Sup Forums BTFO

You have ten second to explain why you're a fat fuck who has nothing better to do except bitch about minorities all day.

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my 10 sec have expired

I work out at the library.

cause I'm lazy as fuck what do you think

this leaf is a good leaf
you cannot imagine how much things change when you lose a bunch of weight and gain some muscle.
you can not imagine.
getting alpha is the key to all Sup Forumss issues
women will start acting like women again, and will follow us, even against dirty foreigner vermin


> you cannot inherit it
t. someone who inherited it

>you cannot inherit it

Suck my micropenis you bitch

Feminine trapbois detected

>tfw rib deformity compressing heart and lungs
>will never unlock my full potential
>working out only makes my arms big but my body still looks like a gangly freak
>look like i have a pot belly and tits no matter how hard i work out
>just give up and let my body decay
i wish i was dead

i cant get steroids

roids alone won't give you shit.
they're of no use without FUARKing

Steroids only boost your results not get you muscles out of nowhere

My body isn't beautiful. Torso and neck are too long and my shoulders are too broad. I look like a cartoon character.

Well am not fat for one. And my pregnant wife just sleeps and eats atm, so when I'm home i dont have much to do other than play games / browse here with a beer. And am sure as shit no gonna do the laundry or dishes so theres that..

But I'm not a fat fuck. I work out regularly, practice with my firearms regularly and read all manner of philosophical writings.


Google up for more, but yes, steroids can give you muscles even without training. No, not Arnold level, but they still do.

crippling irrational anxiety thats festered for 6 years

Have you ever dealt with minorities? That's why.

Plus fat because I like food. A lot.

>book. 10 seconds

i'm actually losing weight and it's making me feel fantastic

get to da choppa now!!! heh heh

After a rigorous 2 or so years of diet and exercise I discovered that I like pizza more than I like seeing my abs. Only moderate regret

>stepped on the scale today
>194 lbs

time to start running and lifting again
left the Army but kept the same eating habits

fuck off im drunk and dont have anythign to justify to you faggola leaf

I got ripped but it didn't get me any girls so I went back to being lazy

I'm not fat, but my weak stomach would probably make it hard to bulk.


you mean to tell me lifting requires you not liking food?

Arnold was a serious roider, to expect anyone to look anything like that without roids is retarded.

190 pounds
10% body fat
leftist nigger BTFO