What do Liberals think is going to happen to them once they get their glorious revolution...

What do Liberals think is going to happen to them once they get their glorious revolution? They don't really seem cut out for backbreaking manual labour.

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>pic of a guy
>thinking this means anything

I'd bet they probably think they'll be the "esteemed" members of the Inner Party since they were the ones to carry the standard of communism.


Most people tend to envision them somewhere in or near the elite in their idea of perfect society desu. Rawls' veil of ignorance is a pretty useful idea.

lol either they'll be the ones to put a bullet in the proletariats who don't love communism enough or they'll be the ones get their brains blown out by commissar Ron Jon, Pedro and Tyrese

great point, faggot

They don't think. If they did, they would have abandoned their idealistic worldviews for things that work.

You look at these people long and hard and tell me how long they'll last breaking rocks in a work camp.


That's my pure bred pleb

I've been searching for it for 8 months

I am so happy you found it

Please call (813) 518-8313

Reward offered

Or doing farm work in the sweltering sun for 18 hours a day.


>in the sun
>for 18 hours a day


>I kind of want to fuck banshee


2 hand avocado curls. Gonna make serious gainz.

My bad. They'll work in the sweltering heat, and then into the freezing night. Much more preferable.

For curiosity's sake, where do you see yourself in the glorious revolution comrade?


I see myself resting peacefully in a ditch

If leftists ever get their glorious communist revolution leftists will be the first ones lined up against a wall and shot.

>weak jaw
>skinny as fuck
>non-discreet tattoos
>shitty facial hair

come on now

How many swings of the pick-axe do you think this fellow has in him?

Is this the "guy" that did those """squats"""

It's a female

How will xir get xi's hormone medication in the gulag?

1. They think all their blaming society for everything they failed at will be real. They perfect people by birth no need to learn, grow up or work your way up the ladder and earn respect by competence and work.

2. They think they will be better off financially.

3. They think all become one, by seeing how superiour their idea of culture is and surrender to it. Cultural superiourists is actually what they are.

4. They think they can print money and just give it to people, without inflation.


Well considering that Democrats invented slavery I would assume that they will just re-enslave blacks.

Pretty sure everyone is going to be out of work once automation really kicks in.

Remember the rust belt and how the Juggalo movement formed due to poor trailer trash not being able to find work so they clung on to this pathetic concept?

Imagine that happening across the US as machines aren't required to pay FICA taxes and companies will see the opportunity cost of owning a machine rather than human that's inefficient.

Will be the Juggalo states of america

everyone loses.

I wonder how many hours he'll last pushing a mine cart before he collapses and gets shot.

That sounds fun af pass the Faygo senpai

I"ll get the face paint ready brother, we'll be suckin juggalette titties and sippin faygo out of chaimpagine glasses!

That kid has seen some shit.

Bet you that thing has already OD'd or died some other degenerate way since then.

They will be put to death

She looks like a real screamer.

These intimidating specimens will be the ones waging a guerilla war to take down the US government.

Yeah, the unemployment line

Holy shit he/she is fat

Even the dog is fat

>he doesn't travel around the world to different time zones to get more sunlight every day
Have fun with your vitamin d deficiency faggot


They get murdered by Paco and Ahmed, before Paco and Ahmed murder each other.

They'll be among the first up against the wall. Once you win the revolution, you gotta get rid of those pesky revolutionaries. Lest they start getting ideas.

they aren't capable of reflecting on themselves, thinking realistically or thinking that far ahead. i'm pretty sure to them it's just "coexist lol". of course their masters have far more sinister ideas but they'll never know that. anyone with a few rub cells to rub together should know utopia isn't possible and even if it were, they would just construct more boogeymen afterward because they need that to survive.

Watch out, Capitalism.

This is the revolution.

It's a woman

I just fucking think these people don't realize that they aren't going to be "glorious" card carrying members of the revolution. If anything, they might have to resort to slavery to do the work, which is what they detest. Even so, whoever the leader is, if this happens, will probably kill them all. As one person said, when shit hits the fan, the one thought that is going through is "Where is my protection? Where is the police?"


How tho

Picking these fucks off with an ancient bolt action rifle.

Nothing a few electric whips cant solve.

leftists will excuse slavery if it's somebody they think to be less than human. that's the whole point of the "racism" boogeyman

>What do Liberals think is going to happen to them once they get their glorious revolution? They don't really seem cut out for backbreaking manual labour.
What they think will happen:
The kids think that there will be a literal paradise on Earth where they don't have to work more than 20 hours a week and make maximum wage with all housing and healthcare expenses paid for.

The professors and journalists think that they'll be the inner party members who rule over the plebs and create utopia for them, handing it down to their subjects from their vast wisdom and intellect.

What will actually happen: all liberal agitators will be shot, as the Soviet States of America needs obedience from its citizens, not stupid ideas about civil rights.

