Being a rideshare driver in the south made me racist. AMA

So first off, I dont come here often, but I thought you guys would like this.

Let me preface this by saying, i am a college student and had zero political affiliations but leaned left before i started driving in a way that most normies in college do.

After having shitty luck making money in most jobs during college I started driving for a popular rideshare app in the south east united states. All in all its been a pretty good deal, I make good(ish) money, sometimes i have to pretend to be liberal so my passengers can virtue signal to me all trip, and its easy work. When I drive whites. Black people are teh exact opposite, they make me wait, get mad when I say I want to just get them where they are going, and whenever they make me take them to the ghetto, (the place libs call the "Urban Core") which is almost always, no matter where I pick them up, its almost always a struggle to get back on the highway without being stopped by roving gangs.

Now, the above statement seems false, but no less then 4 times have i been in the "urban core" in broad fucking daylight and have been surrounded by 30 or more upstanding gentleman while they beat on my windows, try to slow me to a complete stop (Never happened yet) and flash pistols and gang signs while hurling epithets. I carry a gun now because of them. I could go on with more stories but its too long for a first post,


Other urls found in this thread:

can't you select who you give ride too? just don't do business with the ghetto monkeys.

All it shows me is a name, until the person is walking up to my car, and sometimes it dosent even do that, just a distance away. The app also threatens to deactivate you if you cancel too many trips or dont accept rides with black names, forcing me to take them anyways.

ANd the drivers dont "select" anything, we are 100% at the mercy of the app that sends us ride requests that we can accept or deny, but we only have 5 seconds to decide, before the ride goes to another driver.

what was the scariest situation you've been in while driving during a rideshare trip?

> black names
How does the app know what a "black name" is? (responses should be a hoot for this)

sounds like you are in need of some upgrades for your car user

Having any kind of job that puts into contact with negroids is asking for trouble.

>, i am a college student and had zero political affiliations

THIS IS NOT Sup Forums




Probably the first time I got taken into the "ubran core"

>PIck up black in work clothes on good side of town
>Seems like a nice guy
>See ride is taking me into ghetto
>"its probably not that bad" I think, "NPR is always talking about revitalization of the area, Im sure its getting better"
>Never have I been so wrong
>Guy says he used to be a drug dealer, but is straight now
>His house is 2 miles off the highway, in streets that were built in the 20s,
>"Ayo mang right dere in fon' o dat yellow 'vet"
>What the fuck?
>See a 2015 yellow corvette outside of the least beat down house ive seen
>"It my ol' ladies ride mang' lemme off right here"
>On the way out i try to take a faster way back to the highway
>coming up on a 4way stop, shitty work truck approaching from the opposite direction
>truck gets stopped on the other side of the 4 way by roughly 50 porch monkeys that were between us
>banging on windows, yelling, rocking truck
>they let him through though
>Guy is nigger, but white as a sheet as he passes my car
>Now that im closer i see a few blacks actually have guns out
>they start throwing arms up and pointing at me shouting "white boy" and "Cracker"
>I fucking floor it, clip one of them and go 60 on side streets back to the highway

I literally cant describe how surreal the how situation was.
The app dosent do anything but display the name to me (Sometimes) I have to make a judgement call.
yeah no, fuck blacks, driving for a rideshare made me racist, now im conservative and support gun rights and eugenics.

95% of the time im just moving around college students like me or rich white people who want to virtue signal all fucking ride. I used to drive all over town, but now if im not right in the rich white area i just shut my phone off and drive back so i cant take any more rides.

You should get a dash cam and upload your adventures to youtube.

No commentary, just play music or something, make compilations.

Title your videos blandly too, accurate, but bland.

Since then ive been taking into the urban core 3 more times, and every time there are just roving bands of blacks standing in the streets. Now that I carry a gun and look out for them ive rarely been stuck having to go through them, but when I do, i always keep my gun in my hand, out of sight.

I got a dashcam last month actually, but i havent had anything interesting happen in that time. That is the plan though.

Yeah the goal is to just show people how these animals behave. Don't try to inject the conclusion people should come to after you've shown them, that's for manipulative leftists.

