Why did most of the intelligent population in the US vote for Hillary instead of Trump?
Are Trump voters actually retarded, or is there another reason why smart people voted for Hillary?
Why did most of the intelligent population in the US vote for Hillary instead of Trump?
Are Trump voters actually retarded, or is there another reason why smart people voted for Hillary?
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By intelligent do you mean brainwashed by the (((media)))?
Straw man. No true Scotsman. Logical fallacy in every sentence.
Or maybe it's YOU that's been brainwashed by alt right media outlets such as InfoWars and Breitbart. Fucking idiot.
>Too smart to win
Trump voters had a higher iq average
This is what the MSM has said about alternative news media since it's foundation.
>stupid, entitled, snowflake millenials voted for hillary 60-40
>women voted 55-45 for hillary while men did the same for trump
>88% of blacks, and 65% of spics voted hillary
yeah, im supposed to believe black millenial women are intelligent
Yeah... Trump voters are EXTREMELY intelligent.
College educated went with Hillary
They all make under 50k a year
So we can infer that Gender studies majors who still live with thier parents (and dindus) were her base
Most universities are indoctrination facilities, so it does not surprise me at all. At my university we were frequently brainwashed with diversity and multiculturalism although I am studying business and economics. I am still a full National Socialist, but many other students seem to be affected by the propaganda.
Most people at my university drink a lot of alcohol, so 'intelligence' does not prevent you from doing blatantly stupid things. Most people act because of propaganda and social pressure.
Rural people have much better instincts and are far less degenerate.
Donald Trump got the majority of college educated whites. Also the majority of high-income voters.
So I don't understand this claim that all the intelligent people voted for Hillary.
Because white people are taught that any kind of white identity is bad. They don't vote for their own interests but for the interests of other races out of guilt. There is literal brainwashing going on in academia. If you don't care about the future of your race and actually want to become a minority in your own country because you think you deserve it, then it make sense to vote for democrat. The republican party has become the party of the wealthy, but the democrats are explicitly anti white. If you are an intelligent person who has not been brainwashed into abandoning your white identity, then it makes sense for you to vote against the democrats. So yes, if you vote for the republicans for reasons other than racial solidarity, you are unintelligent or wealthy (even though many republican voters are implicitly voting out of racial solidarity but are just not smart enough to realize it). But the truth is, if you are not voting out of racial solidarity, you are brainwashed and not as smart as you think you are. The only issue of any importance for white person is maintaining a demographic minority, which is fundamental to all other issues.
>Why did most of the intelligent population in the US vote for Hillary instead of Trump?
They didn't. Higher IQ whites voted for Trump.
>The only issue of any importance for white person is maintaining a demographic minority
Intelligent people say they voted Clinton because they know the thought police of the left can end their career anytime if they express opinions that disagree with the hivemind.
The truth is that people voted Trump secrelty while publicly saying they voted Clinton
They're idoctrinated and don't think of politics as a worthy science so all their views are first grade level, whereas they might be a rocket scientist in a field they applied themselves.
They could stand on the shoulders of giants to see with a bit of perspective, but in politics everyone thinks they're a master, especially the less they know.
They've either never heard of realism or consider it 'old fashioned' or 'white supremacist' because of hollywood culture so now we're left with this shit that doesn't work and a nation of angry people.
They don't want to read history books, or gain knowledge from historical precedent. Everything is the 'just because they say we can't doesn't mean we shouldn't mindset with millenials, like they never mentally progressed past age 8.
They don't believe the word of veterans who witnessed the Islamic world's horrors first hand, or how humans act when they aren't raised in a safe space golden bubble, and instead embrace the views their Disney movies taught them, expecting them to apply to reality.
They think the world is just like kindergarten and they open the door to everyone.
When we are so moving this far left on the political spectrum, leftists are a cancer to society. They are literally killing us and will kill your children through their stupidity until they are forced to see a real perspective or are sent away somewhere.
Enjoy the next three years, America. That's about how long we will last if you don't get off your ass, forget about your meaningless social plans, and start fixing this problem as a cohesive unit. Or at least write your congressman.
Jews are the most intelligent right? Maybe after chinks. That means the most intelligent people (Jews) voted for Hillary.
Because most US asian citizens are the children of immigrants, and thus still retain their parent's homeland's cultures, which is mostly chinese. And in Chinese culture, maintaining the apperance of intellifence is considered a matter of great importance, even if it does not mean actually being smart or succeeding in your career. This is one reason why cheating and research fraud is so common among them. And in this recent election, the smart urbanites vs rural and suburban retards meme was quite strong, though completely contradictory to reality.
