do you ever get tempted?
Do you ever get tempted?
more than tempted brother. the cure is coming. t-minus 15 years. hold steady
how is being proud of being white tempted you fucking racist nazi?
Too stupid to commit suicide
Smart enough to Breath
Not smart enough to expand images
I....I may find asians attractive.....I may......want to fuck them.....
lots of japanese girls are cute
this is a fact
Yes I unironically started using a dating site and all of the white women have tattoos, children, and are intitled bitches.
However the asian women don't have tattoos, kids, christian, nice, feminine.
Not really sure what to do with this information. I wanted to use the dating site to disprove my white women are lost thing but it did the opposite.
So the real question is, is it better to mate with an ugly white, or a 9/10 asian.
i know what you mean. I never find any good meals in the dumpster either.
N-no I would never!
Not an argument.
The morons here glorifying Asian women have clearly never been with Asian women in a committed long term relationship. Realit of life with a demanding, resentful Asian woman is not pretty.
Asian women are for fun, white women are for family.
it's too late user, i've plowed the rice.
there's no going back now.
Jesus fucking Christ
my penis looks exactly like this, should i be worried?
i get tempted to burn jews sometimes.
meanwhile irl
If you walk around in Berkeley, you might have a QT leftist slap it.
There is something about asians that makes me want to bully them.
Maybe it's their submissiveness.
That kid's fucking rancid.
>h-hi oppa! Surely you didn't mean the hateful things you've said on that weird image board?! I thought we...
white nationalism < Asian pussy
The country is going to last max 100 more years before niggers make it full retard. I plan on getting mine and getting out.
then i'll have to rape her in self defense
this camera angle is making me feel like a manlet
You dated one bitchy Asian woman and you hate them all now? Sweet, more for me.
Daily reminder that race traitors get the rope
>preserve the genetic purity of your people the best you can in spite of the challenges
>Supreme gentlemen and tight yellow pussy
good choice user
So what do you do if the state you live in is shit for women?
The easy answer is j ust move but I have a great job and the area is nice. The only bad part is that the women are rancid. I have even looked 150miles around and nothing.
suddenly a foot and a half shorter
What if I tell you, you can use White women eggs to fertilize your waifu and still have a White child?
I've more or less sworn off 3DPD.
damn now when you think about it, expansion to the east wasnt are mistake after all,
Fuck off you Paul hogan wannabe "cunt." Let me go to a jap anime website to figure out what basement dwellers respect so I know how to live my life. Obviously you don't know what cuck means, cuck.
>Only female race traitors should because they are usually the submissive ones in the relationship and also it is harder for them to have kids, their duty is to be mothers.
>Men on the other hand can fuck whatever race of women they want as long as they don't impregnate them as a show of dominance (why do you think dindus love white girls) And also just getting their sexual desires out before they meet their aryan waifu
>Think about how stupid that argument is
mail order bride
At least they aren't niggers and they look cute.
idk they're kind of just fuckable fish/insect people
Tempted by foolish ideologies? Sometimes
Well /aussie/?
>they tried to kill pepe, but maybe a kiss will wake him up ;)
Of course not.
a nignogs weakness are white women; a peckerwood's weakness are Asian women.
>Abraham Lincoln with just a goatee fucks some Vietcong woman
>somehow creates a very young, very surprised Jackie Chan
Well Asians are equal to Caucasoids, thus nothing wrong about them. Also culture,food and women are all nice.
Take em, I don't care anymore.
I don't know any Asian women.
Best leafpost EVER
I thought that was a cigar.
user, I...
so you like making halflings?
Dis unfortunately me.
