How does it feel knowing that your culture has been eclipsed by American culture

Think about it. The entire world eats American food, watches American television and cinema, listens to American music, and even dresses like American citizens.

How many of you foreigners have ever eaten a burger or worn blue jeans?

Say it with me: Thank you, America!

Other urls found in this thread:

i don't think america invented cooked minced beef bro lol
that logo has a M in it.isnt it short for MC it means "son of" in gaelic.
your actual communication on what is basically a Screen and a Phone Line. both are scottish inventions.
america culture lol

>ate chicken with veggies today, all grown in hungary
>apple drink made in Budapest
>listen to anime music and watch anime
>Research on the trade of jean fabric shows that it emerged in the cities of Genoa, Italy, and Nîmes, France.
try again next time burgerino

We invented America, so all your achievements are actually British achievements.

Checkmate, burgerboy.

Have you even tried McDonalds in other countries? It's always different and often much better. I will agree in the case of movies and music. I'd love to get away from it. Fuck hollywood

Yes, it gave me red white and blue diarrhea like always.

according to you I'm culturally Japanese




A fucking meat with bread is american culture?

> Laughing in Pasta

You still have a long way to go, burger.

>entire world eats American food
explain pls
btw the only people who go to mcdonalds here are tourists and russian teenagers

australia is one of the most amricanised countries on earth. i hear young kids saying 'ass' now instead of how australian used to pronounce it 'arse' (pronounced ah-ss) as well as other americanisations. many of the most popular brands and businesses here are american. halloween is slowly creeping in more every year. its the constant flow of tv, movies and net content bring fashions and vocabulary. not many americans actually move here to spread their culture.




The best and brightest moved to America. The lazy and dumb stayed behind. Now they will be made more dumb with the injection of refugees into the EU.

>How many of you foreigners have ever eaten a burger or worn blue jeans?
>Say it with me: Thank you, America!

Are you saying we should prosecute the united states of america as a whole for all the countless millions of people killed by mcdonalds food?

You know that fucking hamburger clown has killed more people than Hitler.

>American food is disgusting
>Hollywood movies are brain-dead
>Pop music is subversive
>American people don't know how to dress

Try again you degenerates

>Try again you degenerates


At some point Great Britain was a dominating global player.
So was Spain, Portugal, France, the Ottoman Empire, Rome, Greece, Persia,...

And yet another demonstration on how wholly retarded the burgers are.

>America has no cul--

Uhh, try again, sweetie. American car culture is celebrated all over the world.

Stupid burgers.

embarrassing thread

>The best and brightest moved to America.

Seeing the end result of the best and brightest sacrificing themselves makes me sad. Can't even sustain status of economic powerhouse despite starting dozens of illegal wars.

Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet.

Found the guy wearing blue jeans.

> American "culture"
> McDonalds sign

Pottery. You really are a shitty reality-tv version of a country.

>scottish inventions.
HA ha hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
HA hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
oh holy kek!
Monty python 2.0 tier

Our culture sucks ass.

vw is German for folkwalgon so I mean you're retarded go away.


>The best and brightest moved to America.

sorry, Jeeves is now Mohammad, so current Britain gets zero claims to the white mans culture

>American car culture is celebrated all over the world.
>posts logo of Volkswagen
t.rural-suburban retard

>a fucking leaf

Name another country which has sent people to the Moon. I'm waiting.

Maybe if Yuropoor countries had money and rocket science, they'd visit the Moon too. :^)

Jewmerica makes its rounds!

>American food
you mean jewish owned mass produced food
>American television
you mean jewish owned television
>American cinema
you mean jewish owned cinema
>American music
you mean jewish owned music labels
>American clothes
Other than Jeans nothing we wear is American

Explain this, morons.

Why would a "German" car manufacturer make American patriotic cars? Doesn't make sense.

"Volkswagen" comes from the American motto of "E pluribus unum", which means "For the people, by the people" (volkswagen = people's wagon)

Then cane the USA, and history reached its final form
> billion Year Galactic Reich

>Scottish inventions
Wew lad

Found another guy wearing blue jeans.