But additionally, Trump's anti-Chinese rhetoric during the campaign did not help
>Niggers and spics voted for Hillary
>Intelligent people
Fuck yourself in the AIDS infested asshole, libtard.
White men
And 54% of white women voted for trump
Everyone else voted for Clinton.....
It has zero to do with education and 1000% to do with having subhumans with subhuman morals in our country.
Someone else gets it.
you're just talking about t. people with useful retardation
also sage
This. Some white people are stupid but almost all non-white people are stupider.
we could see his treason from a mile away
the real question is why would the stupidest vote for a reality tv star with alzheimers who promised what can't be delivered
>That pic
Meanwhile every time a sexually frustrated white autist shoots up a school, it's an isolated incident.
>Intelligence is not one kind
>A person able to solve a complex math problem cannot necessarily survive like a hunter gatherer of Africa
OP is dump. He should be shot after taking money for his education loan
none of those guys are smart
the one on the left isnt even that good at math
He thinks college education is a measure of intelligence
Because the one thing academics crave more than anything is validation of their special snowflake status. The left has been doing just that, by convincing them of a fake reality they are privy to. They tell them that the blue collar retards are dumb, and so they couldn't possibly be right about anything.
Funny thing... The same will happen in reverse.
there are alot more ass kissers for trump
pucker up bitch!
I just recently graduated a NC State with a double major in mechanical engineering and physics.... And I voted Trump so fuck off nigger
Sandyhook was years ago by a literally crazy person.
They wanted the pussy game so nerds play the virtue signaling card. They're so stunted when it comes to women that they have no other concept on how to get their attention.
I know too many people like this.
they're brainwashed
I know lots of very intelligent people with utterly retarded political beliefs because they have been drilled into them since we were in (((gifted))) programs in elementary/middle school taught by hard lefty teachers
they shooting up themselves now
That fuck didn't kill anyone until he converted to Islam. Then boom double murder.
Oh this Hillary?
That guy was a muslim tho
>Why did most of the intelligent population in the US vote for Hillary instead of Trump?
Because Clinton was the better choice.
>Are Trump voters actually retarded
>they shooting
spotted the nigger
Lol being miseducated in brainwashing academia doesn't make one intelligent.
>education = intelligence
>virginia tech
Liberals are weak feminine harmless men or women. Fuck you burn in hell
Pic related
Yes. Every college educated demographic was won by Hillary
Trump voters are either old racists, retarded, or fucking insane white nationalists that take people like alex.jones seriously and think that Obama wires taps the frogs to.find out.how flouride makes the Russians gay
Anyone who does (((this))) is a retard
I guess all " intelligent " people are overly emotional cry babies too.
colombine was 1999
virginia tech was 2007 and also done by an asian named Seung-Hui Cho, you fucking moron.
No one is falling for your transparent false flag white boys
>the fact-free stories conservacucks tell themselves, the post.
You buncha obese motherfuckers can barely stand or reach your own asses to wipe. "Manly?" You're just fat.
You can't even figure out how to make toilets or spell in English 99.5% of the time. Go back to shitting on the designated street.
>Retard on the left, never getting laid in the middle and future Nintendo programmer on the right
Majority of tax payers voted Trump. Only poor, jobless faggots voted Hillary.
Whites are much leaner than niggers and spics
>implying most of the fags in this thread are gunna get laid
Poe's Law is getting insufficient to address the shit people actually believe today
>Former neo-Nazi Devon Arthurs was arrested Friday and charged in the double-murder of two men who allegedly “disrespected” Islam.
>“I had to do it. This wouldn’t have had to happen if your country didn’t bomb my country,” Mr. Arthurs is quoted as saying in a police affidavit.
He's an idiot who went from neo-Nazi to muslim extremist in like a year, shot his roommates, and planned on killing more people for "bombing his country" when he's just some suburban shithead born in America. He's a fucking idiot and if he doesn't get the death sentence, he'll realize how badly he screwed up in like a year since apparently that's all it takes for him to do a 360 in ideology.
It is you fucking retard, they are not all motivated by an ideology to do it.
Every College educated demographic when demoshit because Trump campaigned on canceling most of the grant funding used not only by professors but also grad students. These demographics are also openly Marxist. You sound like a worthless piece of shit who reads salon and thinks john oliver is clever. Fuck you for using an image of based fry kys.
kek. That's home schooling for you. Zero social skills.
>Implying they will not be dumbasses and get married to some cunt with had a hundred cocks in her for the white race.
What does that have to do with anything?
When we are talking about people who are Democrats because they are liberal, we are talking about white people.
And when we are talking about white people, it's you conservafucks who are tubbo-shits.
