Why do Conservapoors vote against their own economic interests?
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because fuck libtards amirite
Because they think coprorations have their best interests
>only economic interests matter
Because economic interests=/=all interests
>Some people are poor
>Most people are middle class
>Some people are rich
>Economic Freedom
>Almost everyone's poor
>No one's middle class
>Politicians are rich as hell
>No economic freedom
>Corrupt assholes in government control your wages, benefits, and taxes
Millionaire actors do, too. ? Who cares
Dey be stubid duh
They don't, you dumb nigger.
Dignity. Handouts from the rich (i.e. taxing them) is accepting state control and giving up our natural responsibilities in life. We'd rather not, thanks. We've seen what it does to you liberal brainwashed types and it looks super gross. Personally, I'd rather starve than allow a bunch of purple haired bitches with red tapped nipples as shirts decide what's good for me and my family.
Provo Utah is literally a meth infested Mormon shithole. Logan is way better. KYS
Literally their logo. KYS
Socialism is in nobody's best interest.
make the world ancap again and there will be no more nigger&"progressive" problems except burial
Why do canacucks think they know about USA? Keep sucking AIDS dick, retard faggot
Because they're fucking stupid and are subhumans who think being a wagecuck makes them a "real man" when it just makes them useful idiots who are otherwise worthless. Cuckservatives are as bad as liberals.
Are you guys really so stupid that you think Detroit collapsed for either racial or political reasons?
It was the industrial backbone of USA. Domestic manufacturing collapsed, and the city whose economy collapsed with it.
It didn't collapse because people were black or Democrats. It collapsed because shipping got cheap, and airplanes and the internet exist.
No number of Republicans and White people could have done a damned thing to save it.
not giving the rich tax cuts isnt going to make you rich
giving tax cuts to the poor isnt going to make them rich
it doesnt really matter one way or the other
Oh look a civic nationalist cuck.
>muh racist democrats
>sucks lincoln's dick for destroying the south
Go bad to reddit
that's why you need mix economy
Actually it will. Poverty is a relative measure. Income inequality is the root cause of poverty in the USA.
Doubtful, nigger. All democrat cities are fucked
National Socialism is. It is Racial Socialism.
why do niggers vote democrat against their own interests?
Silicon Valley is the USA's powerhouse. Los Angeles and New York are the USA's culture.
There are only Democrat cities. The rest of the country is irrelevant.
how is it going against my own economic interests? I respect the billionaires, they worked hard to get where they are. Expecting them to pay a higher percentage of taxes is akin to accepting stolen goods. Lower tax rates for the wealthy is a good thing; if I was wealthy I'd want to pay less tax too, wouldn't you? Or are you just an eternally broke nigger who wants the rich to fund your gibmes? goddamn libshit demcucks I swear to god.
>Not taking into account racial politics
>Not taking into account automation
Fucking moron.
Very-nearly each billionaire on the planet was born into it.
The few that weren't are computer developers.
Whereas Clinton folk thought celebrities has their self interests.
LOL LA and NY are shitskin infested hellholes, you dumb nigger.
Because niggers are tribal and racially motivated, also Democraps increase welfare programs for niggers.
You're a fucking retard if you think you need to mix some socialism into capitalism.
Eliminating the unions would have been a start
Ok then why are the suburbs fine
Idiot wagecuck
Its simple...Reagan started this trend that Ideology is more important than Facts... that's why all the state's that voted for trump are going to get hit the worst.. he's cutting a lot of programs that lower and middle class white America . And all the libtard state's like California will be fine because of marijuana taxes.. literally over 100 billion annually
It's actually a good idea and the main tenet of economic Fascism.
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot mix economy.
>Half of people are poor
>Some people are middle class
>Few people are rich
>Poor no longer work cause benefits pay more
>Middle class pays for able-bodied, working age poor people to do nothing all day
>Rich people pay democrats to enforce corporate state and pay no taxes.
>Still no economic freedom
>Probably less political freedom aswell
>also Democraps increase welfare programs for niggers.
you did not watch the video. the welfare programs are literally what is Keeping the Black Man Down
Automation is not an excuse to become a jobless neet.
Having more gib dats shouldn't be and that's what it will come down to
White people on welfare blows a hole in that.
>could have done a damned thing
How about tariffs on Toyotas in the 70's when we actually had a chance to preserve US auto manufacturing you dumb fuck?
>more government helps people
Why not?
The US is a mixed economy
it keeps balance and help to prevent things like monopoly
ok, so? if they were born into it then it means their ancestors worked hard to accumulate that money. Those ancestors didn't work hard so that their descendants could piss it away in taxes to fund libshit demcuck gimedats.
