You fucking motherfuckers.
I told you someone was going to end up dead.
You just couldn't stop with your cringy bullshit in real life, and now Taliesin is dead.
Life isn't all a joke you assholes.
You fucking motherfuckers
Other urls found in this thread:
>Life isn't all a joke
It is if you try hard enough
>Life isn't all a joke you assholes
Then why am I laughing so hard?
was he an ant?
>Life isn't all a joke you assholes
it is though
The only joke I can see at the moment is the size of that image, could you have found a smaller one to post!? btw, the guy who murdered him, Bernie supporter lol
So this is what Trumps America looks done...........this is too much.............
>white knight for terrorists irl
>KATU News spoke with Myrddin's aunt Saturday morning. In tears, she released the following statement to us:
>“Taliesin gave his life to protect two teenage girls who were being abused. I was on the phone when it happened and I heard the hate speech from a white supremacist. I told him to get off the phone with me and videotape what was happening so he could send it to police. I didn’t mean for him to try to be a hero and get himself killed but he was trying to protect those two teenage girls. Taliesin was huge, just look at him, his soul didn’t even fit in his body, so much love. Stop the hate, that is the message, stop the hate. He had his whole life in front of him.”
EXPLAIN YOURSELVES Sup Forums RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you saved a thumbnail you fucking retard
I bet this summer it gets even worse. And the SJW faggots start dropping like flies.
Let's hope so.
That guy was a Berniebro. Don't be a retard.
Racism is an ideology of peace
What happens when the mass media realizes that physical assault is an illegal response to a verbal assault?
Will they just start shutting down the comments sections of their websites? Erase the story completely? Will they make this the next Rodney King type situation? So many options.
Yes user. It is illegal to physically assault a person even if they are being super mean with their words?
>that nose
This kike is burning in hell right now. Feels good.
Come back and post a human-sized picture, not a thumbnail, you ant.
It's going to get worse, this is the natural reaction to being ethnically replaced, while being told you're the problem.
I love that this is what America has become. Seeing you all go at each other always makes my day. Never change Sup Forums.
>Lose a fight 3v1 and two die
>Lose a fight 3v1 to a bernout
Why the fuck do white people always have to be the ones that protect people and die from it? Like 90% of deaths from risking your life to protect people are white people.
>bernie bro murders people with a knife
>it's Sup Forums's fault
He was a Bernout, lock em all up!
Wasnt it the Australian Prime Minister back in the 30's that told the world "We dont have a racial problem here, and we dont plan on importing one."
Segregation of cultures is diversity and is the path to a comfy life. Once cultures start to blend together and have their rules infringe on one another shit goes hay wire. Best to keep everyone seperate and allow them to visit other places merely to visit, not to influence or change the culture theyre visiting.
>white knights
Its in the name
>two dumbasses (probably the "punch a nazi" SJW type) engage with a ranting, rabid COMMUNIST--not white supremacist--on the bus
>they get stabbed for not minding their own fucking business and ignoring the crazy like any sensible person should and would do
>media machine immediately begins spinning the propaganda web claiming it was a MUH HATE CRIME against MUSLIMS
Fuck it, ill own it as a hate crime. Its abiut time americans stopped being pussies and admitted how they feel. Fuck off muslims. Deus vult.
Someone knows what has happened to the "White Supremacist"? Does it looks like he'll get locked up for Murder or not because it was in Self-Defence?
As a representative of the radical right wing extremist white supremacist community, I can say that we are appalled by this left on left violence.
Also i hope everyone kniws that all of the unity shit is only going to bring on the next harvest.
>earth comes together
>works together on common project and goal
>goal becomes more important than human life
>tower of babel all over again
Attacking people physically is assault, and in this case murder.
Most people learn to "use their words" in kindergarten.
Inflaming this shit & giggling about your fucking Kekistan bullshit is causing unstable people to fight each other in the streets. It was only a matter of time until the first death.
I hope you have your sandbags and a year's supply of Mountain Dew, because real civil war is no joke.
Or just laugh and laugh while you are being stabbed, or your head is being blown off.
Are you on some sort of ayy lmao trip?
(((They))) are painting him as a 1488 skinhead.
Only good commie is a dead commie.
>Berniebros yell at Muslim children
Yeah, ok
Thank God for dead cucks. May he burn in Hell for all eternity.
Man has a conversation while on public transit. He says he doesn't agree with the Muslim women. That's clearly a white supremacist hate speech.
Huge guy steps in ready to punch a Nazi, makes threatening actions, guy uses a knife to defend himself from the guy.
Gets called racist murderer.
Sound about right?
The real lesson of this tragedy is that when mentally ill people start ranting on public transportation you just turn your music up and ignore them.
>nobody making fun of that family's retarded hippy names
>Asha Deliverance
>mother of Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche (killed)
>mother of Vajra Alaya-Maitreya
Like, really Portland?
