>his eloquence
Teleprompters sure are eloquent.
>his quick wit
>his easy humor
"It's like, it was like Special Olympics, or something."
>his seeming comfort meeting with both world leaders and street cleaners
Pissed off world leader by spying on all of them. Pissed off the common man with his "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it" lie and failure to live up to the hope and change hype
>by his bright smile
Smile like a jackass.
>or his sense of empathy
Pretty easy to know how people feel when you spy on all of them.
>or his steadiness
Weakest leader we ever had, bowing to every fucking other leader in the world and never showing an ounce of backbone.
>perhaps by his lack of personal scandals or verbal gaffes or impulsive tirades?
Scandals: Stimulus heist, Operation Fast and Furious (yes, he named it that), ObamaCare, spying, using the IRS against Republicans, BENGHAZI, he was tied up with Hillary's email server scandal despite trying to use a secret handle, going after whistleblowers, and more.
Verbal Gaffes: Okie-doke, Special Olympics, 57 states, "My Muslim Faith," Austrian language, and more.
Impulsive tirades: youtube.com/watch?v=6IwdRxB1_Ns
>Do American liberals actually believe, that Obama was a perfect president and there is nothing to criticize about him, other than his skin color?
Yes, because the media at large softballed him for years and painted the picture that he was perfect. A good example of that is all the gaffes I listed: liberals never heard these gaffes because the media for the most part never gave them any airtime or buried them with excuses. This is unlike how they treat Trump or how they treated Bush Jr.