What can we do to save Sup Forums?
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Ban Trumpcucks.
Is Hiro even still alive? Haven't heard a thing about him in at least a year.
Would the quality of the board get better if all redditors were banned forever?
>id is YOU
Switch /bant/ rules with Sup Forums and leave to /bant/ while shills stay here.
your ID already told you what is Sup ForumsĀ“s main problem
I don't think its leddits fault. Its the ironic trolling as CTR/Shareblue that snowballs into everyone calling each other shills. Its terrible.
Ban racism and antisemitism.
>How do we fix a board that will never not be shit?
We just need something legitimate to fight against and things will be back to normal, but for now all we got id's tinfoil shit and Trump disappointments to hold us over
You people are ridiculous.
99% of the board is bait threads no wonder 8pol hates you
- Make a minimum number of words required for an OP. This will put an end to low effort threads.
The problem with Sup Forums is simply the low-effort, nearly spam quality of OPs.
Delete multiple threads on the same topic also.
An end to unwarranted bans. No more bans for things that aren't against the rules.
as a jew I must strongly disagree with you. The antisemitism is somewhat useful for galvanising the right and frightening the left.
>inb4 kosher sandwich
I am getting so goddamned bored of that meme. There are thousands of jews on this board who will die for Evropa.
did you even see the disinfo campaign where every last newfag larped as a reddit "pede"?
it was the most half-assed wave of impersonation we've seen in years
8pol is garbage. The autism there is just too powerful. At least 4pol doesn't take itself as seriously. (Not saying pol is satire, but self-deprecating humor at least shows a willingness for self-criticism which the Left does not have)
ban from posting provocative images, tired of seeing roasties on my favorite board
Are you telling me hiroshimoot typed shit into a computer with internet and didn't bother to even let his computer spell correctly for him?
We can save Sup Forums by not fucking with it anymore.
This isn't exactly anything for the admin/mods because I think they're actually doing a damn fine job considering the amount of shills they're up against.
>Sup Forums is anti-establishment
>Sup Forums is anti-establishment
>they have ALWAYS been anti-establishment
>it didn't matter who was POTUS
>we shit on them all
>we should shit on Trump when he makes retarded choices just like we shit on Bush and Obama
Simply do not mass reply to lefty OPs with no interesting/new debate points."muh Russia" "muh popular vote" etc. Perhaps couple of well thought out stock responses annihilating their points right away should suffice and the thread is off the page. Ignore obvious shills who try to raid your threads.
Ban slide thread makers. Ban newfags.
>Bullshit + you qq
still less cucked than any of the Nord cunts
Find a way to see which posters come from r/The_Donald and permaban all of them
his the cia's little twinkboy
they dont let him out of his cage to often
Ban threads like this and the OP.
>Install /r9k/'s robot
>Orgasm Girl captchas
There, I fixed every board.
Need to increase the legitimate posters and decrease the spam, bots, and shills
How do you do that when shills are largely indistinguishable from any actual humans?
I think the focus should first be on the spam and bots.
Nice new gun faggot
>What can we do to save Sup Forums?
Leave it the way it is, it is fine.
just because someone is coming from reddit doesnt mean they are a bad person
Jew *
ban all leafs, bring back /mlpol/
The Tar-21 was designed by Americucks
Require captcha for pass users on Sup Forums until the spam bots go away.
I rarely see pass users
It's a good fucking gun, and it's also unrestricted up here so I can toat it around on crownland all I want.
This shithole cesspool can't be saved. It just needs to be deleted.
>he thinks pass users have since4pass turned on at all times
Just because you don't see us doesn't mean we aren't here.
that doesn't mean they're not there, idiot. We can choose if it shows if we're pass users or not.
Disallow phoneposters to answer captcha.
>good gun
$1600. Plastic. Shit trigger. Bullpup. Hasn't been battle tested.
Teach newfags to sage bait/low quality posts. Also encourage white nationalism.
Thanks...didnt know that
Bullpup Lives Matter
the trigger is the worst part of any bullpup. You just can't make them non-shit.
ban all countries outside of europe and north america, this includes t*rkroaches
The autism there also keeps the board on topic and shills and bait threads get pruned fast. Only downside is it's just so slow
At least you got the real Tavor and not the x-95. That one's a 4MOA garbage rod at the best of times.