Thats good to know, but whens something happens ill probs post it here first. The dashcam I go also does teh interior cab, which is why i really got it, after I had some porch monkey talk about how easy it would be to rob me and if I thought it was a dangerous job really fucking awkwardly.

I had one hand across my stomach in my jacket and one hand on the wheel the whole fucking ride. After that I ordered a dashcam that night.

Good idea. You'll need it when they gang up on you again and you're forced to run of them over to escape.

Ive already clipped at least one Faggot fucked up my front fender, i had to replace it., ive never had to legitimately run one over though, but thats why i have a dashcam now.

learn the two phone trick
never set yourself in shitty neighborhoods

You mean being exposed to your average Southern kneegrow made you RACIST??


The fuck is a 2 phone trick? And I dont go into these neighborhoods voluntarily but its hard to kick someone out after they are in your car already which is the only way you can see the destination, blacks especially so.
I dont know what this means?

Honestly in this day and age if you don't realize there's something off about niggers from a very early age and it takes you several hours of driving them around as Uber driver to finally come to terms with their idiocy idk what to say...better late than never I guess...but in your heart is still a libcuck that drank the coolaid that believed they dindu nuffin at one point.

>seth rich is the only thing aloud on poll!!!
cant we all just enjoy a good nigger hate thread once in a while senpai??

Do you have any sjw stories?

>Being politically on politically incorrect
Here, I'll proof read for you


After having shitty luck making money in most jobs during college I started driving for a UBER in GEORGIA. All in all its been a pretty good deal, I make SHEKELS, sometimes i have to pretend to be RETARDED so my passengers can virtue signal to me all trip, and its easy work. When I drive whites. NIGGERS are teh exact opposite, they CHIMP OUT, and whenever they make me take them to the ZOO, (the place FAGGOTS call the "NIGGERTOWN") which is almost always, no matter where I pick them up, its almost always a struggle to get back on the highway without being stopped by roving gangs WHO DINDU NUFFIN.

I'M NOT LARPING, but no less then 4 times have i been in the "urban core" in broad fucking daylight and have been surrounded by 30 or more NIGGERS while they CHIMP OUT on my windows, try to slow me to a complete stop (Never happened yet) and flash pistols and gang signs while BEING KANGS. I carry a gun now because of them. I could go on with more stories but its too long for a first post,

Dude I have lived in Memphis, Nashville, and Murfreesboro and been to prison. I had to knock a nigger out about a year ago over a bandana belonging to a girl I was with at the time AT MY EXPENSIVE APARTMENT COMPLEX POOL. You see, the nice apartments like I paid for had a hottub and large pool. Some genius decided to build section 8 commiblock just a few miles down the road and in the summer niggers clog up the pool I PAY FOR that don't even live there. Prior to that some black girls were twerking on me in the hottub and i started fucking one, and then some nigger walks up, shoots a gun in the air, the women scatter running, and he points it at me, but luckily the nig had another nig that talked him out of shooting me. He left firing several more shots in the air. The police showed up and the pool got shut down for weeks. THE NIGGERS DNT EVEN LIVE THERE BUT THEY SHOW UP IN THE HUNDREDS. The solution is to shut the pool down for people that pay to live there.

I don't find any of this hard to believe. Welcome to the redpill my friend.

I was never around black people until well into college, my high school had 2 black people and they were literal faggots so I didnt get it.

seriously i came here to describe my hate for blacks and people are just memeing me.

HEres another story

Like my 4th ever ride i picked up some guy in the "ok" part of town, it took me 20 minutes to find the asshole because he didnt live in teh subdivision i was picking him up in, he and 3 other blacks were just walking around scaring white people with bottles of hard liquor and 40s. They had me take them to a strip cdlub, while one of them talked about guys hes had to stab when they came into his barbershop, while another talked about how much cocaine he had on him. I ended up taking them to 2 different strip clubs, since the first one was "not street enough". As they finally got out on of them offered me a swig of liqour and then spilt it on my backseat.

>no less then 4 times have i been in the "urban core" in broad fucking daylight and have been surrounded by 30 or more upstanding gentleman while they beat on my windows
pics or it didn't happen

>All it shows me is a name
it's not that difficult to see what you're getting into before hand.

