to Trump until at least March on his public facebook (strangely taken down now) and regularly discussed his completely insane bullshit?

White traitors dies and somehow people find a way to bitch about it.... BAKA


Pick one and only one, retard

by definition terrorism is an act that kills. white power advocates rarely kill people. they used to kill niggers, but that certainly isn't a bad thing, and if the uppity black population continues their niggering by pushing white people, they will start lynching nig nogs again most likely

See the whole point of terrorism is to make people afraid of doing what they did and to change how they live. That isn't what happened here.

I like that shirt.


It actually encouraged more people to step in. I still want to know if they actually attacked the guy? Or how aggressive they were? They frame it as the guys were like, "Hey stop", and then got their throats cut

Have you noticed this place? There are definitely lots of Timothy McVeighs here. It's just a dumping ground for edgy teens to act smart about their simplistic race-based rage. They'll soon turn into adults that will do like the wack-job in portland because they can'at handle life

all the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run... faster then my bullet.

Stupid virtue signaling whites interupted a man in a rage, thinking they would get a standing ovation from other passengers.

Darwin in action

Suicide bombs dumbass




This dude isn't a white nat. He's just unhinged. He was a bernie supporter who was talking about tracking down and killing Hillary donors.

>not just a mentally ill guy ranting on the max

Spent the last two years in Portland, and guess what: it's the same as every other city. Public transport attracts the fucking crazies.

20$ this guy wasn't some anti Muslim white supremacist, but rather some fucking loon who went off his meds 3 years ago.

You know what you do with crazies on public transport? You fucking ignore them.

>Terrorism is Guerrilla Warfare

looks like he was angry Trump won, or decided to go with the trends? Isnt he labeled a white supremacist? There are pics of him doing the nazi salute... This guy is confusing.

Pasta from last thread

Dude was a Bernie supporting rabid Anti Trump faggot.

His posts

Trump supporters telling him to leave a rally where he tried to join us and act like a Nazi Sympathizer among us

Archive Links to his facebook posts

Yeah the shirt looks like something ISIS would wear but its written white pride instead of Allah Akbar. ISIS really done a number on you guys.

By that retarded-ass leaf """logic""" the Manchester bomber of peace was also not making any demands when he blew the literal fuck of those whores-in-training.
Voila, no terrorism.

If every nigger stabbing people would be an act of terrorism ghettos would have gotten nuked a long time ago

You got that right.

you sir, are a faggot

I apologize for my fellow leaf, it's still cold here so brain freeze happens from time to time. I'll get the rake.

Not being ashamned of your race when the norm is to be apologetic and having pride == literally terrorists.

Holy fuck people like you are the reason stuff like OP pic related exists in the first place.

Whites fighting against their demographic replacement is never wrong.

If white power types want to win they had better memorize this order of who to take the fight to:

Jews first. They provide the brains, money and media coverage that drives white self hatred. Without Jews, the anti white movement can't think clearly.

White self haters second. They provide the real muscle that enforces white replacement. Without them the anti white movement can't fight effectively.

After those two, you can start to clean up the rest of society without your enemy being able to effectively resist you. Taking on any other group before those two provides your enemy with a major propaganda victory and removes problem children from their midst. This means they will have no strings holding them back from you. Be smart, win the war.

> I, a mudshit will lecture you on how to ISIS
> I, a godless goatfucker know better than you about moral behavior.
Uhm try again sweety.

Because it is merely an overdue pushback on the religion of terror.

Did you really expect to keep attacking your neighbors for years and not expect them to fight back?

This Ramadan will be the worst the religion of Piss has ever experienced.

White Knights die first

it's a good thing because we terrorize the white cucks into not being fags and we also kill muslims
this shit needs to start happening every day

i long for the day we firebomb mosques and nigger bars


White nationalism/pride =/= ISIS philosophy

Saying something like that is the same when you put up a flag saying "Pride of being an Egyptian" and as soon as you see, somebody says "ayoooo HOL UP" and another person turns and say "you are all fucking filthy muslims!!".

Israel is our true enemy, Manuel, muslims are only playing a role.

if i'm on a subway and 3 random dudes attack me and i defend myself with force - i would expect to not be charged. This man did nothing wrong. Voicing an "Illegal Opinion" doesn't give 3 thugs the right to place harm on you without consequence. I fully expect this mans charges to be dropped.

Terrorism is when you attack a nation

This guy was literally defending his nation from Muslim invasion, he should get a medal of honor.

>How is this not terrorism?
I wish it was but we are not quite there yet.
Whites must understand that
>Justice is NOT law
>Laws are for people who need them
And then we will be there.
But a positive sign of rising white organization I'm slowly starting to see in rising frequency is white men and some women out humiliating businesses, which is good since the biz industry depends on women for 90% of it's sales. If they don't meet those demands, business loses power.
Which is exactly why they kiss their ass so much. Pandering to niggers is pointless since they just spend it on crack and STD treatment anyway. It's hilarious when I think about it.
You may say that I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one....

Because he was a democrat

Good point here. Look up Francis Marion.

>How is this not terrorism?

A man was exercising his right to free speech in public. He was violently and physically confronted by two individuals and was forced to defend himself. How the fuck do you link this to terrorism?

Thats what a bot would say

yeah you can't do that in America only in your shithole nation

Hello World!

He's a nut case felon. He got shot in the face trying to commit a robbery.

>How is this not terrorism?
1) It's retaliatory
2) It's in defense against an invading force
3) It's not organized

he's a jewish bernie bro

you replied in 15 seconds. in another thread, it only took you 8 seconds.
you can't copy a URL, paste it into, wait 7 seconds for the archiving to complete, then with the remaining second, type out that sentence and paste the final archive link and "

Takes less than a sec to get the URL even for something that hasn't been saved yet. Go submit something and see for yourself.

Then stop being a woman and learn to code so you can automate tedium.

>Go submit something and see for yourself
it took 15 seconds

>learn to code so you can automate
which you say condescendingly, meaning you're proudly admitting you're using a bot, which i never said i had a problem with, just the fact that you're going to great lengths to lie about it in an attention whoring fashion

Automation of tedious tasks doesn't make you a bot. Are you a bot for having bookmarks? You didn't type the url in yourself. You're a hacker.

>it took 15 seconds
And that's a lie.

no it isn't. i archived a new washingtonpost article and it took 15 seconds.
you have less of a chance of being banned if you passively run your service without manually jumping in and spreading these bizarre lies every single time.
you rapidly cancel out the benefit of your service when you consistently shit up those very same threads by spamming these pointless arguments where you continuously lie about the non-issue of the fact that you're running a bot.
the hard dick you have for your own internet presence makes it transparently obvious you're fresh off the reddit boat. you think you fit in here but you still haven't shaken your demented aspiration of becoming a Unidan or GallowBoob. humble yourself and assimilate properly you border-hopping faggot.

Why these rants, and why stick to obvious lies?

When you hit submit on it redirects you to the archive url in under a second and that's it, job done.

So then blacks want genocide?

Good and bad are social constructs.

So he was a Bernie supporter that got redpilled?

This. Seems like these type events are more about mental illness than white supremacy.

>Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche
What the fuck kinda name is this?