Brit/pol/ - Based Jews edition

>Jews the third highest religious group to vote for brexit

>BA flights cancelled due to IT crash - now flying again

>UK terror threat level reduced to severe

>More than half of voters do not know who Tim Farron is

>Katie Hopkins to leave LBC immediately after "Final Solution" tweet

>Corbyn gets NEILED

>Corbyn Speech: UK foreign policy boosted terrorism and "Austerity has to stop at the A&E ward and at the police station door"

>RAF write "Love from Manchester" on ordinance

Other urls found in this thread:


corbychev is falling


first for slipping the missus the rodger on a saturday night.

It's her fault for being so beautiful

I would genuinely feel bad for Corbyn if he lost by 1 percent.

purple surge lads

It's gonna be a double digit tory lead




>Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never settles anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms.


Umm sweetie that's a bit insensitive don't you think? I hope you're not planing on any face sitting or aggressive penetration

Lib Dems surge confirmed

I can't watch these videos without being genuinely triggered.

>that UKIP drop


How is election day already almost upon us? I've done absolutely nothing over the last month

Is Corbyn really going to do better than Millimeme?

33% BASED Muslims

no party can get me a gf

not voting

based Anglican master race.

imagine living in the country!

Cromwell and Jews destroyed Britain. Usury is destroying the world.

He's regained some of the Labour vote from UKIP

>just found out my sister has a nigger boyfriend
>In mid-May just 31 per cent of women planned to vote for Labour, but that has rocketed to 40 per cent this week.


I feel bad for you, and at the same time am jealous of your freedoms, and at the same time can look on you to make me feel better about my own country.

Do whatever you can to break them up.

>black college students can't even use proper english

Son, sort them out. Finish them.

Simon. You need help. It isn't a real hand job you're feeling. It's an imaginary persona that you've invented. Are you even old enough to post here? Prove it, Simon.

I think it could be due to the decline of the SNP and UKIP and they're recuperating previous losses. Milliband was dealt a shit hand. I have no doubt that if he was leader right now he would do much better than Hugo Corbez.


>He emerged as an unlikely sex symbol during his party's leadership contest.

on june the 8th, the fate of a nation will be decided.
when you go into that polling booth, remember flopsy the bunny, and vote against communism

We can always count on you lad.

every time: the MSM do a piece on how Africa is still a shithole and the nogs are dancing for the camera.

I'm just trying to make it work out here without just giving up and fucking all the colored wimmenz because whats the fucking point of trying to find a trad white qt gf who isn't fucking fat in this worthless country.
During one point in the video two of the girls were having trouble reading off a piece of paper. It only had fucking buzzwords on it. They're a race of people who can't fucking read.
yes sir?

wait theres a vote on?

t.cave dweller

that fucking islam remain stat!

The last one before Corbyn (pbuh) ends the outdated concept of """""democracy""""""


>Jews the third highest religious group to vote for brexit
Second loser

>The Fool
>The Thinker
accurate metaphor

their empire will end once the baby boomers die. all empires end.

All jokes aside, it genuinely terrifies me that so many normies will inevitably be unaware of the upcoming election
Will do, RIP rabbit

Women do seem to be able to swing elections desu eg. The US election.

Cromwell gave us democracy and freedom

t. roundhead

>driving home through Leeds
>cat runs into the side of my car
>look in the rear mirror, looks like it's having a fit
>pull over, it's gone.

Fuck sake. People shouldn't just let their cats run around like that.

Women swing elections like loose cargo rocks a ship... if they were capable of principled support or opposition, they wouldn't drift so far from left to right depending on who's on the ballot.

I hope you are lying.

Cat's should be kept in the house anyway, so long as they don't live near a main road.

when some realize they can easily just vote on twitter.

that must be fake. If that's real Corbyn has won this.

We're going back to two party politics with both UKIP and the lib dems dead. Labour will likely do over 30.4% but the tories will do so much better they'll still be down on seats.

>sunday sport

Afraid not pal. This was a 6 lane road in Leeds.

