Why are arabs so shit at warfare? I know they are playing the long game so the strategy for that is sound, but talking about regular wars.
Why are arabs so shit at warfare? I know they are playing the long game so the strategy for that is sound...
My peenus weenus :3
Crack head lookin ass faggots sage
Is that Jaden Smith with a crossdresser?
>fpbp your own post
>using a pass
I'm not sure if you're retarded or 4d trolling
Why war they get to colonize for free
Sure looks like it. Might even be his girl/boy/something-friend
I feel like 70 IQs might have something to do with it
this is now Cara thread
>this is now Cara thread
She looks like a pig.
Luigi never go full faggot
Stop posting this disgusting tranny.
>Luigi never go full faggot
You probably know women better looking than that slut dyke.
She looks like Daniel Radcliffe in drag. What's the source for this?
Coal burning transgender Harry Potter. Can't unsee.
is being ugly in style now
Remind me who won the Crusades at the end, who controlled the Holy Land, and who took Constantinople.
Because they're both jewish.
Welcome to cultural marxism.
Up is down
Left is right
Male is female
Fat is healthy
Ugly is beautiful
>Remind me who won the Crusades at the end
Eastern Crusades, Northern Crusades, Children's Crusade or maybe Cathar Crusade and other crusades against heretics?
>who controlled the Holy Land
>who took Constantinople
Latins, then Greeks, then Turks. Arabs never held it, diaspora.
>Your hands were never slip off Cara's nonexistent hips down her heroin slim thighs and cut your palm on her craggy psoriasis knees
She looks ~20% abbo.
what frame of reference are you using for warfare? i.e. modern or ancient? or is it a general statement of them sucking at warfare throughout history?
in both contexts muslims do good against other muslims (cant argue this is a positive point since they are fighting themselves, but it goes towards equal tech/society footing) and africans (i dont think even the French can lose to Africans). i cant recall them ever fighting asians.
Most muslim aggression has been against europe. in sword days, what would happen is one group of muslims will conqure the others and form a horde to attack europe. tactics, for what they were back in the day, are about equal between the two. the muslims fighters had lighter equipment (whicker shields, softer armor), but greater numbers (all of the middle east) and more ships. there numbers is what gave them victory. you can look what happenes to them when they fight those with better gear (thermopylae, the crusades, etc.). same trend applies to modern warfare. the jews were able to btfo of egypt & friends because they had a slightly better airforce.
i guess that does mean they suck at war?
fugg this pic is from Bulgaria. Delet pls
Why is Ben Shapiro dressing like a trap to fuck a young black guy?
thought she was a lesbian
Are those heels photoshopped? Those would mutilate your feet if you tried to walk in them.
Oh fuck off.
Arabs lose wars because their culture is actively opposed to key concepts that make modern warfare as practiced by the west, the Russians and the Chinese completely impossible.
Let's take a basic example, and go with some chain of command.
In a modern NATO style army, you have a basic notion that the generals give out the general plan, and then delegate the details to the men below them.So if a captain sees that the enemy is doing something really fucking stupid, he can order his company over to fuck them.
A Colonel with his own artillery detachment will be the one in charge of said artillery and so on.
A 2nd lt. might be in charge of a platoon. A sergeant in charge of a fire team. In all, these people have authority and the leave to take initiative.
This means that once the enemy fucks up, firepower will be applied immediately.
Meanwhile, look at the Arab-Israeli wars. Even when the Egyptians COULD have killed all the jews, they didn't, because in order for the company to engage the out of position Israeli troops, he would need the go ahead from on high. You might end up going all the way up to the minister of defence, or the president.
This means that fuckups committed by the Israelis don't get punished by the arabs. You could see the other end of this in 2006 when the Israeli attacked Hezbollah, and Hezbollah had adopted western approaches to warfare. They kicked Israel's asses by giving local leaders authority, holding troops in reserve, retreating if things got to hot, etc.
The half-baked militia basically gave Israel more hell than the entire Arab world did during all the arab wars.
tl;dr: Their culture prevents them from doing well.
Would you like to know more? Read "Arabs at War".
Her nigger nose has always confused me.
>what is Khalid ibn-Walid
Shes just a crackwhore who'll fuck anything m8.
Cannot unsee Ben Shapiro
>masculine negroid core
>jaden looking more fucked up everytime i see him
is will smith that bad of a parent?
Arabs : Average IQ : 70
any more questions ?
There's literally an article about this named "Why Arabs Lose Wars" written by a former Us colonel. Bit old but still relevant.
No surprise that you're an expert on muscular black bodies, you faggot.
>open marriage
what could possibly go wrong?
>what is Hezbollah
>what is the 2006 War
It's a movie about a coal burner. Life in A Year.
an extremely unsuccessful extremist organisation?
an extremely successful oragnisation of militant shias who have beaten Israel twice in war, who oppose saudi, american, terroristic and of course israeli influence in the middle east and especially in lebanon. also one of the few organizations that protect the christians in the ME
>We didn't all die so we won!
Ahmad please kys
Arabs are not shit at warfare. They, like most of MENA are however shitty at the western type of warfare which have become the vastly dominant type of warfare ever since guns became efficient enough to roflstomp cavalry.
They would lose in an actual war, the Israelis were constrained by international law they couldn't wipe off the entire area like they wanted to, too many civilians would die
>also one of the few organizations that protect the christians in the ME
That's because they need cookies from Russia, if they weren't allied with Russia they would wipe out all kafirs.
>no make up
I have some bad news for you user
pretty much this
also this article explains it quite well
google why arabs lose wars and there is an artcle on me forum that explains this quite well
>we ran away fast enough, so we didn't actually lose!
Dovid please kys
after looking at the ben shapiro face morphs i had to snap out of whatever trance i entered
>Arabs conquered the entire Middle-East, North-Africa, West-Asia and parts of Europe.
>Arabs are bad in warfare.
Also, Islamic doctrine believes in fatalism, and really emphasizes martyrdom. This means that Arab soldiers generally are reckless, think god will give them victory, and aren't very concerned with saving their own lives.
This strategy worked great in the Middle Ages when fearless swordsmen were a very powerful weapon, and the harem culture produced enough excess young men to feed the horde.
However the same sort of bravery/recklessness that is great for a swordsman is terrible for a person operating a $10 million piece of equipment that gets trashed if you just drive it straight at the enemy - and can't be replaced because your economy is crap.
This is why Arab armies suck, but as insurgents they are extremely effective. Their only strategic advantage is the willingness to die - which is no longer useful in conventional warfare.
Muh dic can only get so hard!
You realize we could actually just demolish all of Lebanon without setting a foot there
only reason Hezbollah exists is because we allow it
Good posts in an otherwise shit thread.
yeah, and USA could nuke syria right now and win the war, not going to happen kike
>Also, Islamic doctrine believes in fatalism,
>You dont need to maintain your weapon Abdullah, if Allah wants it to shot, so be it.
Is that a boy with pink hair?
Looks identical to my college roommate Jon.
Cara now dating a nigger ?
The perfect white girl DATING A NIGGER ?
i guess it's time to kill myself
Am I doing it right?
Nigger and a tranny - LOL