Without trolling, larping, armchairing or quoting "Donny the Punk":
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being "he will essentially walk", 10 being "he will get 25y to life", what will be the most probable outcome for him?
Eric Clanton's prospects
Other urls found in this thread:
11 raped in jail
I would guess 25-40 years. There would be massive leftist spergouts if he got a life sentence.
He'll get 10 years with 6 suspended.
I've done forensics for lawyers before. They need a clear chain of custody for images/video to be entered into the trial.
If you want the weaponized autism to be evidence in court you'll need to identify the original photographer and their original images.
We need to cut Clanton some slack. He was just trying to knock the goofy off that guy's head.
Probably none if there is no dna evidence on the actual lock.
Given be was dumb enough to take selfies and not ditch his fucking clothes, here's hoping he was also too dumb to bleach the every living fuck out of the lock too.
6 months
I predict 3 years and an anal prolapse.
They need to link the lock to both the victim and the defendant. If they can do that, it's plea bargain time. Otherwise it'll go to jury and who knows?
i hope he gets the chair, to be honest
when he gets there he needs to find the biggest, baddest looking aryan mofo in the place and walk over and knock him out. then stand up and declare that his butthole belongs to no nazi.
This is his only prospecs. His butthole is going to get properly enriched.
You are a fucking idiot
Honestly OP, depends mostly on his lawyer and the judges political stance. I would say 2-3 years with parole. Shit load of community service and being banned from future protests.
If he doesn't get locked up, can we start holding rallies, carrying posters with his picture on it, chanting "No Justice, No Peace"?
They found in his house bike locks and clothing identical do what bike lock guy was wearing at the protest, even down to the sunglasses.
30 years in the electric chair.
i hope he serves at least a few years in prison, and I genuinely hope he has the worst time imaginable. I hope its hell
their will be alot of us going to the courthouse on june 14, we need to bring more attention to this case nationally
Eric Clanton's Lawyer Implies Eric Is a Domestic Terrorist:
He's fucked
Ask him about BAMN's ties to Nambla and if he agrees with/is a member of NAMBLA.
1. Nothing will happen to him.
>If he's sent to jail, will this be the first time he moves out of his parents' house?
I'm hoping the Aryan Brotherhood hears what he's in jail for. And that he'll have to join and get a huge swastika tattoo just to survive.
Not to mention PHOTOS of him dressed up like the man in the pictures. It's pretty undeniable that he did it. He's a fucking retard who didn't ditch anything after we figured out who he is.
But seriously, the most basic rules of committing a crime are:
A. Destroy all evidence
B. At least dispose of the fucking evidence
C. Don't take selfies of yourself at the crime scene dressed like the criminal
Even the most ghetto-level mentally retarded dindus know these rules. And yet even after we doxxed him and the police department was getting thousands of tips about him he still kept the evidence. What the fuck is wrong with him?
They are his trophies.
Remember, this shit truly thinks he was 100% justified in what he did.
It's why Clanton refused to cooperate with the cops as far as immediately lawyering up with a BAMN lawyer. And why he kept the bike lock and black clothing he wore.
Clanton is not your normal fucking antifas goon; he's part of the God-damn officer class, to quote a villain from the show MI-5/Spooks.
And again, they'll drag this shit out as long as humanly possible. They won't take any plea deals because Clanton would rather be raped/stabbed to death in lock up and die a martyr than admit he did something wrong. He truly believes that he was fully justified in trying to kill those people.
More to the point, Clanton and his lawyer are most likely going to base their ENTIRE CASE on jury nullification. If not outright using the full resources of BAMN to terrorize the judge to dismiss the case or give him probation.
Suspended sentence plus probation, service, and counseling requirements.
If he killed or maimed someone we would be talking prison, but he is an "upstanding" (by local standards) gainfully employed educator with (as far as we know) a clean record.
They'll argue that he's the "good" kind of terrorist and that the people he was attacking were the real enemy. To get the jury to nullify and refuse to convict him.
Expect the entire trial to be Clanton and his lawyer putting his victim on trial, with BAMN digging up any and all dirt they can on witnesses and the victims to essentially say they deserved to be nearly killed and that Clanton was doing God's work
And it takes only one fucking jury member to get a hung jury.