Was everyone involved in this nigger tier incident mentally ill? I can't imagine someone named... That.... Having a sound mind
>waa, waa, mommy
>that mean man won't let me harass the teenage girls
Sup Forums incarnate
> Islamophobia 'has long history in US'
Great, now the fucking virtue signalling begins. Dems & Libs must be happy
The fuckers have been calling people "racist" and "nazi" for so long now, they're getting what they asked for. I'm happy people are starting to kill these fucking cucks, i only wish he killed the shitskins too.
>real civil war is no joke.
Yes it is
>dead kike
>dead because he attacked someone yelling a mudslimes
nothing of value was lost
Let's get this straight.
Instead of ignoring the clearly crazy person ranting and raving on a train obviously looking for an altercation, they try to beat the shit out of him for his words and get dominated.
How stupid can you be?
if only.
>real civil war is no joke.
Absolutely it is, you complete fucking faggot.
Do we have a video or audio recording of what happened?
Saying you disagree with a women can get you in court for harassment.
Until we have a much better accounting any judgement is going to be one made without evidence.
Enjoy your door being bashed in by people who don't give a fuck what your political affiliation is and are taking the opportunity to fuck shit up
pretty sure he's Irish or some shit senpai
Dude was a Bernie supporting rabid Anti Trump faggot.
His posts
Trump supporters telling him to leave a rally where he tried to join us and act like a Nazi Sympathizer among us
Archive Links to his facebook posts
Fake news
They did not beat him up.
They intervened verbally and he stabbed them.
Cut the bullshit.
nobody tried to beat him up
he was haranguing some women
Portland is not NYC, that doesn't happen on the train every day so people almost always step up when it does
Literally if it was a black guy harassing white women you'd be constructing altars to these guys and talking about how they're in Valhalla or whatever
Correct life is a meme not a joke
the crazy guy was a bernie sanders supporter, but the media is shilling that he was a trump supporter, you know. which makes life a joke lol
It wasn't Christianity, it was a sick man.
A real man.
Much more of a man than any of you keyboard warriors.
Fuck you
>what is social media
The man HIMSELF proclaims his beliefs.
Did you two sleep in the same bed?
classic Sup Forums reading comprehension
>Much more of a man than any of you
he's dead....
Do we even really know what happened other than one guy stabbed another guy? The media says he did it because the stabbed guy was defending a Muslim girl but do we even know that much for sure? Without context or proof all we know is someone got stabbed. For all we know it could've been in self defense, it's not exactly rare for leftists to attack people they don't agree with these days.
Man enough to fuck with some random unstable shithead on public transit LOL
Sounds like a fucking retard if you ask me.
I am betting my bog collecting this ding dong isn't even her real son. He's part of some geodesic dome cult family
here is the women with some of her friends
spoken like a true soft nu-right basement emperor
>Crazy Bernie Bro kills two liberal white knights
Looks like they're doing the physical removal for us.
what is this? A thread for ants?
go back to tumblr. you arn't man enough here
Apparently they do, because this guy was a Bernie Bro and that's exactly what he did according to the news (not that you should really trust them all that much).
Really makes me wonder when Bernie and his followers are going to step forward and denounce this guy's actions, because their continued silence says they condone this behavior and this attack.
bruh, I take the bus every time I go downtown.
Ya know what I do when an insane bum starts talking shit?
I mind my own fucking business because I value my life more than whatever's going on with them. Natural selection finds a way every time.
I will be one of the guys bashing doors.
I've been pushing race mixing and cuckoldry on this board since it was /news/, bunny, I'm every gendered enough to be here. Faggot.
>Life isn't all a joke
It is if you are a comedian.
I am the one who kicks.
Well, then enjoy your eventual bullet to the head & life cut short.
I hope it's worth it to you, I really do.
My condolences to whoever carried you & bounced you on their knee.
>I've been pushing race mixing and cuckoldry on this board since it was /news/, bunny, I'm every gendered enough to be here. Faggot.
>I've been pushing race mixing and cuckoldry
Calls me a faggot..
Realized this in 4th grade
Traitors go first
Why don't these people post those heartfelt emotional statuses every time a Muslim stabs someone in London? Or every time the IDF takes a part of Palestine? Disgusting hypocrites. I hope they keep pulling the social elastic band, because one day, it's going to snap.
have a (you)
I'm glad he's dead.
Because we're Americans & we care about our own, you fucking globalist.
Also, that's his mother's status, so die.
are you blind to the irony or are you just a hypocrite?
nice thumbnail
Wow, so messing with crazy people will get you stabbed? Who knew? Just look at this dudes posts, he's a lunatic berniebro.
>Calls me a globalist for pointing out liberal hypocrisy
You're telling me you haven't seen the dozens of tweets from "journalists"? Fuck off you plant. You're probably the same faggot who told me Ireland isn't my country in another thread.
Hm? Oh, no, it's true. Jeremy Christian, the man who yelled slurs and stabbed three men, is a hardcore Bernie Bro.
Bernie's silence on one of his disciples murdering innocent men speaks volumes and says he's in complete support.
Pfff. I guess you need your small comforts.
I still barely know what the story is.
So... Obama's America was better cause muzzies were killing whites and gay people, while muzzies get killed in Trump's America? Kys, cuck.