Can we just admit that our country has to be the biggest cucks in the world?
We're literally becoming an Islamic state, and the vast majority of normies seem to be fine with it.
Can we just admit that our country has to be the biggest cucks in the world?
We're literally becoming an Islamic state, and the vast majority of normies seem to be fine with it.
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We lost the will to live.
Just claim as much bennies as you can and try to enjoy the ride.
The biggest cuck award is a tie between you, Sweden and us. I think Sweden is slightly ahead but we're fucked if we elect Castro's bastard again.
Vote UKIP, May and her cuckservatives can't be trusted.
It's disgusting to see what this country has become.
It's true you complain about germany all the time but in reality you're probably worse.
Hey, guys, aren`t you forgetting someone?
Why doesn't Britain have an anti-islam nationalist party? I don't understand this, every other European country has one.
>t. butthurt polack who doesn't want to lose his bennies.
Pic related, dog-fucker.
hello ahmed
Time to increase the UKIP vote.
>when the whole world is getting cucked
>Brit trying to steal Sweden's place as the biggest cuck
How about you focus on getting those rape statistics up instead of taking credit
>Forgetting Germany and France
Out of all the top cucked countries in europe and the anglosphere we are the only ones with a large amount of the population trying to fight back against it.
We need the conservatives to win a healthy majority for the sake of brexit. Viting ukip risks strengthening labours position in the election. After brexit is done with we can get rid of the tories but not before.
Voting for anybody else this election males literally no sense if you are pro brexit
Whatever demographic collapse you speak of, America is at least a decade or so ahead.
Their final chance was just another Zionist Jew puppet that makes it up as he goes alone.
>literally becoming
Fuck sake user it's already too late when your mayor says terrorism is part of living in a city. You fucking elected him!! Tommy Robinson speaks out and you fucking put him on in jail. Go to Birmingham and tell me it's not the United Kingdom Of Bangladesh. I'd try to get out if I was you.
>Implying I'm a Mudslime.
quick call the police, i think there's a jihadi on the lose......oh wait
No May is fucking thick cunt. She can't make her mind... a UKIP vote will make them key bearers and allow them to strength our Brexit cause. This will also take votes away from Labour heartlands.
if that is you, you have a weird stubby non-human thumb, looks like it helps with the crochet though
The fact that the poms don't do fuck all about Muslim rape gangs tells you everything.
Sweden has it worse.
Leafs will join soon after.
You have praised the Beatles and their shitty love songs.
Now open your legs to your future
How do you go from this
to this
Two world wars.
And a particular country doing its utmost to profit from them.
Is that just the angle or is your thumb big as fuck
>We're literally becoming an Islamic state
Are you really okay with using the term "literally"? To me, it seems like 99% of the country outside Londonistan is still WASPs
It's true that I sometimes forget the UK is technically an anglican theocracy, though
And there are people who still refuse to believe the Beatles weren't an intelligence community psy-op.
Beginning of the end
I actually respect the muslims more than the leftists who are enabling this to happen, seriously.
I'll say it again, our main priority must be to end this age of virtue signalling, where pushing these leftist narratives is the definition of what a good person is suppose to be. We need an age of common sense and reason to sweep it away. When that is done, then you can focus on the muslims.
>implying your people didn't have a choice and a man to lead you to the promise land
We closed borders and imposed new strict immigration laws.
Germany and France on the other hand...
>may is a thick cunt
And nuttal isnt?
>a UKIP vote will make them key bearers
Explain how exactly? this is a genuine question btw. If you vote for ukip in an area that is a close match between labour and conservative you risk a labour win am i wrong?
Not just you, OP, but Britain and much of the rest of Europe. Germany and Sweden are beyond saving, France is heading that way, the slavic states are going to be pressured by the EU to join in Germany's suicidal death cult, hopefully they stay strong. Brexit was a good sign for Britain, but leaving the EU won't fix the problems you already have at home.
we let traitors and commies take control of our governments
it's going to get worse because words will not stop them
This is the direct result of anglo liberalism, you can't fight Islam or deny it because everyone has the right to live according to their believes, that mean islamic courts and sharia law zones. You'll tell me that the same thing is happening in France but that's because no one is willing to enforce the law, everyone's cucked
Authoritarianism is the way to go
looks like a nice flat though, expensive?
£1000 a month. Pretty comfy to be honest.
germany you have my full support
nuke the fucking brits
If this terrorism continues for much longer authoritarianism will come.
It's just a question of time.
Could be much worse... just look at Sweden, Germany and France. All you have to do is not be as bad as those three. Keep fighting britbro
Muzzies murder a 14 year old in blackpool and put her body in kebab. You're beyond cucked. You are food animals.
If people would stop taking the entertainment industry and medias word for everything. Even then the problem exists though, it's coalesced into very popular youtube channels and internet "news" sites. What a mess. Our methods so far have done wonders, but I fear it's not enough. We got a lot of people on our side now, but we are still out of the "normie" loop entirely.
Notice I said world WARS?
And Mosley wanted to dismantle the empire as well you bellend
For reasons I don't entirely disagree with. But to imply he had any wish to maintain it is just silly.
>Posting your fingerprint on Sup Forums
The Beatles are British tradition and pride.
Their lyrics are anti war and pure marxist.
"Imagine all the people"...keep imagining cunts
>£1000 a month.
for just you?
am I white do you think? pic obviously not related, random thing I picked off the net to be witty, officer
Noebel, however, was the first to synthesize it into a single theory.
His thesis was that “Communists have a master music plan” to destroy America, and he traced it back to Communist psychological operations (PsyOp) tactics during the Korean War. In the early 1950s, American journalist Edward Hunter coined the term “brainwashing” and published books on the subject. Central to Hunter’s journalism was Russian scientist Pavlov’s famous psychological experiments with “classical conditioning.” Hunter claimed that Pavlovian methods were being used by the Chinese Communists to brainwash their enemies; Noebel claimed that Pavlovian methods were being used by the Beatles to brainwash and destroy American youth through “the most cunning, diabolical conspiracy in human history”
I live with my wife.
Well, I have thought about this while listening to the lyrics. It's mostly simple words with good meanings.
But now you got me redpilled with historical facts
>I live with my wife.
so it is just you paying then
but seriously, be a bit more optimistic, we will win.....somehow
Seen the new Murdoch Murdoch vid?
Me again :
It would be funny to edit the following video with the song of "Imagine" - John Lennon on the background
Link of video :
Contrast to reality
A Perfect Circle's version of Imagine would be more fitting.
come to Australia my d00d
Just want to say another thing. The music that's in that video is sexualized. It's hardcore and thumping and brutal (the "drop" that people are obsessed with is another sexualized thing - like a cumshot if you want to get specific - it goes straight to the reward centers of the brain), while the video its overlaid on is about refugees coming in and fucking shit up.
Look into what this type of music is doing to people and how the line between music, sex and violence is being blurred.
>posts fingerprints on obscure origami board
>no timestamp
>has non-human toe/thumb hybrid
lives in a mansion, talks about having no possessions, spotted the cunt first time I heard it
we "imposed 'strict' immigration laws"
and "closed borders"
Empty promises to calm any ebil nationaliss waking up.
Agreed. Women generally blame patryarchy but if you compare old songs (40s-50s) to the sex and extravagant lyrics and graphics of today, you clearly see there is a lot of contradiction.
This is what JK Rowling is listening to when she goes on a tweet rage. Her tweeter feed is just a wall of abomination and massive virtue signaling about the poor immigrants