Daily reminder, Eric Clanton is fucked.
You "bash the fasc" you get 25-life in jail.
Daily reminder, Eric Clanton is fucked.
You "bash the fasc" you get 25-life in jail.
I hope the coward gets an unsympathetic judge and a rapey cellmate
lmao 7 victims?
he's got anti-fasc tattoos.
I bet he'll be real popular with the Aryan brotherhood in jail.
thank you based jap
He kept the weapon and face mask he was photographed using? I thought this guy was a professor? Even niggers know to ditch the evidence.. topkek
Have you seen the video of him 'teaching'? He can barely make coherent sentences.
What a dumbass. I hope he goes down big time.
when he was arrested they found
-the bike lock (possibly has dna)
-his disguise and mask
-his phone which had:
-SELFIES of him in the disguise at the protest
-text messages that incriminate him and others
Holy shit shower time will be no fun for him.
did we ever find out if he made bail?
did you just assume his sexual preference, you shitlord?
>Even niggers know to ditch the evidence
Well they know it in the same way a well trained dog knows not to piss on the carpet
Im glad I stayed up all night for two days straight to ruin his life.
Holy shit.. you were NOT kidding. What a lispy, incoherent mess. I didn't realize what a massive faggot he is. Prison will be absolute hell for this guy.
Punch a Nazi. Go to jail.
Praise kek
Was looking at pictures of this weasely little faggot and I'm pretty surprised he managed to hit 7 people desu. Would've been fun to take a good piece out of him.
>he didn't ditch the evidence
What the fuck...
He's got a real purty voice...
Fucking cuck hit 7 people, we were lucky to get the one on video. We need this guy to get raped asap..
Now I feel bad for the guy. He's a violent scumbag, but 25 is a very long time.
Here in Australia committing an armed robbery earns a life sentence Criminal justice in other countries is kinda pussified.
I feel bad for him in the "what the fuck was he thinking" sense, but he obviously intended to seriously harm people and not only did he attack once, he did it several times. Hard to argue that it was a momentary lapse in judgment or anything like that.
He's probably going to get turned by the AB and come here to thank Sup Forums for hunting him down.
>turned out
fixd that for you, hansel
this is what a walfare state creates, little bitch like this who don't give a rats ass about accountability.
You're a fuckwad
He won't survive prison, user.
Just saw this footage. You're right.
Eric Clanton in reverse American History X...goes into prison as an antifa commie nigger lover...comes home as a hardcore white nationalist with nazi forehead ink and steel toed boots for kicking nigger jaws into curbs.
>Professor Clanton told us he will be going on a sabbatical in the Penal System where he will be probed by many inmates interested in gender roles in same-sex captive environments. This experience will allow him new insight into feminist power dynamics as seen through a female surrogate perspective as a subordinate participant in sexual roles.
fucking pottery
well their tactic is to have girls up front as a shield then they jump up and strike whoever disagrees with their mistress.
Professional mental gymnast, this one. And wow does he sound like a nasally little bitch. I'll bet his handshake is weak as fuck. College is a scam at this point.
Despite having a gay as fuck voice, this guy is funny. Even Eric's lawyer couldn't keep a straight face:
>written and directed by Mel Gibson
I'd watch it.
The look on that womans face is just screaming "What have I done" guarentee that if this was taken before 2016 that lady voted for trump
Yesterday was a thread talking about the "Antifa Safehouse" Clanton was caught in and I saved most of the most relevent information. It seemes like there is either a network of safehouses or a case of money laundering/tax evasion. I will post all the info in a thread tomorrow after I'm done with one of my finals.
They're eating themselves alive ahahaha
lol wtf mate, armed robbery here gets you off with a slap on the wrist so long as you are non-white. have you not been aware of the home invasion epidemic in lelbourne?
This guy knew Sup Forums and a bunch of others were hot on his heels and he still left basically all of the evidence lying about including camera pictures?
And he's supposed to be a professor?
>Non-STEM College is a scam at this point.
>dont worry guys, the police will never subpoena this account...
jesus christ these people deserve to be in the ground.
>taking selfies at a place you commited a crime
This is nigger level stupidity
Yeah he made his own bed. May this be a lesson to other rioters.
Rape is not funny. Don't you want prison culture to change for the better? It's a huge problem in the US. That's true rape culture.
And the guy is fucked. He looks weak. His voice is so feminine.
That's a troll account, user.
>Iron cross tattoo
The Iron Cross was anti-commie. The three arrows stand for fascism, reactionism and *communism*.
Jesus fuck antifa must have bread crumbs for brains.
I know a guy who went to prison for armed robbery in Melbourne, he served like 1 year or less but probably had mental problems.
lol ok. brilliant in that case.
they are dumb as the bricks they toss, though.
Not up here in QLD s 411 (2) you you even pretend to have a gun life in prison
Yes DM me material I can use to cut my own deal
Granted life in this context likely means parole in 10
beverely hill antifa is a trollerdog account btw
Impossible to argue, because he brought a fucking bike lock. Protip: He didn't have a bike. That's why he's so fucked, because it's damned easy to prove the attacks were premeditated and not simply crimes of passion.
Remember when someone hacked his amazon and sent him a load of bike locks?
We should do that again but this time send him hundreds of bottles of lube.
Is this kind of assault a crime of specific intent?
Eric Clanton's Lawyer Implies Eric Is a Domestic Terrorist
I havent seen anywhere he doesnt have a bike, and I doubt that is true. He's a liberal faggot in the Bay area. Everybody there has a bike.
It doesn't matter anyhow. The charges include a misdemeanor charge for wearing his mask, tacked onto a list of multiple serious felonies. The only reason they did that, is because it proves premeditation. That's the kicker, right there, not his owning a bike or not.
