How comes 100% white country are poor shitholes?
How comes 100% white country are poor shitholes?
Every somewhat economically relevant country isn't white
Because without a nigger, we are the nigger
Because slavs are the lowest-quality members of the white race. The only reason anybody on Sup Forums respects them is that they're still white. If all European nations were 100% white, Slavs would be the runt of the litter, as they have always been. The only saving grace of Slavs is that they aren't flooded with non-whites, and that's probably because their own whiteness is rather questionable.
I don't mind slavic people migrating in the west but they're not the same kinds of white people that you'll find in western europe.
Oh, you mean like Switzerland? Iceland? Finland?
Show me ONE non-asian country that is close to 0% whites that isn't a poor shithole. Take your time.
Switzerland has 23.3% immigrans
Iceland is pretty poor
Finland is not white
>Switzerland has 23.3% immigrans
The immigrants are fench, german or italian
We are 100% white BECAUSE we are shitholes. No gibsmedats, no immigrants.
Hi Yusef
gonna bomb a Britney Spears concert next?
Compared to black countries they are nirvana.
Ultimately because we lost WWII.
Slavs are origin of word Slave. You enslave the retards who are too dumb do anything about it. Once niggers and others came along as widespread slaves the Slavs got a bit of a break. Why keep retard white skins down when shitskins are plentiful and cheaper.
and 3.8% from Turkey
Thus Switzerland is much less white compared to Ukraine
yes, if Germany won, there would be no poor Ukraines
And Bosnians. And Turks. And further more Albanians (Kosovars)
they are 100% white because they are poor, if they weren't poor, minorities and niggers would flood it in no time
>$50.000 GDP(PPP) per capita
>pretty poor
Also no social safety net. Most smart slavs gtfo
>Slavs are origin of word Slave
this isn't even remotely true you stupid nigger
why do burgers and leafs make it a habit to post in european threads when all of them are brainless and uneducated in terms of history, culture, and political climate of europe?
this guy gets it
western nations' original sin is selling out their values and religions for muh comfort & muh iphone, Re: boomers
making fun of EE in the 70s and 80s because they had no VCR, no color TV, who's laughing now
Because in all the wealthy places there are subhumans leeching welfare.
Easy, you say that those countries aren't white, now 100% white countries are not poor shitholes.
they live next to russians and were influenced by russian """""""""culture"""""""""
it's like living next to spain, you'll never develop properly with utter niggers chimping out every couple of decades to conquer you
Middle English: shortening of Old French esclave, equivalent of medieval Latin sclava (feminine) ‘Slavic (captive)’: some South Slavic peoples had been reduced to a servile state by conquest in the 9th century.
>Iceland is pretty poor
what? i thought germans were good economists?
Compared to welche, Ahmädchen?
>How come yuropoor shitholes are 100% white?
[citation needed]
>Thus, the Slav ethnonym at first denoted the southern group of the Early Slavs. This ethnonym is attested by Procopius in Byzantine Greek as Σkλάβοι Sklaboi, Σkλαβηνοί Sklabēnoi, Σkλαυηνοί Sklauenoi, Σθλαβηνοί Sthlauenoi, or Σkλαβῖνοι Sklabinoi,[6] while his contemporary Jordanes refers to the Sclaveni in Latin.[7]
>The oldest documents written in Old Church Slavonic and dating from the 9th century attest Cлoвѣнe Slověne to describe the Slavs. Other early Slavic attestations include Old East Slavic Cлoвѣнѣ Slověně for "an East Slavic group near Novgorod".
>The Slavic autonym *Slověninъ is usually considered a derivation from slovo "word", originally denoting "people who speak (the same language)", i.e. people who understand each other, in contrast to the Slavic word denoting "foreign people"
>The English term slave derives from the ethnonym Slav. In medieval wars many Slavs were captured and enslaved, which led to the word "slav" becoming synonym to "enslaved person".
>The English term slave derives from the ethnonym Slav.
get the fuck out of my thread
What. You just recently decided to fuck your shit up. By your logic african nigger countries should be at the top.