Ban /r9k/ crossposters and virgins. Then watch Sup Forums become way more moderate.
>no more generals
Hey OP, is pass worth it? Not really sure if I want to get it if it's mediocre.
Reloading is the worst part of any bullpup.
That's hot
The_Donald should just fuck off
Ban all the Pepe/Kek posting and all forced meme stuff that dilutes any serious political discussion.
>t. Goldstein
Yes goyim, is great. Give 4chans your banking information.
A bullpup could have a feather light electric trigger same as any other firearm, but the ATF gets butthurt about electric triggers since it's "too easy" to make them full auto. Thanks NFA/GCA/Hughes.
That's why you just switch out the trigger you poorfag.
>hasn't been battle tested
The IDF has been using it to shoot Palestinian kids since 2001
Ban or scare off all Reddit users.
Ban non-racists and semites
Gas the Jews?
Bring back visible sage.
Good job giving (((them))) your money.
>Ban non-racists
Fuck off Vlaams Belanger
>ban virgins
can we get anymore unenforceable.
I mean it's pretty useful when you like to shitpost a lot, saves you time and frustration. for 20 bucks a year I'm good with it, considering this is my most used site.
>what is bitcoin
Wow shooting pakis. Is that supposed to be impressive?
fuck off abdul majeed from brussels
Seriously tho, rangeban the American users from posting for 2 months and this board will return to normal. Most newfriends and reddit cancer like the trumplets come from the US.
Fuck that japanese jew and fuck your thread. Do you remember the giant ads in between threads ? I SURE FUCKING DON'T.
It's not about adblock or no adblock, it's about the owner putting giant ads in the middle of threads. Do you see nothing wrong with that. Are you okay with that, nigger.
Ban Canada.
Ban that one flag blue and yellow that always posts blatant Marxist fake news and garbage
Ban shills
Ban mods who permit shills.
Ban people who don't worship Big Black Cock. We also need to be allowed to have dedicated BBC image threads, at the very least have 1 on the catalog at all times.
Remove ids,Remove flags, bring back flag selection.
Remove ids,Remove flags, bring back flag selection.
Remove ids,Remove flags, bring back flag selection.
Fake and gay
Only ones who need a ban are you
>any non racist is a muslim
This is why noone takes you serious
Like I said. Ban Canada.
Canada contributes nothing to this board an more than half of Canadian posters are shills
We need to keep ids so faggots can't same fag, but I agree with everything else.
my mistake you're a filthy socialist
When the CAPTCHA stopped working, Sup Forums was actually decent for a little while.
No deep state shills. No Trumpshills. Less obnoxious shitposting.
Stop responding to bait and shill threads.
Fucking phonefags, god damn.
This board has turned the entire site into an unironic (no matter how much you want to believe otherwise) white supremacist, white nationalist, and neo-nazi recruiting platform. The only reasonable and moral thing to do is close it completely and ban anyone ever making a thread considered "Sup Forums related" anywhere on the site. The body count is starting to add up.
No platform for nazis.
Don't worry, I only come here to laugh at you retards
Stop shitposting about people you don't like. We don't even know what we're fighting against anymore. The people who complain about Trump fans are officially worse than Trump fans for all the discord they sew. "Agree with me not to like Trump OR ELSE" isn't useful to us.
Make IDs persistent across all threads again.
Fuck off, Ahbdul.
Also, why did gamergate bring so many people in?
bring back the notorious hacker know as Heaven
Quit being so neutral before I cut you and make you neutered.
Permaban anyone that posts the frog.
Recently i have been going there to see what the difference between the two boards are like. Although the threads are relatively on topic, it seems like everyone is stiff whereas on here, everybody seems more laid back. Whether thats a good or bad thing is debatable but personally, i didnt like it that much.
Ban redditors who come into threads with actual discussion and spamming THIS IS A SLIDE THREAD SETH RICH SETH RICH while 6 Seth Rich threads exist.