That is why Clanton will most likely refuse any plea bargain. He will bet everything on an actual trial in terms of hoping he can get one jury member to refuse to convict out of spite and make the trial such a pain in the ass, that the DA won't retry him. Which in turn gives shits like him and BAMN a green light to continue trying to kill people under the notion that cops/prosecutors will never bring charges against them out of fear that the public will never convict him.
Left controls the courts so probation.
>Butt hurt fascists will take to the streets.
>Remember, this shit truly thinks he was 100% justified in what he did.
Nigs act pretty entitled to do crime, but they still know it's wrong on some level.
why is there no Mugshots of him ?
I can not find one mugshot of this guy online ?
The jails usually keep a data base from processing
Berkeley Mayor pulls some strings and he walks with a suspended sentence and hefty community service (or whatever the American equivalent is)
Shame, it would be nice for him to experience the true gratitude of his Afro American brothers for whom he has struggled on their behalf for so long. And he could also have given those nasty white supremacists a piece of his mind!
i think they take the mugshot after the conviction
He is going to prison
The police allready did that its up to clantons lawyer to request MOTION OF DISCOVERY of evidence.
He'll plead down to one single charge, possibly not even a felony. He won't serve more than 2 years if he even goes to jail at all. The whole system there supports what he did. The judges and prosecutors make him look like Captain America by comparison.
we can we can even loot berkeley of needed
Anyone have that picture of the complaint (or a link)? I have a few minutes to kill so I was going to try to see what his chances are based on the facts actually alleged.
This plus condition of parole will be he can't associate with BAMN, ANTIFA, or whatever lefty group pops up between now and then. Personally, I think he will serve less than a year, sentence of 28 months, time served of 9.
he'll do 5-7 and get 3-5 years parole
There should be an intake photo. Berkeley jail should have one but you have to request it by mail.
The police had their own footage. At best Sup Forums's work spread to twitter, then the rest of normie eceleb youtube, putting pressure on the police to actually pursue. They didn't need our work, at best it motivated them to piece together the evidence they already had, then pursue charges. Also, the local institutions wanted to preserve credibility, and probably at least one of them wanted to make an example because these kinds of people in their employ are cancer and they know it, even if they lean Leftist.
He's white and a tax paying citizen without any prior criminal record so my guess is that he'll get 6 months and probation for a few years.
But he'll be killed within his first month. As a prison sentence in general population with a white man marked with antifa tattoos is a death sentence.
The moment he swung the bike lock, he committed suicide.
I think the name gave the cops a lead that saved them 2-4 weeks of searching.
Hope it's a10warthog but I ain't no lawyer.
I'm sorry that you are on your period, but it is making you delusional.
And he better learn a trade while in prison because he'll never work a white collar job ever again
yup. They probably weren't going to search. They were already slow-walking any kind of response, and their behavior that day was also atrocious. They were ordered to stand down at key points where their presence was needed to keep order; many of the officers were audibly bitter and open about this fact, day of. Once that piece of info got out to the media, then Clanton's identity blew up, the Mayor's office started panic mode, which then pushed the cops forward full speed.
>he'll never work a white collar job ever again
He'll receive a better salary working for the SPLC than he ever did as an substitute professor
I'm not sure how much better their footage would have been than the collection of dozens of videos uploaded online by different people and taken from different angles. Even if the cops did have better footage, I'm not sure how much more easily they would have been able to ID this guy as Eric Clanton even if they did have a clear shot of his face on camera.
In sum, I don't think local police have technology that exceeds that which was used by Sup Forums, and they certainly did not have the same resources (sheer number of people working on it).
I suppose if the police really put their focus on it, they would have been able to determine it was Clanton, but I definitely doubt they would have done it faster than Sup Forums did here.
Never trust commifornia or berkley
i dont think he was asking leafs
He'll probably get 10-15 years
He had selfies on his phone of him in the mask, sunglasses and hoodie all taken on THE SAME DAY of the attacks.
Nyc antifs is spooked between eric clanton getting arrested and muslim speakers in ny getting protested.
Then comes based knife guy
Someone mentioned yesterday, they will actually prosecute him and he will serve SOME time simply for the mayor to cover his ass over the shitshow that happened that day. That point is the only reason I started believing he will actually see the inside of a jail cell.
You don't get a suspended sentence for four felonies all committed with intent, malice and forethought.
Whats gonna happen to him without the Aryan Brotherhood to protect him?
