In Moscow 10 yo kid detained for reciting Hamlet in public

In Moscow 10 yo kid detained for reciting Hamlet in public.

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wtf I hate iambic pentameter now

was it autism?

Was he sent to the gulag?

He will be send to the hacker basement and kept well fed

>tfw no hot russian police woman to cuff me

They didn't detain him for reciting a poem by Shakespeare, did they? I mean, what does Russia have against Hamlet? There is obviously a cut, so there mustve happened something inbetween. Somebody put this into perspective please

they punish your dick too

Why is there a cut? Wtf happened?


>he does not pronounce certain letters, psychologists advised him to speak publicly.

what is a Hamlet ?


Putin needs autists for internet warfare corps.

Dont you have laws against speaking in some public places? thats why you don't have black israelites preaching on the red square

(((Psychologists))) fucked him over

Not relating to Shakespeare, authorities just don't like any public performances.



So no right to peaceful public assembly? That's not totalitarian

The short of it from google translate.

>Cops think the kid is begging and arrest him.
>Also charge the parents with forcing their kid to beg for them. something like child neglect or not properly raising your child.
>Idiot parents try to fight the cops and may also be charged with that

>that female cop


Hamlet du fromage.

Why do you want to step on their culture, fuck you shariablue burgers

>right to peaceful public assembly
no such thing here

when will you sukas finally kill yourselves?

Gotta admit, you miss out in so much fun

Normal day for that shithole of a country

Russia. The most embarrassing thing on our planet beside niggers, spics, muds, poos, gooks, kikes, slavs, niggers, Romanians, euros, b-ners, gypsies, arabshits, Canadians, brits, Italians, Germans, French, Japs, turk roaches, Canadians, injuns, Eskimos, Russians, gooks, zipper heads, swamp rats, leftists, commies, arabshits and anarchists. Aliens will look down on anyone not white American free gun owning man.


I guess if it prevents this kind of thing from taking place then its worth it, gotta break a few eggs to bake an omelette and all that

>33% chance this was written by a nigger, gook or a spic

Kid deserves what he gets.
Public domain belongs the average people.
NOT to the high IQ special snowflakes. Not to the cognitive elite.
Kid has no business pulliting the surroundings with special snowflake "performance art".

Let me repeat this.
Public domain belongs the average people. NOT to the smart people.


he didnt look like a normal kid, he looked like a future homosexual, son of liberal faggot weak parents

>ruskies keep saying "nya nya nya"
so kawaii

>h-he just tried to deal with pronouncing certain letters
>m-muh public assembly

He was fucking panhandling and had a collection bag in front of him. Cops should've brained him and his alcoholic parents that tried to spin it into a civil rights issue along with our bleeding heart liberals.

Mad subhuman because he's got bad teeth no guns and no good food. I'm whiter and more free than all of pol combined. Each gun I own is 1 freedom.

KEK underrated

good riddance.
i hate these loud music playing faggots
fuck em good

>iambic pentameter
I don't get it, why'd they arrest him for speaking Hamlet?

You are a white as the rim of my asshole

They arrest little jippo bastards suspected of begging without hesitation or proof.....
This completely changes my mind about Russia....

Anyone know how well an English speaking person would make it in the motherland?

Fuck off we're full.

Kid has no business polluting the surroundings with special snowflake "performance art" like this.

>be 10 yr old russian kid
>recite some lines you learned to look smart
>get arrested
Why is Russia such a retarded country sometimes?

Just compare how they treating chechens
>someone called police due chechens overtly keeping guns

it seems like he was detained because we was begging money in the street

>they shit on their own racetraitor and the race mixing faggot


He offended muslims cuz there is ham in hamlet.

Nice strawman. How does the police being pussies change the fact that the kid was panhandling and this is a manufactured outrage?

Literally fake news.

Wait till you hear the Klingon original


>kid breaks law
>gets arrested

hurr durr what a backwards country. Lets invade russia.


>manufactured outrage

Your digits are underrated


Not an argument.

For those without a clue this kid is panhandling. Basically violating people's rights to a quite peaceful day out without some prepubescent autist screeching.

Fuck off Dexterfag, That show is shit

I would beat up that kid for yelling in the street. Also 10 year olds tend to be pretty annoying so would Slap them anyway


they are so fucking redpilled it hurts

>>The holocaust is an exaggeration
>>Adolf (((Schicklgruber)))
>>Calling out Jews in the middle of Jew York
>>While they cant do shit with them or play the victim card

They are doing KEK's work, bless them

>i will continue to post things unrelated to OP

literally Open Russia shill

>Oh vey our boy was arrested by the evil Russian police and now we must sue the department for billions of dollars for it

Based ruskies. Cops should have arrested the parents right there.

Good. Arrest his parents and sentance their liberal ass to 5 years in jail. Take this little faggot and put him in an orphanage.

What do the comments say?


calm putinbot, don't try to judge what is related and what is not.




How is picking up panhandlers related to

let's hear it

>little kid stands in a center of Moscow
>No parents in sight
>Police trying to take him to nearby station to call his parents
>Some screaming women rush in, claiming she is "acquaintance" and "neighbor" of the kid
>She was later revealed as his stepmother


shit country desu senpai

so a blushing pink

we know you keep that shit bleached for muhammad.

Thank G-d they took the little boy. Hope they call child protection services to rid him of his liberal navalny supporting "parents".

That's why you need to let titushkas do the dirty job.


Oh fuck off, if it works for them then who cares

Their anit homo laws included recitement of prose.


Why should be this illegal?

Public space, faggot. People have the right to not be disturbed by various autists while going about their day. This is why "disturbing the peace" is an offense in every developed country.

jesus listen to him squeal
fucking awful kid

Yeah this totally doesn't feel like some kind of stupid propaganda thing for people who don't speak Russian and don't know jack about Russia to get irrationally mad about.

this man right here has it right. if i was in one of the apartments on the side i would have taken out my supersoaker and blasted these idiots with piss for disturbing me

>In the United States under Constitutional Law and most European common law, the protection of artistic free speech extends to busking.

It is. You have a Soros shill trying to relate this to civil rights protests in this very thread right now.

wtf i hate how police picked up an unaccompanied kid who was panhandling downtown while his relative who pretended to not be ralted to him at first waited for them to engage her to make a public scene now

Yeah, putinbot now talking about civil rights instead of panhandling

autistic screeching next to a cafe? is this supposed to be some sort of media campaign for human rights violations in russia lol

>musicians are "autists"
>playing music in a crowded street at daytime is "disturbing the peace"

if it bothers you so much you can just walk away, it's not like you don't have plenty of space for yourself

>beggers get removed from street
you don't violate someone else's peace and get money for it on my watch.. police was right

a room full of Malaa impersonators?

>he wears different clothes in the clip with the cops
really made me think

It is totalitarian but it's also nobody's business but their own so don't be a sarcastic faggot about it