I'll say it again, lowering taxes on the rich is a good thing. If you legitimately want them to pay more taxes then you're admitting you're willing to accept stolen goods you didn't work for or deserve.
Idiot wagecuck. Unions did not cause outsourcing.
Name one reason why we need a social safety net
I think public healthcare (while privates can exist alongside and with raised spending for it) and public education are a good thing.
Because Libtards want them dead.
You're a fucking retard if you think socialism and capitalism can be mixed: they are eachother's antithesis.
The government doesn't prevent monopolies and they only use antitrust laws to bully successful businesses into giving them more money (see Microsoft). Anti trust laws do more harm than good, the origin of the word monopoly came from a government granted exclusivity. Monopolies didn't exist before the government.
Unions supported inflation witch is the main cause of outsourcing
Actually it is, because automation will take over all sectors of the economy eventually, and no one will be able to live without Basic Income. We are headed for a NEET singularity. Also without the taxation of automated companies and Basic Income, NBI or RBI (National Basic Income/Racial Basic Income,) the economy will collapse because no one can purchase goods or services from any sector of the economy. Without NBI/RBI it will halt the economy.
Which is why both conservatards and libtards need to go.
Only socialism will provide americans with salvation.
Most welfare recipients are non-Whites.
No, the main source of outsourcing was that labor in other countries was hellishly cheaper, disregarding even inflation.
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis
>Actually it is, because automation will take over all sectors of the economy eventually,
Stop reading marxist fan fiction
Public education is where leftist indoctrination begins. It's the first that needs to go.
I live in LA.. it's thriving. Plus trump cut budgets for sanctuary cities. .but California laughed at him because we have legal marijuana and have more than enough state money to fund all the new budget cuts..plus a lot construction is going on in the next 20 years.. I'm neither a libtard or cuckservative..the numbers don't lie.. trump state's are going to suffer especially from the SNAP program a lot of working class white people depend on food stamps to make ends meet..
But u don't understand your probably not even an adult or pay your own bills lol
Inflation is what made it cheaper
>I live in LA.. it's thriving
When was the last time you went down to skid row
Because billionaires and millionaires create jobs and prosperity. Give me dats dont.
Every republican thinks they're going to get rich tomorrow and vote against their best intrests today. Can't afford healthcare? Medicaid cut? Social Security gone? Fuck you. Hurry and up and get rich.
Oh you didn't read the article did you?
California (overwhelmingly democrat): 10 percent of nation's population, 30 percent of welfare cases
Learn to read, nigger spic faggot shit-for-brains
>1 post by this ID
Why do they vote against their own racial interests?
Companies will not manufacture products in Nations with high taxes, it's pretty simple economics and everyone here is bitching about stupidity.
Do you want a decent paying job or welfare?
You can mix them. See you as an American grew up with a 2 party system, thinking everything is black or white, wrong or right.
You can be socialistic by distribute wealth by taxing the rich (who got a lot of money anyway) and spend it on education, infrastructure, healthcare and thus creating job for teachers, constructionworkers and nurses etc. Also with education you can evolve as country in general. Life is not a sprint brother, it's a marathon.
>But but muh incentive to work harder and niggers on welfare etc.
Well a complete socialistic country is indeed horrible. But a complete capitalistic country is horrible too. I rather live in a country which provides acces to healthcare, good education and a good standard of living.
In my country I don't go broke if i get cancer, my own risk is 375, college is very affordable and if I lose my job i don't get kicked out of my house.
>but but freeloaders just work harder bla bla bla
A cleaner works hard too! And if you look at the bell curve of IQ you see that roughly 50% is below average meaning that they cannot get high education simply because their brains cannot handle it. But they need a decent living too! Imagine if you were born with an IQ of 90.
>wow good points user. anything else?
Imagine you are behind a door before entering the world you are going to live in. You don't know wether you are going to be born rich or poor, healthy or disabled, smart or stupid. What kind of country would you like to live in, knowing there is a chance you get born in the ghetto or in a billionaires senpai. Food for thought
No, just remove meme classes like psychology, sociology and stuff like that.
Again, I come from another country so we have separate issues.
We have a professor openly praising Ustasha movement, teacher saying how gays are mentally ill etc.
We should just keep ideological stuff aside and teach STEM stuff.
Why was I forced to pay into SS in the first place
Maybe you're jyst fucking stupid, feeble minded cuckservative, I am a National Socialist, nit a Marxist.
