
Could you Redpill me on Chernobyl please?
Was it an (((accident))) ?



they throtteled the output of a nuclear reactor to see how much it could produce, then their ducted taped reactor stopped cooling and starting melting through the floor.

50 thousand people used to live there, now its a ghost town

trust my goy, we have nothing to do with this

FUCK you beat me to it.

Yes. Full on incompetence caused that mess. Nothing malevolent about it.

Every event that has ever happened in history from Chernobyl to your parents' wedding has been a sinister jewish plot.


Slavs playing God made that shitstorm happened. Full retardation of everyone involved.

i fucking knew it

alright thats good, i guess...
at least its good to know. thanks guys

your right

More incompetence than anything
Starting with the reactor itself

It used a metal catalyst with water as the coolant/reaction stabilizer

If anything happened with the water and the catalyst couldn't be lifted away you'll have an out of control reaction that's unstoppable

Here in the US we use heavy water as the catalyst
Something happens to the water then the reaction comes to a grinding halt

Then go from there it's a story of maintenance incompetence to user incompetence on the day of the disaster

You basically couldn't have set up a better long burn nuclear reaction than they did even if that was your intention


The most ecologically clean place in europe, not cemical, ecological. The best place without humans.

All I know is we got some really good video games because of it


can we please end this meme already

It never actually happened. The truth is that a number of entities broke containment in the depths of a military research installation funded by, of all nations, the US. While the region was mostly spared by the destruction of the reactor that held the portal open, the heavy scars on reality itself meant that people couldn't return to it.

Fuckin this.

That was very informational

I was just sitting here, celebrating Brzezinskis Death, when i read that he once said Russia could never become an Empire without Ukraine.

I immediatley thought how Chernobyl seems like a good way for (((them))) to make sure Ukraine is fucked

Seems like sometimes its just stupid people doing stupid shit


That's not what happened.

>"On 25 April, prior to a routine shutdown, the reactor crew at Chernobyl 4 began preparing for a test to determine how long turbines would spin and supply power to the main circulating pumps following a loss of main electrical power supply.
This test had been carried out at Chernobyl the previous year, but the power from the turbine ran down too rapidly, so new voltage regulator designs were to be tested.
A series of operator actions, including the disabling of automatic shutdown mechanisms, preceded the attempted test early on 26 April. By the time that the operator moved to shut down the reactor, the reactor was in an extremely unstable condition.
A peculiarity of the design of the control rods caused a dramatic power surge as they were inserted into the reactor"

So basically operator errors and the design flaws of the RBMK reactor (no containment, positive void coefficient that makes runaway power surges more likely) were the main cause of this accident.

holy shit! i never knew that was a real place