>Car is French
>Food is Hungarian
>Clothes are Chinese and Bangladeshi, fuck jeans I prefer linen pants
>Watched some Japanese anime yesterday, because your (((film industry))) is complete shit, SJW propaganda
Fuck you OP and fuck your shart in mart kike puppet mongrel "nation".


sorry the truth gave you a nervous break down, better get in the Que for NHS , about 2 year wait time for a crazy pill

Live in Africa just use German vpn and we here see nothing from your shit Culture

>Why would a "German" car manufacturer make American patriotic cars? Doesn't make sense.
>"Volkswagen" comes from the American motto of "E pluribus unum", which means "For the people, by the people" (volkswagen = people's wagon)
Thanks for making me laugh burger, be well

I'm not interested in your shitty tv and Hollywood, and mc donalds is repugnant.

>Being mad when a superior culture starts infecting all over cultures.
Thats like me being mad at the Romans for advancing us ahead in technology, warefare, art and politics.

I thank you for the shit you made pre 1980s. Nowadays I actively avoid any cultural products that come from america, as they are seized by a narrow set of people aiming to push a narrow set of ideologies and censor anything else. It's this censorship in particular that kills artistic talent; that's part reason why the arts are so shitty nowadays. George Orwell talked about this at length.

>tfw you co-opt cultural marxism so hard the soviets didn't realize their mindgames were getting mindgame'd

Calling it american culture is wrong. It is devoid of nationality. Just pure consumerism and mindless capitalism.

>let USSR win ww2
>throw destroyed by Nazis Poland in communist block
>it can't rebuild itself because it's fucking communism
>meanwhile whole West is flourishing
>communism has fallen
>our semi developing companies stand no chance against western, fully developed ones
>almost all companies are now from foreign countries
Yeah thanks a lot

American culture is fine but the reason it is seen globally is because america has the most global trade and advertizing influence (see: aircraft carriers.) I love the culture because its mine. I dont feel like we need to flaunt it and spread it around to the rest of the world. So what I'm saying is that just because it is most globally prevalent doesnt mean its the best just that it was spoken most loudly through the global megaphone. Shouted with red white and blue headbands and t shirts. "WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT, WE WILL NOT VANISH WITHOUT A FIGHT, WE WILL LIVE ON. THIS IS OURRRR INDEPENDENCE DAYY. it almost seems like we need an alien invasion (not illegal immigrants lol) to bring the nations of the world together. Sorry I just watched it last night. Fave movie reminds me of my childhood in the pre 9/11 world.

i am an american so i ain't even mad
long live the empire

Le Camion Qui Fume > Burger King > McDo> Quick

Le Camion culturally appropriated the shit our of the U.S.'s burger. BTFO.

>American culture
That's an oxymoron you fucking moron.

It's sad how the jewish owned enforcers of globalist marxism can brag about their successful destruction of nationalism and the white race.

The eternal burger is truly a menace.

>Nimes, France

Hence the word denim. Literally from Nîmes.

I don't eat trash, I don't watch it, I don't listen to it and I certainly don't dress like a sperg.

I'm proud of you son

>Hamburgers are German Cuisine

I really like the band in flames viking bro I would love to visit Scandinavia. I like your culture even though you hate mine.

>>apple drink made in Budapest
Guarantee that Hungarians--or any nation with an actual sense of national identity--were not the targeted audience for OP.

Bada-ba-ba-ba I'm lovin' it.

Wow thats a very potent and toxic paranoia I didnt know there were Canadians who felt like this. I live in a northern city so I know about cold and snow and I love hockey and beer and mike Myers. thought that would be enough I didnt know I would be indicted for my culture im sorry it wasnt my decision to spread it everywhere I'm just a trooper not vader or palpa.

I was annoyed with american degeneracy before islam became a problem. now i want guns like yanks have them.