RARE and digits


Imagine that poor kid's teacher on conference day.



>i'm not hungry
>but i can't take my AZT on an empty stomach

I wish they would really just try a to start a revolution. Things wold be over fast and much better after.

Being purged once they are no longer useful is their likely fate.
They'll welcome it as the ultimate virtue signal.

Reminds me of this CS Lewis quote: "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

How much do you enjoy live action roleplaying?

You do realize none of what you said will ever happen.

Not every lefty is like this, a lot of them are preparing for the revolution by working out.

This. They think they will be part of the "intelligentsia" who works out new retarded doctrines, when most likely they will get disposed off for possibly endangering the new status quo, i.e. whatever elite is taking power. They have learned nothing from all the communists cleansings in history.
On the other hand, the same will happen to them if negroes or islamists took over, so they are fucked either way.

My point. Say all they have his black people, but to excuse the whole "racism" and "slavery" thing, they revert back to locking black people in chains, as well as hitching up white men as slaves as well. You know damn well this so called revolution won't last that fucking long. They would all be dead and hung as traitors by the following god damn year. Just imagine.
>Handle bar mustach faggaloon swinging from a tree with the words "traitor" stapled to his chest
>A fat womyn being forced to run on a treadmill to lose weight, all while a burger is dangled in front of her
>Nu males being stripped naked and beaten and dragged through the streets while being called traitors
You know for a damn fact people wouldn't just turn over and let these fucking limp wristed sacks of shit run the country.

Jesus christ, I've heard of fucking delusions, but this one beats them all.

You don't think the slave driver will respect their triggers?


You, there.
Stop making sense.

Meant to say pronouns not triggers, but you get the idea.

Absolutely disgusting.

I guess we'll have to redefine work then. There's many things in the world that need to be done, but they're not conducive to raising a family in today's world.

even the dogs fat. fuckin hell.

Well, it's their usual problem, oscillating between "we're all the same" and "we're all different special snowflakes", the same way the left wants one world with one government and one race/culture, but then throw around "diversity" as if they aren't aware they are destroying it.
I don't think they have a clear idea of what they really want, or how to achieve it for longer than a fleeting, passing moment in history.

>they think everyone will have an iPhone and mansion in a perfect commie society
>in reality the poor, aka commissar Jamal and Cletus will kill them for being middle class

>live action roleplaying
Yeah, it's not like 30% of Sup Forums is active or former military

thats actually a girl that transitioned into a man

Are all Americans this fat and ugly?
Serious question.

I am pretty sure dogs watch and learn from the humans they're around like kids do.
I know some gay guys that own male dogs. The dogs are constantly humping each other and tried to hump my dog to but they wouldn't even touch my female.

They'll let as much Muslims and/or Blacks into the country as possible, these 2 groups will take over and kill them because this faggotry is unacceptable for them.

I'm not sure if it's an American thing, or a liberal thing.

What's wrong with glasses?

Fat people tend to be mentally unstable types so it makes sense.

Fucking underrated user

Liberals generally aren't the most hard working of people. That's why you see them always begging for more social programs that other people would pay for. There are plenty of unhealthy Republicans too, sure, but it feels like an overwhelming majority on the left.

Our BMI is actually lower than Canada's if you exclude non-whites. Niggers and Spics are almost always fat. Nigger women especially. I have literally only seen about 10 to 20 thin black girls in my life and I lived near the ghetto.

Every citizen will be allotted one Fungpei iCell because it's all the collective can afford. It will be replaced with an upgrade in ten years, economy permitting

Only the ones with weak Irish genes. Keep your chin up, if you have a chin.


They want to be plugged into the NWO matrix


did you really find a chopped of dick just laying on the ground?

>a fruit holding a smaller fruit
The weak should fear the strong.

Checked, and I was about to post that.

>the majority of the modern commie movement that wants a revolution is composed of upper middle class white people living comfortably
>implying the upper middle class and upper class arent always the first to go in a revolution with economic roots

The billionaires on both sides of the political spectrum will just get on their private jets and flee the country. The people that get hit hardest by "revolutionaries" will be the same people parading around with the newest tech paid for with daddys money. Which ironically are the people who think they want this kind of revolution. The REAL middle class (workers) will be praised for "working in the name of the country" but they wont be the ones out killing the enemies of the movement.

Tldr; nu-commies will ironically end up killing their own party members during their own revolution, because using wealth to decry wealth is fucking stupid.

So, if companies dump all their workers and use robots, who will buy their shit if everyone has no job?

>what's wrong with not being able to see

you'll find out post-collapse, bucko

That poor fat dog

In a way he is lucky. Look how big that avocado seems to him.

holy fucking hell is this the tranny endgame??
you know when she eventually regrets her decision it's too late. Those test injections have fucked her body up for the rest of her life, she'll have hair increased hair loss, muscle growth, hairy limbs, sweat more and there is no fucking way back to becoming a grill.