>Implying the hacker known as Sup Forums isn't on the brink of shooting up a school because he's a 26 year old virgin
>70 IQ Niggers for Hillary
70 IQ Niggers voted for Hillary
70 IQ Niggers vote Democrat
Yeah but only because of "the Southern strategy." Blacks are the most conservative demographic in the USA.
higly educated people who have been through more marxist indoctrination than any other population group you mean? the same people who generally rely upon the government for their grant, scholarships and way too comfy jobs?
jeez, what a mystery
Rural and suburban retards vs enlightened intelligent beautiful city people
The average middle mass of "intelligent" people voted for Hillary, whereas Trump got the votes of cretins AND highly intelligent people. The two fringes just voted him for different reasons.
>Implying the hacker known as channel 4 will not ask worn out Stacy out one last time before shooting up the school and she will say yes putting a end to his plans (for now)
> Thinks.marxism isn't the one and true way
Whats it like being a brainlet?
Niggers with IQ of 70 voted for Hillary, Obama & Democrats.
Niggers chose Hillary over Bernie Sanders
Niggers with very low IQ of only 70 voted for Hillary, Obama & Democrats.
Niggers chose Hillary over Bernie Sanders.
There is a fine line between "intellegence" and "education". A line you're probably too logically stunted to acknowlege.
That red herring is maroon!
Your claim, aside from being untrue, is also irrelevant.
Trump didn't campaign in California.
The stats show that Trump voters had higher IQs.
Hillary voters are:
Blacks (low IQ)
Mestizos (low IQ)
Single mothers (often low IQ)
Young people (not fully developed)
Poor people (often low IQ)
Immigrants (a mix of IQs but it's obvious why they didn't support Trump)
The left is a gathering of the dumbest, poorest, weakest members of society who DEMAND a large government to take care of them. The left appeals to weaklings and morons.
You think your skinny ass could beat a republican frat boy? Lmfao delusional.
Cheating Jewish Elite vote against the White Man.
Rich Jews pay a lot of money to Cheat on Exams, bribe Professors & study in Elitist Unis.
Borderline Sociopath Jews.
>Implying channel 4 news
if by intelligent you mean college educated, maybe you need to look at what the graduated in
some pretentious arts degree is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of being indoctrinated into being a sheep
also not to mention the few negros who actually came out to vote, much less than obongo
my favorite part of the election was liberals being surprised that Hispanics don't all vote dem and the ones that don't are actually more likely to vote
it's almost as if not all Hispanics are illegal Mexicans
what fucking retards
they only continue to prove to me how stupid they are as time goes on
>tfw to smart to not be brainwashed
>Implying that all it broadcasts is news
Blacks overwhelmingly voted for Hillary and most of them are barely functioning retards, explain yourself.
I think you fat fucks can't get reach around your bellies to beat your own dicks, let alone anyone else's ass.
The stats show that Trump voters had higher IQs.
Hillary voters are:
Blacks (low IQ)
Mestizos (low IQ)
Single mothers (often low IQ)
Young people (not fully developed)
Poor people (often low IQ)
Immigrants (a mix of IQs but it's obvious why they didn't support Trump)
The Jews deceive all of these dumb non-white male goyim to vote for a Kike shill.
hvilke uni?
University degrees are no longer a reliable metric to determine intelligence.
"Smart city people" people knew they would be ridiculed for voting for Trump and since they have more money invested in the status quo, they didn't want to see it change
Some voted for Trump anyway because it felt good after all those dinner parties and Facebook posts and conversations with brainwashed coworkers to realize Hillary supporters had no platform besides hating trump and being afraid of conservative strawmen
Intelligent in today's world= media hugger + head up the lib education system's ass
i.e libtard. Beat your kids and homeschool them Sup Forums
Daily reminder that most college-educated white voters in the 2016 general election voted for Trump.
"Smart city people" people knew they would be ridiculed for voting for Trump and since they have more money invested in the status quo, they didn't want to see it change
Some voted for Trump anyway because it felt good after all those dinner parties and Facebook posts and conversations with brainwashed coworkers to realize Hillary supporters had no platform besides hating trump and being afraid of conservative strawmen.
That's based upon racist IQ tests. Real intelligence is compassion.
maybe because by being successful, they were the ones that actually werent screwed over by society, so they believe in their society and what everyone apparently wants (because of media) is hillary so they, supporting the society that supported them, support hillary.
It's true
And Africa has the highest EQ that's why they are so good to eachother
northern and middle African wouldn't migrate down to prospering colonist + southern african countries and take a massive shit on them for gibs, r-right?
>$20k+ job training makes you intelligent