Skid row is a street in downtown LA. It's not the entire population living down there.. those are mentally ill people. Nice try tho kid
Just* not*
>get the rich to make shit
>force them to pay high tax
>give tax money to people to buy shit
>rich no longer exist
>rich no longer make shit
That's only on the money side. With no incentive to support the technical side, we may as well go back to the wilderness.
>Trump promises to give the rich tax breaks if they hire and support US workers
>Trump promises to punish the rich if they move overseas
>US workers vote for Trump
the left needs new memes
this isn't 2012 with Romney
Trump didn't win because of the "conservative" vote but because white working class Democrats in MI, WI and PA
I think Republicans are just more realistic and generally more comfortable without having such an extensive safety net compared to what Democrats want. In a perfect world there'd be a safety net covering everything, but in reality that safety net requires funding that many people aren't interested in paying for. Maybe it's short sighted, especially if you turn out to be an individual who would have ended up benefiting from that safety net, but then you're just as likely to never need it either, in which case the taxes you paid towards it would have been a waste of your money in relation to your own individual benefits.
I guess it comes down to how much you care about helping your countrymen. Personally I prefer the individualistic approach, help yourself, let others worry about themselves, work hard and try your best to prosper.
except in reality we have
socialism for the rich
>most people are poor
>some are middle class
>very few are rich and have a huge proportion of total wealth available
>economic freedom for the rich and limited options for all else
BTW you're also wrong about socialism
a better description would be
>almost everyone is middle class
>some are poor, some are rich
>politicians are middle class
>economic freedom but some regulations on financial markets/banks
>corruption is endemic in all systems, not higher within socialism intrinsically.
There is unlimited demand foe labor at the right price
The automation problem can easily be solved by deflation
You're retarded and don't live near Detroit like I do. A mix of LBJ policies and racial tensions drove the economy into the shitter and then whites left after the 60's riots. After that Detroit has had a long string of black, democrat, corrupt mayors and councilmen.
Detroit is, thanks to LBJ policies, the most socialist city in the country and has been for over 50 years. I repeat, I live near the city, I've tried to do business in the city and the corruption is South American tier. It'd be Africa tier if it weren't for the state and federal govt constantly bailing it out and reigning it in from the worst excesses.
no this is my website now white boi
why do people think that taxing the rich will remove them from society? it's not true, they may leave the country but they will still want to run corporations in countries and they can pay in corporation tax.
Why do you assume only the rich can produce for society? Companies and especially the workers produce, economic class doesn't have much to do with production of goods and services. You cuckservatives are stupid, if you have a skill, you can produce, there are plenty of skilless or low skilled wealthy individuals who are only rich because their parents and families. My grandpa was a multi-millionaire electritian, bug my only skill is C++ programming and I'm poor.
The problem isn't exclusive to colleges with nothing degrees. It stems from the schooling from childhood.
Michael Malice is spot fucking on here:
So the losers in this whole republican pyramid scheme who can't work their shit jobs anymore and who's savings went out the window to cover their medical bills for busting their asses on their shit jobs wouldn't go completely under.
Their parents and families are rich*
>muh guns
>muh abortion
>muh freedums
>marxist education
Here's a nice video
I like this one cause it's catchy
>republican pyramid scheme
SS was a democratic creation
Wait till that healthcare bill passes and cuts billions from medicaid. Trump just one termed himself.
>a complete capitalistic country is horrible too
>rather live in a country which provides access to healthcare, good education, and a good standard of living
None of this requires socialism
>I don't go broke if I get cancer
What is charity?
>college is very affordable and if I loose my job i don't get kicked out of my house
Weakens the value of a college degree and less homes will be supplied
People on medicaid dont vote republican
Yeah just be cheaper than the machine, idiot.
(cont:) More directly to your point however, American manufacturing didn't fully collapse in the greater Detroit area until the 90's thanks to NATO. There were still a large number of manufacturing in the area up until the early 2000's, and Detroit had been long dead since before then.
You'd know this if you lived here and saw it all happen; but you don't and you'll just regurgitate whatever your Marxist teachers tell you. They know Detroit is the smoking gun for their leftist policies, and that's why the story of Detroit is (seemingly) so hard to figure out to you outsiders.
> old people don't vote republican
That's medicare
Also people pay a premium for hand crafted crap becuase of the status it gives them
You're making yourself look stupid mongrel, National Socialism isn't Marxism. One Socialism is not limited by race and is Globalist (Marxism) and the other Socialism limits itself to ethnic or racial boundries (National Socialism,) I am a National Socialist not a Marxist.