Help me out Sup Forums. Explain this situation...

Help me out Sup Forums. Explain this situation, he promised he wouldnt be dealing with these Saudis anymore and that he wouldnt engage in Syria, but he has. Hes called himself a globalist even though he said globalism was a cancer, and that "Americanism will be our credo"

What the fuck is going on? Explain please, im still a trump supporter, im just really really confused and im not that smart so im also really frustrated and sad, please explain Sup Forums please

Saudi Arabia has more or less realized their pawn status and wishes to break away from that. They need a strong military to do so.

Don't worry. Trump is playing 9 2/3 dimensional chess again.

Because it's all political theater, he's the exact same as the rest of them they are just painting Trump as the victim so people support him out of sympathy. Don't get fooled.

but why not just ignore their pleas for more guns. They're one of the main suppliers for Jihadist groups and are overall assholes to the American people.

Because they will dump their US dollar reserves and trash your economy if you piss them off


>not understanding n-dimensional chess

who else would sell weapons to Saudi Arabia??

So why not just sell it to them and make money instead??

They were the "unwitting" participant in the broader scheme of world destabilization.

no one better than us? Americans make the best guns, they want to buy shitty chinaman or commie gear then let them. We can sell them to our real allies, in the middle east like Egypt or [spoiler]Israel[/spoiler]

>but why not just ignore their pleas for more guns.
If we don't step up someone else will snag that juicy deal.
>They're one of the main suppliers for Jihadist groups and are overall assholes to the American people.
They're also behind most terrorism attacks in the US. The government has sold out peoples lives for far less than what saudi arabia's offering.
Sadly your life does have a price and terrorism only increases the governments reach and puts more money in pockets of those who work for it.

>selling weapons to Israel
>not giving them it in the spirit of cooperation where they then sell it to our enemies

>Don't vote for Hillary or you'll be bombing places, still have a terrible healthcare system, be taking money from the saudis, and all the refugees will be flooded in a-

really makes me think

If that were true you fucking nigger they would have just put Hillary in and not blown a billion on her

You think they'd tell the saudis they were all the same? The Rothschilds just wanted another billion son.

Because they can't perfectly predict democratic outcomes they create two 'teams' and let them battle it out. If they actually did want Trump to win I would guess it's a part of their Marxist schemes to use him and his supporters as the ultimate punching bag. Look up critical theory for that perspective. And the evidence that Trump is a part of them is overwhelming. Look into kushner for example

He hasn't done shit with Syria since that strike. On that point I think he's gonna be fairly hands off. On the Saudi thing, I'm conflicted. On the one hand, America gets a shit load of cash towards jobs and the American people. But the weapons the Saudis possess could be used to strike against us if they aren't used in their own people or other rivals first.

The whole impeachment movement makes me critical of that assessment. They really want that guy out of the White House.

You have a short memory. Terrorism is not an existential threat to America. Communism is. A Terrorist state can kill at most a few hundred Americans with the response being America is free to invade and bomb to oblivion. Now a communist country can develop nukes by sacrificing individual freedom. Once nukes are developed, no invasion or bombing will be possible. Just look at North Korea and compare our options with Syria. All this Terrorism is simply blowback from having destroyed Communism. The Saudi were instrumental in fighting the soviets via Afghanistan.

>Explain please, im still a trump supporter, im just really really confused and im not that smart so im also really frustrated and sad, please explain Sup Forums please
>Explain please
>im still a trump supporter
>im not that smart
Well. I think I found your explanation right there.

Well we will see it plays out. Maybe that's what they want anyway. Identify as many people as they can that support Trump and the fabricated 'alt-right' and then crush that movement.




idont like drumpf

He's a bullshitting salesman is the reason.