9.5/10 qt
We're richer on average than you and America
>african nigger countries should be at the top
But USA, Germany, France and UK are actually at the top :^)
>implying slavs are white
Damn Mohammad , just because you are in germany doesn't make you german.
If slavs are white then so are mongolians, turks, koreans and japanese, and most of asian syberians.
fucking retard
id rather be poor and white than rich and raped by niggers
Gee, I wonder why that could be kraut?
>said the Rich murican that soon will a non white country filled with niggers and latino brown.
I really think danes flemish and Dutch are the only whites left.
That dress does not suit her whatsoever, Macron's fake wife is hideous.
im white should I kms?
Hey Achmed, are you using the McDonalds Wifi
The Refugeecenter called us, to tell you to go back!
luckily for you, in America, you can have both
There are 100% white countries that aren't perpetually fucked eastern slav shitholes?
geeee, I really do wonder why...
You don't say.. She's 64 years old. What the hell was she thinking?
Honestly, only a full niqab would suit her. Luckily that will be mandatory soon anyway.
Because migrants don't go to poor shitholes, and rich whiteys are weak af, only asians manage to conserve strength when rich and that's only because they don't just use wealth as social signifier.
This. In a true show of ultimate feminism Germany will soon remove all rights for women.
White people use their wealth as a social currency to make everyone else jack them off over how fantastic and rich they are.
Fixed that for you.
Because you screwed them over after during and after WW1 and because of gommunism and again you screwed them after gommunism as well.
It's backwards: because they're shitholes, they're 100% white, not because they're 100% white, they're shitholes.
fun fact in 1989 GDP per capita was higher in ukraine then in poland
They're still a million times better than all the shitskins walking around here. They're like water compared to lemonade in a desert of dhiarrea
>just recently
Yes and no, the import of non-Euros started already as the Turks or Iranians came to West G*rmany as well as some Africans or Vietnamese came to the GDR in the 60s.
But yeah personally I would throw all the non-Euros as well as the fucking Elderly down the gutter since they keep fucking up the mentality and economy of the younger ones.
>White people make country rich in Western Europe.
>Brown people destroy their country.
>See rich white country.
>Give us money, OR ELSE!
That's want they want. Who am I to say no.
Because why would niggers and other shitskins emigrate to anything but the easiest and most profitable societies to leech off?
Hey, you ain't lying, they so collectively fucking brain dead it's a joke at this point.
Slavs are unquestionably white for the most part and still shitholes. An Ukrainian woman in Vikings is playing a nordcuck. Gaynazi aut-right ideology btfo. How will Richard Spencer ever recover?
>Implying sub-human gypsies are slavs
gyspies are indo-european that have indo-aryan language
"Islam is the second largest religion in the Netherlands after various forms of Christianity, practiced by 4% of the population according to 2012 estimates. The majority of Muslims in the Netherlands belong to the Sunni denomination."
You may call yourself dutch but you are german,a germanic tribe, speak germanic language.
Do not mistake skin color to "white" white people tend to be less aggresive and work together.
Slavs don't
Turks don't
Koreans don't
Koreans are individualists as fuck will let their best friend die in the ditch who has lost his honor
Turks are zerg, requires good leadership otherwise you saw what happend few months ago with the military coup.
Slavs behave like niggers (slavs come from slaves, meaning "white" values never develop since they don't breed the best genes forward.
I think of it as a cultural eugenics programs where only the best individuals get to breed in the case of germanic tribes
Those individual that share the burden, work hard, pay 60%, those people that sacrificed themselfs to hyper industrilize central european and north sea, and also Northen part of the USA.
Thus Slavs are niggers of europe, since they lacked a system where you root out the shitty genes.
white people (europeans) lower aggresion towards each other build gg nations
sub-humans (niggers,sand-niggers) too aggresive to do shit, often rape,steal,murder each other
>Why is this true
The cold , northen countries where is cold and you have 10 people build a house, means all 10 get to survive and breed, if one is a aggresive faggot he gets exiled and dies in the cold
Warm countries people are shit
No need to work together, you can happily rape someone and run away, happily steal and have more.
As in, if i hit you and kill you.. i'll rape your wife (more children), take yo shit (am wealthy) all gud.
