8 Dead.
Shoot out.
Deputy Killed as well.
Guess his fucking skin color.
8 Dead.
Shoot out.
Deputy Killed as well.
Guess his fucking skin color.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nigger killed 7 other niggers, who cares
8 dead liberals. praise allah for this glorious day
why are christians so violent? Does christianity make people kill people?
Just regular nigger shit. No big deal. Wake me up when a white person sprains their toe so I can actually give a fuck.
ahahah its an african white you fucking racist pigs!!!!
Sup Forums BTFO how are you guys going to recover!
Our pet niggers are generally too stupid and insouciant to commit spree killings. This is unusual.
t. Mississippian
>a white african american
niggers killing niggers is preferable to mudslimes plowing down and blowing up whites
Wow I can't believe you'd say something so (((racist))). #NotAllChristians.
African white?
Either you're blind or stupid or both. Pick some.
This is him after the shooting, he was totally calm and lucid. He said he wanted to get shot himself but ran out of bullets.
Video after he got caught
Luke Cage?
>Deputy Killed as well.
Can't even get the song right.
>Nigger kills other niggers
>Just nature regulating the population.
Going to guess that he was a white skinned black african american.
Doesn't matter. A white person said some mean things and stabbed someone in Oregon.
About the same colour as the "white" guy who ran people down in NY. I can't wait to see the news report descriptions.
Hello comrade
Iz dem Jordans he has on, dayum breh he got sum heat where dey do dat at doe?
Seriously now, I don't want to be racist, I really don't, but then again in my "third world slav shithole" I only have white christian people in my surroundings, as this "third world slav shithole" is 99% white, no niggers, spics, kooks, gooks, goatfuckers or jews...
So I really don't want to be straight up blatantly racist.........but.......when I hear the niggers speak...especially now in the age of "social media"...
When they chimp out for attention
All that niggerbabble
> on fleek
> dat _____ doe
They really try to be as ignorant as possible, as dumb as they can, and be proud of it. It's either that, ultra dumb ignorance, or that insufferable forced intellectual nigger who wears pathetic suits and adds "ation" or "ized" to every single word, trying to be educationized because da white man imposed racist prolificatilafation.
>archive 0 of 0
Of course
you're actually pretty good at that. 9/10
This is called CULLING
All around my home town
They were trying to track me down
These are clearly fake, CNN is reporting it was a white male Trump supporter
lmao. not that missisippi needs the help but at least almost everyone killed was a black lib. shame about the deputy though
>Guess his fucking skin color.
The Warrior Gene refers to certain copies (alleles) of the MAO-A gene that have been linked to violent anti-social behavior. One such copy, 2R, which I'll call the "violent ape allele", is 55x more common in niggers than in whites:
>Studies have found differences in the frequency distribution of variants of the MAOA gene between ethnic groups:[32][33] of the participants, 59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carried the 3R allele, while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.[23][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]
The reason a majority of niggers act like violent apes is because they carry the violent ape allele. This supports the hypothesis that niggers are genetically inferior subhumans.
Now you know... and knowing is half the battle.
Are civil war statues to blame?
What about Confederate flags?
We better start getting some alleles
Was it one of those crime committing Hindu immigrants from India?
Here is the Deputy that was slain. I can't begin to imagine what his family is going through, that poor boy.
>'I was having a conversation with her stepdaddy (sic) and her mama (sic) and her, my wife, about me taking my children home,' Godbolt told the newspaper.
>'Somebody called the officer, people that didn't even live at the house. That's what they do. They intervene.'
Is Sup Forums fucked right now?
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was brought up on CNN at this point.
Nvm. Threads werent moving. Maybe just me
Dindu hue
severely underrated
I love that this story still isn't on CNN's home page. Such a bunch of predictable douchebags.
Reminds me of that guy that went around a town and shot random people cause his girlfriend dumped him or something. That story really died quickly, wonder how long this one will last.
That made me remember a news story of a white girl who got lost in a mall a few years ago and all the local news channels were on it, but some black girl went missing for months and I don't think anyone remembered after the initial report. Just made me fucking kek.
that kid is going to hate nigs with a burning passion for the rest of his life
>That story really died quickly, wonder how long this one will last.
7 family members dead so probably not long, look how quickly coverage of last year's Pike County massacre dissipated.
Dead cop was white. Zero outrage over this.
As someone who has fox news on a spare tv almost all day just to catch reports, I honestly missed this story, yet I caught 12 hours of Ariana Grande crying in tweets a few nights ago.
How fucking shitty of a news organization can you be? this is just pathetic
I hope he grows up to follow in his father's footsteps. Becomes a cop, moves up the ladder, becomes police chief and begins systematically murdering off all blacks in his district.
Then this catches on in nearby districts, and the other police chiefs start doing the same thing. Rinse and repeat.
Timeline of course would be between 2030-2040 depending on how long it takes the kid to become police chief. Either way, I hope he gets to murder in cold blood as many niggers as his heart desires.
LMFAO CNN hasn't even covered this yet
Fucking niggers.
Pretty sure it's white African.
That's bullshit, he could have just aimed the gun at police.
do leafs watch CNN?
> niggers
> use of brain
Any word on who else was killed beside the white deputy?
As bad as it is, it's still better than our state sponsored media. The CBC
I seriously searched all over CNN and it is nowhere to be found. it's fucking unreal. such a shitty organization
I live 8 miles from the shooting. AMA
>the shooting is in the south
in other news, the sky is blue
who cares. cops are the enemy of your people. they make you guys not be able to have uprising against the people that are problems for your country.
How is the local mood?
How white is your area?
Describe current race relations there?
Nah i just wondered, here you only get CNN with Sky (cable tv)
It's a nigger, just a typical day
>i may have gone too far in a few places
>Local mood
As far as I can tell most people are pretty somber about it but people in my area don't really care.
This is hick country. Lee and surrounding streets are nothing but niggers. All it took was for me was to hear the last names to know it was niggers.
Honestly, pretty great. Most blacks and whites get along around here. That's mainly because the older blacks know to respect us and we'll respect them.
But Bogue Chitto is nothing but farmland so yeah it's like 80% white.
slap a cnn logo on that and it's perfect
*slides black crime reports*
>doing it wrong
can we get a high res gif source of OPs pic related?
Dude said he didn't mean to kill the cop, he was trying to get killed himself.
Where is BLM ?
Can we send this article to their e-mail address ?
As long as all the people he killed were white I'm alright with it.
>an african white
I know that to a Spaniard this this looks white, but in America that is a black man.
>expecting a nigger to have an IQ above room temperature
he could've just as easily pointed the gun at his own head if he wanted to die so badly
do you guys not get Fox News? or do you just choose not to watch b/c "FauxNews" ?
If you have Sky tv you can watch Fox News, used to like watching The O'Reilly Factor just for the bantz.
This doesn't fit the narrative. It's more of a Southern thing.
antifa go home
lazy edit
>If the police protects you, you lose