>Start dating, virgin til 20, use online dating
>Date black girl, bang her
>Relationship failed, back at it
>Become less interested in white girls, try dating a white girl, super depressed and shit, banged her but sex sucked
>Post election in canada start browsing Sup Forums, becoming very conservative
>early 2016 start dating current black gf, fall in love with her, sex is good, she cooks, fuckin mint situation
>All the while beginning to understand race realism, hitler did nothing wrong, basically am Hoppe tier libertarian with a soft side for fascism at this point
>Kinda wish white women weren't so corrupted that I have to outsource but I've gone too far at this point
That gif really activates my almonds
I don't care anymore, white women are fucking loud annoying and stupid.Fuck them all.
>there are people who fap to this
Yes yes, all white women are bad, good goy
blame yourselves (dads) for being lame cucks and letting them do whatever they want.
>everyday we move further away from god
>implying i'm a dad
What?No one is whipping them into shape, I can't do it all by myself.
Well, when you lose your virginity and make a daughter then don't fail or it's all on you.
remember, if you breed her your genetic lineage will forever be tainted.
No, My country already has enough ugly nonwhite babies. Plus Hapas are the East Asian versions of Chechens so why would I give birth to future terrorists who worship communist EurasianTiger?
>blames dads
>blames virgins
Pick one faggot.
is this not meant to turn me on?
>Whipping them into shape
Let me tell you a story about dating fat chicks/broken chicks/fucked up chicks in general in the hopes of getting them right. It usually ends with them not appreciating a single fucking thing you've done for them and running off with someone else who wouldn't of gave them a second look before you put the time in on them. NEVER spend your valuable time trying to correct a shitty women. Just date someone who's right for you from the start.
Femdom really is an extremely cucked variant of sexual activity. The average person who likes Femdom looks like this anyways.
I meant correcting white women in general.
What is with the nigger's obsession with thicc?
but what if my spiritual desire is to make an army of supreme gentlemen to liberate my fellow white man for the eternal roastie?
is reading comprehension difficult? I said dads, i didn't say YOU were a dad. mmkay.
You can fuck Asians as long as you do it in their countries and not bring their children with you. Or else America's future will basically be this, Hapas of both types are really unlikable people just like most mixed retards.
>NEVER spend your valuable time trying to correct a shitty women.
Ok. My point still stands.
Good question
C-milk's a bro.
He's also a Jew though, so Sup Forums doesn't count him as white anyway.
I understand what you mean man, i'm just saying.
Your supreme gentlemen offspring will literally be leftist versions of Caucasus people. Basically Terrorists who hate whitey just like how Chechens hate Russians.
Maybe it's not about coming from asia. Maybe it's about not being a degenerate piece of shit and trying to raise your children into being degenerate pieces of shit too.
You are just now getting that?How's that for reading comprehension.
Idc about Asian women but black girls constantly tempt me. This one in particular is very touchy with me, hugs me every time I see her, plays with my hair, holds onto my arm pushing her tits into me, tries to sit in my lap, etc. Just won't leave me alone. I always walk away with a raging hard on after seeing her.
I will be needing source for this
im gay but asians do it to me 90% all the time - doesnt matter if boy or girl
Fucking asians is not even worth it. They're worthless in bed. Do it once or twice to get it out of your system if you must and move on. NO MORE HAPAS
>Dad I'm buying a shotgun, I'm ready to fucking shoot myself thanks for making me a mongrel, cuck
Hope you enjoy your niglet user, Can't wait until he adopts Anti-White culture from black rappers like most niggers.
come on, they look normal. shitty argument.
unfortunelly yes.
but because of my geographical location it makes no sense to chase about asian girls that just don't exist here anywhere.
but boy if I could get a qt like sometimes posted here, I would bite instantly.
I think it's Hitomi.
hold on, is that who i think it is?
thank you good sir
uh oh of course not my dear, its just satirical post in satirical board!
>The little fat mongrel baby will grow up to adopt Nihilism like most mongrels and despise having mixed children
Mixed people were never intended to exist, why do you think they're fucked beyond repair? Ethnic mixing is pretty much as far as you can go. Interracial people are literally the most fucked people yet. The attractive and smart ones like the Rock are an absolute minority.
No probs
things only white people do