Is he right?
Well Sup Forums?
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sources say that Trump is never correct and is the worst president.
abovementioned sources are NOT my butthole.
they have zero accountability. Why not?
Sources say you ate my ass
>Hey guys, you should tell me who the people saying bad things about me are, so I can use my political power to punish them for personal reasons.
If he really thinks anything illegal is going on, or that they are lying, he can sue. But he doesn't, because he knows he will lose.
Active measures.
sources say you can suck it up your down chute princess. :)
Jews own the courts. We have an explanation for everything, you cannot beat our stupidity.
Why are you being so melodramatic?
Sources say ask again later
That's the dumbest post i've read all day.
>Sources say
Depends on the credibility of the network
If you blindly accept "sources say" from places like Washpo who never follow up with hard evidence, you're a moron.
Trump is also literally planting fake stories to catch leakers.
Does he have evidence of mainstream media sources manufacturing false news? No, or else he would have given it.
Whenever Trump claims something and doesn't mention evidence...
... it is very possible that those claims are made up by fake reality Trump.
So the fake news is coming from Trump?
In terms of mental acrobatics that's a fucking 1080. I cannot believe how mindcucked you people are.
>The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. But they are not stops on some linear timeline in grief.
should be to
Okay, here's the thing. I can totally understand the necessity to keep sources anonymous when there is any chance that revealing their name may put them in actual danger of retribution, physical or otherwise. I don't think that disallowing such a thing would be in the best interest of anyone whatsoever.
But how am I, as an average reader, supposed to gauge the truthfulness and credibility of an anonymous source? Do I simply put my faith in the fact that the publication has done their due diligence? How am I supposed to take the fact that in many of these cases it's only one publication that has actually claimed to have vetted the source, while the dozens of other articles from other publications are simply reporting that this other publication is reporting it until the narrative that it is true is created?
I guess what I'm saying is, I have no objection to using anonymous sources in articles, but don't expect me as a reader to believe a single word until I can put names to faces.
>But how am I, as an average reader, supposed to gauge the truthfulness and credibility of an anonymous source? Do I simply put my faith in the fact that the publication has done their due diligence? How am I supposed to take the fact that in many of these cases it's only one publication that has actually claimed to have vetted the source, while the dozens of other articles from other publications are simply reporting that this other publication is reporting it until the narrative that it is true is created?
Sue them if you think they are lying.
>from places like Washpo
Washington Post was about to fail when Bezos (from Amazon) bought it as a mouthpiece for 250 million.
When the Trumptrain looked like it was going to reach the station, Bezos pumped at least 20million into WaPo specifically to slander Trump on a daily basis. An entire newsroom was created to dig up dirt (or make it up) about Trump every day.
Places like WaPo will "never follow up with hard evidence" because they're 100% unedited propaganda. They will spend Trump's entire presidency printing lies and rumors with a straight face because they're literally getting paid to do it.
And then there's all the dirty business Bezos has been doing with the CIA.
doesn't matter, his mindcucked supporters will believe anything
yeah goy, just blindly accept what everyone says as fact and you won't have an issue
I mean, there were WMDs in Iraq, so i don't get what everyone was complaining about.
I don't (always) think that they're actually intentionally lying. I just choose not to place my faith in the alleged words of someone who is anonymous. Hence why I believe pretty much nothing that I read here unless I can verify it elsewhere.
Before, the press had some amount of respect, responsibility, and accountability. It was rare for them to rely solely on an "anonymous source" for an entire story -- usually, an anonymous source would lead to them digging up verifiable facts and evidence they could use to corroborate the story -- but when they did publish a story on the word of an anonymous source, they were putting their careers and their paper on the line, because it was all riding on how trustworthy they were.
Nowadays, that is no longer the case. There's a bunch of different causes for this. There's the fact that the news cycle has gotten so fast that it's very difficult to keep up, and there's so much information available now that it's hard to keep track. Clickbait websites also drastically changed the way news is written and consumed, and even big name major news sources are using clickbait titles that flat out lie in order to catch eyes, which is bad when a lot of readers don't read beyond the title (meaning they're reading lies).
When Donald Trump talks about fake news, he's not wrong. He's echoing what other people are thinking, and their thoughts and opinions are entirely valid since they're rooted in facts.
BOTTOM LINE: No, you cannot trust the news any more.
A person familiar with the situation says that I did not.
Rationality is dying. This is what makes me so nervous about the future of the world. The msm throws a barrage of unverifiable stories everyday and people panic and speak, think and act irrationally. Meanwhile Muslims blow shit up every week and the US government reaches what seems to be an all time high level of corruption. Are we doomed? Did we already lose?