If we just dropped a really big bomb on this building what would happen?

If we just dropped a really big bomb on this building what would happen?

It would most likely explode

It would explode


You would destroy the server so all muslims would shut down

It has been replaced before...

They would have more of reason to resent the West.

World Peace


Boo hoo. They shouldnt have taken the first capital of Christianity and the Hagia Sophia with it.


world peace

It's kinda like sticking an M80 in an anthill. If you aren't really close when it goes off, then just sit back and watch the carnage.

Nuclear fusion

your country would be glassed, or are you really that fucking stupid you don't realise you're not the only country with nukes?

bombing Mecca would be stirring up the MOAHornets nests


Goddamn many people would be brought freedom, that's what would happen. And then we could sell them our porn and our music, and open up wall-marts in their countries. Win-win for freedom baby!

it would be extremely provocative

4 u

Bomb is too obvious that is was humans. What we need to do is drop around 300kg of tungsten from low orbit. It will look like an act of Allah himself.

It's been destroyed a couple of times. They just rebuild it once shit's settled down. Flooding has damaged it a few times, and a couple wars ended with it being destroyed. It also got stolen (somehow) for about ~20 years before it was ransomed back. They'll manage.


All your embassies in muslim countries would be attacked and your embassadors killed.

Muslims would all stop fighting and fall down like the robots in starwars 1

the muslims would just face and pray to their other holy site.

Muslims would get extremely pissed, and cause more terror. This would force western countries (And non western, non museum countries) to have stronger border.

Muslims would get extremely pissed, and cause more terror. This would force western countries (And non western, non museum countries) to have stronger love to fight hate.

They would return with the firepower of 1000 of there youngest suicide bomber's, Attacking preschools and children's hospitals.

this thread would stop getting posted every day