Dumbass didn't even get rid of his mask and u-lo cks.
Hope he gets buttfucked to death in prison.
From a charging point of view no, but that would only have an effect on sentencing. The judge is much more likely to find you guilty and give you a tougher sentence on any charge if the prosecution can prove it was premeditated and heat a heat-of-the-moment act.
His sexual preference will be irrelevant.
holy shit if all of that is true the guy is fucked.
Assuming he rode a bike to the protest. Why wasn't the lock on the bike?
No judge in his right mind would find the explanation that a guy just casually showed up to a protest with a big metal bike lock for any reason besides attack people reasonable.
>Keeping evidence
>Taking photos to further incriminate yourself
He really picks at his hobo faggot beard a lot.
I'm guessing that beard will act as a muff in prison.
But then how can he brag to his friends about bashing the fash?
>Fucking cuck hit 7 people
Rap sheet only lists 3 assaults. I also remember seeing a list with links to videos of 7 different bikelock assaults with made by someone resembling Clapton.
Have the authorities missed some of the assaults? Anyone got the list they can send to the FBI/PD?
Unfortunately our "judges" are just as corrupt as our "professors". Hopefully the judge he gets isn't a progressive activist.
That son of a disgusting shit eating cunt...I wish he gets killed day 1 in prison
Just a commie social case. They take care of their own and move them into these positions in colleges. Modern college is fucking worthless unless you want to be indoctrinated.
Guys, it's not funny, we can't laugh at retarded faggots, that's insensitive!
Can someone with some knowledge of how US courts work give us a basic idea of what will probably go down?
No memeing.
What the fuck? I've attended both state colleges and community colleges and never have been subjected to such an amateurish teaching lesson.
I am really worried if this is somehow the norm in Cali.
btw is the jury going to be from berkely? and if they are, how fucked does that make his case? I have a feeling this case is going to be heavily divided on political lines, like OJ's race card.
The bike lock not being on an actual bike proves premeditation especially since he was at a pro-Trump rally wearing a mask.
It'll be hard for even a liberal judge not to throw at least half the book at him. I say 2-5 at least.
Right, Specific intent crimes can be a motherfucker to prove.
And being in an interracial homosexual polyamorous relationships will help his progressive bonafides especially if he pulls a bradley manning while inside
>6 gorillions thread a day
enough already god damn fucking hell use the catalog you dumb fuck
He's a philosophy professor, for fuck's sakes. What were you expecting?
As the US elects judges and the city is Berkley Commiefornia i think we can guess wristslap
His lawyer will claim that it's not him in the videos. It will go to a jury. They will find him guilty because of the mountains of evidence. Hopefully during sentencing the judge will throw the book at him (20 years). In all reality he'll get 10 with possibility of parole after 5 dependent upon good behavior.
>Throwing an awesome block party, bring all your best and most illegal drugs and guns to 850 Bryant St, San Francisco CA 94103. Love, SF AntiFa
>beverly hills
pretty sure that's a troll account my dudes
>Dan Siegel
This must be a Jewish lawyer.
He is looking at serious fucking trouble, it is concievable that he falls under 3 strikes so it could ramp up to decades in prison.
Even without the 3 strikes coming into play, he has a serious felony charges which mandate time served in state prison, not a jail. He would be looking at 8-16 + another 3-6 years on those charges.
His lawyers will try to plea him out of it as much as possible, accepting guilty on one charge and dropping a trial. So he will probably end up with 2-4 years possibly another 3 on top of that, if he has to take one of the charges.
I seriously doubt he will be able to plea his way out of prison, entirely. Way too much evidence and he is anti-cop so the system hates him. They also go out of their way to make a message out of affluent white men. Muh privelege and all that.
The stupidity knows no bounds, he deserves to get convicted for the selfie alone.
How good are the odds he'll get a plea deal and take it? I'd rather he was fought the case and was made an example of though.
I feel bad for the guy that just showed up to exercise his constitutional right to protest and had his skull cracked for it. This guy deserves more than 25 years, he tried to kill him with that strike. He probably bragged about it too, and has no remorse. This guy is the type of radical that wants to genocide people for making over minimum wage, don't forget that. If he had gotten away with that there would have been repeat attackers and the violence would eventually lead to murder. If he gets a lenient sentence it's not a good sign, it means antifa have the green light.
Dude, this sounds like all the academic gobbledy gook that i suffered through in uni.
All it needs is some variant of the words patriarchy, heteronormative, and hegemony to be ready for publication in any of the major academic journal.
Does anyone have the pic saved of his plenty of fish profile?
He described his gender as "non-binary pansexual gender fluid" or a bunch of other tumblr bullshit words. I really, really want a video of how well that goes over the first time he tells the other prisoners it.
these types of PEOPLE are the norm in cali; academia is a reflection of the general state of man. And remember: our government licenses such places, subsidizes such people.
>It will go to a jury
There's the problem As long as i live whatever happens where I have the option I will elect for trail by judge.
It's terrifying how incompetent Juries are. A uni professor was telling me about his experience as a prosecutor in a small city where the obviously guilty rapist got acquitted because in the words of a female juror "He's so hot why would he need to rape".
His only hope is to flip on others in antifa who he knows are committing financial or violent crime. If he did that, he'd go to a county jail filled with DUI offenders for a couple of years.
holy shit. people are talking about tipping off AB when he gets in, but really we should just send screenshots of that to everybody on his block.
You don't have a right to a plea deal. I mean, ultimately it's the prosecuting attorney's call to have accept a plea deal, with some input of the judge. I'm hoping the state wants to fight this and only accepts him pleading to some serious stuff.
Nobody can escape Sup Forums!
>not wishing he'd die right before getting out
Wew lad.
Top Kek, Israel with the bantz.
It'll go over like a.loud fart in a church....or synagogue