>its almost always a struggle to get back on the highway without being stopped by roving gangs.
> in broad fucking daylight and have been surrounded by 30 or more upstanding gentleman while they beat on my windows, try to slow me to a complete stop (Never happened yet) and flash pistols and gang signs while hurling epithets

Lol wut

What city is this? I drive through shithole neighborhoods in Chicago from time to time and I've never had anything close to that happen to me.

Holy fuck, the pool's literally closed.

I believe you user. I am thankful to have grown up in a nigger-less town. I never knew how bad it could get until I was an adult.

Don't these people have bad ratings? Or are they all in the first free ride promo?

>babey's first day on Sup Forums

Why do they virtue signal? Does this strategy actually work for getting ahead in life?


my buddies killed a nigger on accident one time

>be young
>be stupid
>go to buy weed from niggers
>niggers rip us off
> fight ensues
>didn't know niggers have codewords to yell our for whenever honkies are making trouble, but we learned that day
>tens of niggers flood out like cockroaches
>we battle our way back to the car
>I jump in back seat
>last man in car
>nig starts trying to pull me out of car by my feet
>my buddy in front seat grabs a hold of him
>we are driving at this point
>keeps driving still holding the nig
>lets him go at about 50 miles an hour
>the last thing I heard was a crunch as he rolled under the wheel
>don't know what happened to him, never went back
>all this over a 20 dollar bag of weed.

I dont know what your problem is, but im not in georgia.
Lots actually, the worst one is when i had to drive a evangelical female pastor to the airport. The whole ride she complained about whites and how people in this country just hate black people and how we should just imprison all gun owners and become just like britain. Its fucking hard to play along with this shit when i had a 9mm under my jacket pointing at her in a shoulder harness, but I did. Made me laugh afterwards.

I had that exact thing happen to me where i rented in 2014 so I fucking moved

Im sorry i dont have pics of teh blacks surrounding my car and banging on the hood, all I have is the fender that got fucked. pic related

Bruh, im in the south im not gonna say the city because its a good gig aside form blacks and i dont want shareblue telling the company to fire me.

Even if they have bad ratings or get deactivated they just make another, all oyu need is a credit card. Theres no fucking accountability.

Fuck if I know man, "white guilt" is a real thing for these assholes, and if I dont play along I get shitty ratings.

Niggers always try to act hard around whites because there's no way for whites to tell if they're a real gangster or not. They get to play the role of the toughest, most brutal gangsta you've ever seen, even if they're not. Blacks know when they're faking, and will call them out on it.

Whites would never test their mettle, on the off chance they're not full of shit.

I wish I didn't fuck my life up and actually cared enough to hide shit.

oh well, thug life.

I do and I know others that do. also, I love a good sucker punch. you would be amazed at the results it gives you.

that is why blacks usually win street fights. they swing first. i'm a monkey see monkey do type of guy.

Don't take it personally. We're infested with opposition these days.

I'm enjoying your green texts. Post whatever you have user.

You fucked a negress? WTF? You just started fucking her? On that alone, I believe you that you've been to prison.

When you see Ladarius, Tyrell, Jaquanda etc just don't go.

she was thicc and it was a tremendous dry spell. As many times as I seen niggers that didn't live there fucking white girls in or by the pool (at least 3 times) I figured I should sling some dick myself.

Yeah, I mean, a nigger ever walks up on me aggressively, I will upper cut him faster than he can react. No question, no hesitation. It's hesitation that leads so many white men to lose. They go for the sucker punch, so you've got to take that plan away from them.

Go back to le reddit fagit

if they do that 10 more times they can afford a pair of shitty jordans for one of themselves. Totally worth it

As soon as something is deemed gang related the police just write it off. It's not even a racial thing completely, though blacks are at the bottom of the give a shit totem pole for the police in most cases, especially in cities with large poor black populations. I dated a Mexican girl who had a cousin who was a gang member. He was murdered and the guy who did it walked. You're life essentially becomes worthless to everyone once you join a gang.

Getting face, neck or hand tattoos has a similar effect on your value to society.


These animals hang out in the open.