>Glorious caliphate of Germanistan
thinking of taking the slavpill to escape the cuckening.
It's the commie Russians fault
sometimes i wish we let lenin through in 1920
I know you're meming, but I'll still bite:
Any Western nation, Switzerland included, that is somewhat wealthy and suffers from the disease of cosmopolitanism attracts immigrants.
Thus, the ethnic diversity of Western nations today is a CONSEQUENCE of their wealth, not the SOURCE of it.
By claiming that only ethnically diverse nations are wealthy (I know you're not really claiming this, because only a retard would actually think this, but many of the posts in this thread basically imply as much) you are committing a classic logical fallacy: that correlation implies causation. The correlation here is that wealthy Western nations in 2017 are all ethnically diverse and becoming increasingly enriched. The causation would be this implication: if a nation is ethnically diverse then it is wealthy.
You need only look to Asia: wealthy nations, ethnically homogeneous.
How about luxemburg?
Tell that to her eyes, that she isn't white. Go on. TELL HER SHE ISN'T WHITE !!!!!1111
don't know shit about luxemburg but isn't it village-sized? whatever you find there is not applicable in country-sized countries (or hell, even cities).
>"Finland is not white" t. Achmed
As the light fades from them or just in general Cuz I'm up for either.
reminder "white" often times means germanic because this is a meme
sadly (((they))) are making sure that the values that made central european great, and USA great are dying out, so that there won't be a competitor anymore so that (((they))) can control easily to manipulate people such as nigger.
Proof of concept
Warren Buffet, one of the richest man in the world, gives himself 100k dollars a year salary, and has power, if he wanted to crash the world economy he could in a blink of the eye.
Kayne made milions and milions of dollars
Now has a dept of 70 milion, he falls prey to consumerism easily.
Making women single mothers, race mixing, and de-masculinization of white men, is a ploy to weaken the white race and slowly replace it with chimps who will never be able to work together and be a problem for (((them)))
See (((their))) influences and changes in sweden in the last 30 years.
i recomand these fast to listen cucknanada another proof of concept of (((their))) intentions
That's a hard pill to swallow coming from you, and I actually do mean that in the nicest way.
As you're destroying her boipucci
Because they were under communism for decades.
You know she first got married 4 years before Macron was even born.
>Your average romanian immigrant
Are romanians even human?
Also to add more about germanic eugenics programs and proof of it's sucess.
See german imigration (central european) in the USA, and industrialization.
Pure coincidence
I wonder why Mexico and South America never had the hyper instrulization of the USA. They were colonized first and also more slaves were Bought from africa.
Really makes you think.
Thats because Spain and Portugal exported their shitty genetics to the Americans leaving their visigoths (germanic) DNA in the rich and smart people who owned land and were rich in Spain/Portugal.
Not sure, still trying to hash that out via Sup Forums.
Dress is too big on her.
Shalom, don't get buttmad mr. Sholomo, i mean no harm
I support Greater Isreal, it's the only way we can have true peace. By giving the jews what Moses promised them 4000 years ago.
Isreal is good containment country to make Jews happy, thus i support it and protect it. here have 5$ for your light bill.
But tell me the truth my judan friend, do you hate your love your USA judan brothers that give you a bad name?
I've often talked with Judan from Isreals and they hate New york Jews, or Jews that live and fuck shit up in the world/USA
Now how about we work togehter and make this shithole called Earth GREAT AGAIN !
Recovering from communism still, poor bastards
the kikes are leeching off of you dumbasses
Well you got me, I'm not at your point yet, but I don't think you're full of shit.
Because of Communism
pick one and only one
One does not simply forget the scars of communism
>slavs are the lowest-quality members of the white race.
Says the formerly eternal anglo
Because poor post-soviet countries don't attract a lot of immigrants in the first place (they'd rather go to Western Europe)
What about Britain in the 20s, basically 100% white, America also before all the non whites moved in
I just wanted to bait you tbqh famalam.
Romanians are our greatest allies, you can join us in world domination.
You really could have either one in America though, like if you move to any of the states that border Canada you can easily get away from niggers and other shitskins.
Squat-Monkeys are our niggers, we have to accept it in order to move on.