What is prison really like? i'm about to be sent there for a long time

What is prison really like? i'm about to be sent there for a long time

i'm scared shitless. help

what for? don't do anything stupid think over it

God bless you

Walking farts are commonplace there

What race are you?

Criminal scum.


about 5'7" and 270 pounds. how fucked am I?

This was posted a month ago guys. Don't fall for it.

how long you got bro?
I was in for 7 years (had 15 but could go free after 7).
been in for murder

We're all prisoners in some way or another OP

Hi Eric! Say hi to my AB bros for me!

looking at 40 years

i'm 23, so this will really fuck me

Jesus, what did you do that put you in for 40 years?

I don't believe anyone can properly fit a shorts sausage into whatever kind of beanbag ass you're packing, so it probably won't be too much fucking for your end.

you know the drill boys, greentext time.

This, no one will help if we don't know the story

Don't act weak, but don't act strong. Just stand there and say nothing....until you're touched.

Don't steal anything, don't lie. If someone leaves a cup-cake in your cell, leave it alone.

Don't get a 'loan'. just chill.

Take the time to perfect your body. Do press-ups in your cell.

don't be too friendly, don't be too aggressive.

Ask the prison councillor what counts as 'good behaviour'.
If attacked in anyway for any reason, respond appropriately.

If you're asked what you did to get in. Make it a short 1 sentence story, and don't lie.

>7 years for murder

Fuck this country. They should've locked you up for live, scum.

There is no story.


at least have this mof give me a story then.

>about 5'7" and 270 pounds. how fucked am I?
the only answer is pic related


>for a long time
if youre white just kys seriously
if youre a nigger kys anyway but youll prob survive