Get good with a 30.06 at 200yards. Police don't investigate gang member deaths

Stop fucking up my car you asshole, why are you fucks always the worst to drive?
heres another story not about a ride, but general noggery
>like 3:30am saturday night
>bars close around then or close soon
> get ride at stripclub
>not bad part of town why the fuck not
>dont even look at the name, 5 seconds isnt a long time and im too tired to care
>As I get close see a lot of flashing lights
>Like 8 cops
>A continental or some nigger with big rims upside down on its roof full of holes
>as I get closer like 6 cops draw on my car
>put on the ground while they realize im white
>After about 5 minutes they tell me to fuck off

On the news i heard there was a shooting by some nigger as the club closed, the he called his buddy to get him, the cops got there first because strip club on a saturday night so his buddy had tried to ram a car?? I dunno but it ended up on is roof.

>During all of this someone wanted an uber ride?
Fucking blacks
half the time I dont even look, if my phone starts beeping with a ride request i just hit and go to the pickup. If I deny something like 10~ of rides i start getting warning and shit about how im being a shitty rideshare driver.

>As soon as something is deemed gang related the police just write it off.

I would totally support this, if normies didn't also get caught up in gang violence. Criminal killing criminals, who cares.

i'm not black nigger.

the name is a joke.

Im not deniro in taxi driver man, im not gonna just go shooting blacks. If they try some shit im prepared but otherwise fuckem.
Police have issued warrants charging two men with murder in the kidnapping and death of Charlotte Uber driver Mario Johnis Medina-Chevez.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police said Friday night they received confirmation from the Mecklenburg County Medical Examiner’s Office that a body police found Thursday in a field off Mount Gallant Road in Rock Hill was Medina-Chevez. The 44-year-old driver had been missing since Saturday.

CMPD homicide detectives are in Maryland interviewing suspects Diontray Divan Adams, 24, and James Aaron Stevens, 20, police said Friday night.

Medina-Chevez, who had taken a job as an Uber driver to earn extra money for a family vacation, left his Charlotte home Saturday night to pick up a passenger, expecting to be gone only an hour or two. He never returned.

>If I deny something like 10~ of rides i start getting warning and shit about how im being a shitty rideshare driver.

What a shitty service that is. Isn't the whole point of ridesharing that both the driver and the client are flexible? Goddamn.

Even escorts tend to block black guys completely, you shouldn't have to take their requests.

Why I carry a gun.
yeah its seriously shitty, The problem is unlike taxis or limo drivers i dont need and licensing or commercial insurance, so any asshole with a car can sign up, leading to stupid amounts of competition so if I cancel rides they'll just fire me and some other guy will pick it up. Theers no accountability. but as long as I dont pick up blacks its fine.

Imma go phone poster in a minute, so my id is gonna change just a heads up.

Hm, fair enough I guess. But stay safe user.

Good idea, that way they can maybe identify the known felon who eventually murders you for pocket change.

Still op this isnt some shareblue bs i just have shit to do.
Its better than doing drywall which js my only other option. Also taxi driver fantasies are pretty fun.

Maybr, but ill probably get him first you dick.

I'm a ride share driver myself. Pro tip, if it's a black and/or you have to put in extra effort just to find the dumb ass, just drive to location, wait 5 minutes, call their phone and immorality hang up then cancel ride as "client was not at location". This way no cancellation for you since you are at their location.

Get a real job, let people walk

Your screen is dirty.

That actually sounds like a good plan. You got any stories?

>So first off, I dont come here often, but I thought you guys would like this.
>Let me preface this by saying, i am a college student and had zero political affiliations but leaned left
>stopped by roving gangs.
>Now, the above statement seems false, but no less then 4 times have i been in the "urban core" in broad fucking daylight and have been surrounded by 30 or more upstanding gentleman while they beat on my windows, try to slow me to a complete stop (Never happened yet) and flash pistols and gang signs while hurling epithets.

Literally a Reddit fag and a pussy. Stop lying and larping faggot.

Clean your monitor, you filthy subhuman

I hope you left Memphis, user.

Had a real job doing drywal, this is better and i get stories to post on Sup Forums

I don't agree completely, it's part of the reason why gang violence is so rampant and why innocent people get caught up in it, it's because it so often goes unpunished.


I don't know what the 2 phone trick is, but there are apps that let you fake your GPS to a rich area if that is useful for you. Probably have to root your phone for it to work.

God bless, user.

Problem solved!