Interestingly you don't have to report hitting a cat, you do have to report hitting a dog.

There's been more raids today laddies.

Checked. Please remember to archive sites renowned for shilling and clickbait before linking.

I'm going to have to say you are lying. Pics or it didn't happen.

>doubting the veracity of sunday sport articles
it's legit mate.

So why does the goverment need more surveilance "to catch the terrorists" when they always end up being aware of attackers beforehand and chose to do nothing as to not look racist?
What fucking good does it serve?

How do you embed a video to start at the 1 minute mark???

Why would I be lying? How on the spectrum are you?

It was gone anyway the second time I checked, or pancaked.

Holy fuck are you new to computers, grandad?
Right click a fucking yt video.

They're always aware of them as a "low-level" risk or previous shit. The truth is we have so many jihadis we can't keep track of them all.
Deportations when?

>"You mean someone would just do that, just go on the internet and lie?"

>I want to Cummy in Mummy
t.A Virgin Neet called Simon (pictured)

y-you don't have to be rude

>just found out my gf has a faggot brother

>Cat's should be kept in the house anyway

Fuck that. There was a thing on BBC last year when they strapped cameras to cats and they go on all sorts of adventures and in and out of people's houses without them knowing. Keeping a cat in a house would just be cruel.

to that tripfag, he does.


I agree, I realise now I made a typo and it should have been "shouldn't".

Thing is they're way more likely to arrest people for posting on Sup Forums than they are for plotting attacks.

what the fuck did you just say to me?

Rude, very rude I shall remember you and this interaction

>Cameron will never win a majority in 2015
>Labour will never lose Scotland
>Cameron will never get more than 35% of the vote
>Labour will elect a sensible leader who will win in the next election
>He will never allow an EU referendum
>Parliament will never approve an EU referendum
>Leave will never poll above 40%
>Leave will never win
>Mummy May will never become PM
>She won't enact Article 50
>The courts will make Parliament vote on Article 50
>Parliament will never approve Article 50
>Britain will never commit to leaving the EEA
>Britain will be impoverished without the EU
>She will never call an early election
>The Tories will never take the Midlands and North
>The Tories will never make gains against the SNP
>The Tories will not win by a landslide
>Theresa May won't put Jacob Rees-Mogg in the cabinet
>The EU will remain strong, it will not collapse
>Thatcher's resurrected corpse will never take power
>Australia, Canada and New Zealand will not accept deals
>They will never accept a Commonwealth political union
>Rhodesia will never be brought back
>The Anglosphere will never retake its position as the world's pre-eminent power
>We will never fund a space programme
>We will never finally annex France
>We will never partition and destroy Germany
>The first colony on Mars will not be called New Jerusalem

So is letting it outside to hurt itself. They don't understand roads.

Let them out in the garden but on a long lead.

yeah especially those black cats, they love to go into people's houses without them knowing

>babby gets butthurt because he's new to computers so searches my posts for b8

topkek, fucking tripfag, did I hurt your feelings?

Pathetic. Culling begins.

Remember that the Home Secretary said there are 20'000 jihadis in the uk this morning

Aye lad. Which would explain why salesmen target the woman of a couple when trying to sell a product eg cars.

Watch yourself

Where'd the other 3000 go?

So long as you don't live near a main road it is fine. Also most cats do understand roads.

>pictures of a cat that wasn't there

>What are post times?

I disagree. Anyone who just lets their cat wander clearly doesn't care for it, and they can't be upset when I comes back hurt, or doesn't come back at all.

please no

Reminder that Rudd is just as useless as May at being home secretary.

>mfw I didn't know that either


Is this really the standard of university students in the United States? I'd always heard that they enter with a slightly lower standard of education than us due to the disparate high school systems within the country but how on Earth can they get into college without being able to read as at 3:40?

Considering you're having trouble right clicking youtube videos, I won't be taking technical advice from you.

>your pet should be allowed to go on to and in to other people's property
What logic is that?

This is why cat-owners shouldn't be trusted.