They had body cam wearers dressed as antifa mixed in with antifa, and some mixed in with the redhats too. The rest were positioned on the rooftops with telephoto lenses on digital cameras. SOP.
this has everything to do with re-election, not the principle. Berkeley mayor has connections to Felarca and BAMN, so he didn't want it to go this way, but clowns like Clanton shit their pants that day. Something had to be done.
He will walk 100%. If you havent noticed judges keep freeing terrorists and rapists and illegals and antifa.
Murder a judge today. Make America safe again
see gif
Youre assuming he's convicted of all 4.
>tax paying citizen
At best he only made less than $10 as an adjunct professor. Other than that he has been sucking up student loan money for his entire adult life. Not to mention sponging off his commie comrades and their Soros money.
Tell that to the 70s terrorists who actually killed people, and now work as professors and in nonprofit organizations, and get paid by government. If anything, going in jail for being a leftist terrorist is a good thing for your career.
Even if he pleas it down to one, a felony will get you jail time.
gerd dammit you're probably right!!
His amazon account was hacked by an user and used to purchase more bike locks so there'll be evidence of them being new, I guarantee he still has the one he did it with though.
I'd say a year in county.
A felony is no joke but I agree with first link. The only reason he's being charged with anything is because of the heat on the mayor.
4 counts max sentence would be 16 years, but you only ever serve 2/3 of your sentence, and probably not getting max for all but still doing 2 per count and serving 2/3 will be 5-7 years
I take it his life is pretty much ruined even if he would evade conviction.
I'm being overly pessimistic here but...
I'm predicting 5 years but he will commit suicide or be killed in prison. Suicide because his life and career is essentially over and he's soft as a pussy. Killed in prison is a possibility due to his "iron front" tattoo.
Liberal hugboxes will still welcome him. Weather Underground terrorists teach at Ivy League schools to this day.
>Dick after dick was stabbing holes through Donny’s identity.
i broke the rule.
he gun get raped
not even 1 day
>Bill Ayres
personally I think hes screwed. The commies thought they were safe hiding behind their masks and the second their boi was outed they ran like the cucks they are. They will probably cut ties with him so they dont get linked to him.
>he only reason he's being charged with anything is because of the heat on the mayor.
And we can take credit for that. If we could piece together who did it, imagine Berkeley police trying to justify the millions spent on body cams, telephoto lenses, night vision, drones, etc, at the next budget session. All that money spent and no arrests / prosecutions? A mayor with personal links to the terrorists responsible for property damage? Yeah, we made the powers that be shit their pants. They wouldn't have moved on it if we hadn't. We made them look idiotic.
He probably would've been able to get off light if he wasn't a complete retard who not only didn't dispose of the evidence, but took selfies with it. He'll do at least 5 years. 10+ isn't impossible.
Absolutely! The internet can be used as the megaphone for the otherwise voiceless.
but also remember this: Clanton is just one man guilty of felonies that day, out of tens and tens of felons who won't be charged. He's their scapegoat. Just one scapegoat. That's how leftshit that place is.
Whole lot of pain for this guy.
I have no fucking clue. Americans let OJ Simpson go, there's no guessing with them.
Depends. They could offer him a lighter sentence if he rats his comrades out.
Communists truly are eternal cancer.
True. I'm not sure I trust them to go that far, but it would be cool if they did. Keep your fingers crossed.
I think you all will find this interesting. here's the link too...
Stop posting this degenerate riced thot.
You would know better than most, Nõbu.
This is my guess.
Do you think that was written by /ourguy/?
The length of time of his sentence is meaningless, because this dude is going to get raped and torn apart by every gang of niggers, spics, and skinheads in prison within the first week.
Some effeminate marxist sociology professor isn't going to last in there
During squad
Convicted felon here. Let me tell you about the AB.
They are not "Aryan" in the sense that they are a political organization. They are "Aryan" in the sense that you cannot be a shitskin. They are a criminal organization that will allow Jews, or any mixed breed of Southern European stock to join if they are ruthless enough.
They won't give a single fuck about him, unless he's willing to pay for protection, or he has enough money to extort.
The monkeys will most likely get to him first,though. I don't see him wanting to associate with Whites.
I'd say a 7. It depends on:
>The Judge
>The Jury
>The evidence stacked against him
>If ANTIFA groups bail him out