Danish women attacked by muslims

Danish women attacked by muslims

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Can I fuck her? No? Then she has no value for me and don't care what happens to her.

Well no shit, you're Muslim scum. This isn't aimed at you.

Why won't she be thankful for being culturally enriched? Racist fuck!

>better make a video
>not calling the police
god, people are stupid


>She's making a video! She can't have called the police already. She can't be making the video to document her experience immediately before memories fade away, to present to the police once she has contact with them. That would be impossible! God, people are stupid.

kill yourself, retard

I fucked Your dad in ass

what does she want? a MAN to save the day? Has she forgotten the current year?

Can't believe this blatant Islamophobia and racism goes on even in Denmark. She needs to learn some respect for other's cultures.

you're so dependent on police. im so sad for you.

www.facebook com/pressearbeitmarcowruck/videos/1801236700191888/?autoplay_reason=user_settings&video_container_type=0&video_creator_product_type=2&app_id=350685531728&live_video_guests=0

German women attacked by migrants.

Wow what an intolerant racist.

I would gladly let a Muslim kick my dog to show him how tolerant I am of the religion of peace.

your police is not the same as ours, oh and, go grab a bag of dicks and choke on them You silly goose.

i thought Danes were supposed to be good looking?
the Muslims can have them.

They vote for this shit to virtue signal to those around them until reality hits them hard.

Watch how she will beg for feminism and complain about men in general for being attacked.

Can't wait to btfo that dane in Sup Forums in ten years

Police will not do much, but if they get sentenced the worst thing they will get is being sent to a luxury prison and released in a few years.

>Police will not do much
stereotypical thinking

no no no

she was just culturally enriched

they gud migrants the dindu nufin wrong

The men on the train a showing these bitch's how many wives they will take in their new country...


Old af

Wonderful, post more news about white women suffering from their own policies. I will only care if the men are affected.

Is she not fat enough for you?

why is her hair shaved

Yea! I love muslims now, islam religion of peace, not all muslims, #stonesofpeace, dog is a small price to pay for the wonderful enrichment, islam brings worth in gold to europe, #lovenothate

that vid is at least three years old, and nobody in Denmark really cares about it except Danskernes Parti

I see a trend of you guys focusing solely on the negative Muslim stories while completely ignoring the positive ones

Pic related

Not sure it is

Not gonna lie, Danish makes you sound retarded when you're hysterical.

>those teeth
>that language

This, this thread is full of bigoted assholes. They take Isolated incidents and then blame 1.8 billion people for it. They're pretty much like sjw's here. A lot of Muslims are great people, it's a great religion, and i'm not pleased with all the hate.

Did she say black and Muslims? If not, she should be kicked again.

you mean we should focus on humans acting normally?
lol what have the world come to, we should make a fuss when people actually behave like people rather than make a fuss about people acting like animals

> They take Isolated incidents

At first I thought she had a speech impediment, but then I saw the flag.

WHoooooo cares. Scandi men are beta faggots who can't do shit. Women keep voting for more muslim immigrants. No sympathy desu

>focusing solely on the negative Muslim stories

It's like you've never been to Scandinavia. If you call the cops after something like this happens then you are gonna be the one who ends up in jail for not being tolerant enough and accepting the cultural enrichment :^)

It is not isolated cases, the massive sexual assaults in Cologne revealed it is a mass phenomenon.

Muslims are smelly, look ugly, most are welfare recipients, otherwise they are selling junk food at kebab shops or are dealing drugs, they are responsible for most crime including rape, they drain valuable resources from us while not contributing, their culture is shit, they always act in the interest of their group at the expense of ours, they vote only in their interest, they want to conquer and islamise us, they are disrespectful, most of them blatantly hate us. Therefore, we must get rid of the Muslim vermin.

20% of 1.8b hold radical beliefs. 360m sister fucking illiterates ready to mooch off of your nations productive classes. Thankfully we've got a lot of guns in the US

It's women's fault that all the muslims are here in the first place.

You've got to love women in high positions of power in your defense apparatus


Did they find your town rapist yet?

I bet she voted for the people who enabled the muslims into her country to begin with.

>positive ones
what fucking positive stories you stupid shit?
i helped an old black man with a walker cross the street last week. i had to get out of my vehicle and walk into the intersection to help this man should that be reported in the fucking news? acting like a fucking human?

Well, Denmark wanted to be multicultural. Too bad that the ones arguing for it didnt know that tolerance isnt a virtue that is held in high regard in other cultures.

This, remember how they throw gays off of buildings and shoot up their nightclubs? We need to remember the positives they're doing for society.



it's not, you can see it's in a bun in the back. Plus, you can see the stay hair on the sides of her neck that didn't reach the band clamping all the hair back.
She looks like shit because of something that happened earlier.... she might be complaining about it, idk