Are you able to decline a ride based on the appearance of the rider? I would drive for Uber just for fun but I would hate to be tricked into picking up nigs. Is there any way to know the race of the rider before you accept? If not... You'd have to filter on other factors and just hope for the best.

I'll take things that never happened for $400


I'm not in a nigger infested shithole like you describe, I'm on the west coast in a libshit state. Still, i get a number of blacks, but they are not feral.

Libshits annoy the fuck out of me though. I was picking up one Asian fagget and his homo crew from a rave, very busy night.
Suppose to pick him up at uber pick up location, he isn't there asks me to find him among hundreds of drugged out rave going faglets. I could cancel it then, but he promises to tip me.

Find him, drive the stinky bastards and a nigress to their hotel. He taps me on a shoulder and says thanks and some other shit and they walk off. I swear he was laughing to his friends because they tricked me by not tipping.

After they leave, I spill water in my backseat and put in a ticket saying they spilled something. Dumb Asian fagget gets charged clean up bill, which is higher than a 5 dollar tip or whatever for finding him and getting their sweaty nigroids safely home in weekend night traffic. Fuck him. I have more stories but that irritated me the most.

When you get robbed you give them a shitty phone

Fuck you man
I mean i should but nah
Ive heard about that but i dunno how to do that. Would be cool though.
Not until the guy is knocking on your window asking if your his ride unless you go by name.

>I believe you user. I am thankful to have grown up in a nigger-less town. I never knew how bad it could get until I was an adult.

This. I couldn't imagine having to live in the same place as these animals. Stay safe ameribros.

keep posting more rage stories i love these

Man if im getting robbed i have bigger things than losing my phone on my mind. Like shot placement.
Thats a good fucking idea! Imma steal that for the future. Good on you user fuck passangers who are assholes

Never stop at lights or signs in the ghetto.
If someone runs out into the street run their ass over and do not stop to check on them.
Anyone who's ever had to do business in gangland knows this.
If you see a crowd of niggers always speed up.

>Can only day fuck you
Typical. You either go to Uni in the biggest shit hole in the US for your shitty degree and you can't handle one dude coming up to you to sell a mixtape. It's not fucking scary at all and you are part of the bigger reason why life is so fucked up in our country. Stop falling for the racial Jew. It's what keeps us all from not getting together and improving all our lives.

Thats the plan i always do now. Wish someone had told me earlier.

i'm still close to it, but in a 90 percent white town.

it happened. The guy that dropped the black guy has been to prison twice since then. Now a member of the Aryan nation, so I don't talk to him anymore. It isn't that I have anything against him... he may have saved my life that day. It's just that I still have a slight chance in this life and his is totally fucked. He was always too unpredictable. I was several years older than him and I remember another friend telling me that this individual was going wind up spending his whole life in prison and that was when the kid was 13. It's been a decade since then and so far it's been near true.

>racial jew

I used to deal with that kind of trash daily.
They also use those tips.

How many calories could I get by licking your screen clean my dude?

Im a chem. Engineering major, keep trying, driving is a good job and lets me work whenever i want, at 350 a week for 25 hours. Good enough for me.

I honestly didnt know how dirty it was until the flash came on.

Have you thought about reading The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson?
Resounds much of what you mention.
>The author brilliantly recounts the tragedy of a great people, the Americans of European descent, who founded and built The United States and whose decline is the chief cause of America's decline. Although replete with cogent criticism of the people and events which have brought America low, the book ends on a positive, optimistic note, which envisions a resurgent American Majority liberating its institutions from the control of intolerant intellectuals innately programmed to destroy what they could never create.

I'm just giving you shit, don't worry about it

You sound like a fucking ad.
>Chem Engineer
>Not based Mech Engineer
How does it feel knowing you are label as some of the dumbest engineers?

>Ive heard about that but i dunno how to do that. Would be cool though

Well I guess you can just wait five minutes, call, and leave to ablvoid cancellation like another user suggested.

I would do that from now on. Maybe you can research how to spoof your GPS some time. It's called 'GPS spoofing', and can be used on any app.

I enjoy the chemistry more than the engineering user. It was this or going biochem and i said fuck it.

Ill look into that, thanks for the advice

Stop saying "teh" instead of "the"

This isn't 2007 you fucking dork