FBI user just posted proof sauce is FBI

So who is LARPing now faggots


Other urls found in this thread:


Big if true

If this is real, I feel like he didn't do that great of a job at protecting his source's info. You could basically determine that the guy's name is David and determine exactly how many characters are in his last name.

I would assume that those criteria would narrow down the results quite a bit, even with a large agency. From there, the FBI could use a reverse inference based on the content of the material being leaked to determine which of those Davids it most likely is.

In all likelihood, David is already dead. Press F to pay respects.

why the FUCK do you gullible retards still fall for fake shit?

all the fucking time.

I'd bet thousands of "Davids" work at the FBI

If I were Brock et al, then what would be a strategic measure to discredit and turn people off from looking into the Seth Rich story?
Find a willing participant in the counter narrative, plant a seed of misinformation, watch it spread.
Until this twitter posts something that we don't know, I remain skeptical.

Any retard with the slightest photoshop skills could make this up.

I just checked the GAL for the FBI. There are 742 people with the first name David.

David "F, B or P".



haha I knew it was real!

looks more like a F

>RIP David F

Holy shit! I don't know how to feel now.

I'm on the same page with you about there probably being thousands of David's at the FBI. The point I was trying to make is that this picture would allow us to further narrow it down by the exact number of letters in his last name. For example, I found distribution chart of the number of characters in peoples’ surnames in the UK, which should give roughly equivalent results to the US, I would assume.:
The data reveals that, at a bare minimum, we would be able to reduce the pool of David’s down to 24.&%. That assumes that David’s last name has 6 characters (the highest frequency number), but if he has any number more or less than 6, the percentages begin decreasing rapidly. If you study the picture from OP, David’s last name does not have 6 characters. Based on these numbers, it is safe to assume that you would be able to narrow the pool of Davids down to a very small number (less than 10% of the original Davids).

From there, by cross-referencing the content of the leaks with the types of material that each of those Davids are working on (remember, by now we would be dealing with the less than 100 Davids, assuming we had 1000 at the start), you should be able to narrow down even further to a very short list of people who could have been working on the relevant matter.

If you believe what this poster says (i.e., that he can figure out the first letter of the last name), then it's open and shut.

>he actually typed all that out
>he actually believes he's doing something of significance
>he actually believes all of this bullshit

Fucking kek nice work Helmut!!

I've been following this for a while, gonna need a source

>source: my ass


David Bowditch who actually is a deputy director of counter terrorism in California

Im gonna need a quick rundown

it's literally nothing


thats what i thought

doxxed. cleaners are on the way.



You feeling a bit sleepy?


new fbianon thread??

link pls


>be BTFO'd by Wikileaks
>feel the money train is going
>do anything to push the FBI/SethRich fake news
>Wikileaks is now untrusted
>Trust Sup Forumsrussia leaks now

Be skeptical! Fake or not, lets see where it goes.


Update from this guy

thats very poorly covered up. we know his name is david and we can tell how many letters are in his name

So I'd like to see where this goes, however I'd like him to post something that the world doesn't already know


I thought that was odd, who is he hiding from if they know who he is?
I agree

I remain skeptical because JTRIG literally ran this exact same game during pizzagate

I know you're newfags because you're expecting literally anything from this obviously larping idiot

I've been here all summer and I'm skeptically watching it to see where it is going. Pay attention!

Edw is kinda visible. Edwards?

>to see where it goes
You missed the hundred other fucking threads that went nowhere?
Kill yourself retard

Thanks for bumping.

>being wrong again
lmao you idiots can't get anything right

So why are you posting in a saged thread "OLDFAG"

Hey man, plenty of us Daves aren't Jews.

FBIAnon is

>newfag so flustered he doesn't even know what he's talking about anymore

Because images can't be modified by image editing programs

His twitter is heating up!!! Things are happening!

Thanks for bumping

Aaaahhhhh!! WHAT IS TWITTER?!

Is Adolf Hitler /ourguy/?


well if you are dumb enough to use your @fbi.gov email address to leak info to journalists

yeah, you deserve to be seth rich'd, sorry

that said, the thing looks fake as fuck

>Everyone named David at the FBI immediately brought in for questioning.

Wow how fucking stupid can you be to do this in an attempt to prove shit


looks dead space nigger storage

oh man its been a long day. thinking about puttin' my feet up, enjoying a cold one. heck, maybe ill even doze off for a bit.

hybrid it seems, very convincing if fake


sauce on new fbianon thread plz

Even at the very least it implies that someone sent an email from an FBI.gov account to whysprtech@. That alone is enough to dox the sender.

You realize people can make it look like they're sending from other people's emails, right? Even if this isn't shooped/inspect elemented, it's still not proof of anything at all.

Besides, who the fuck would leak information with their official government-assigned email address? How fucking stupid would you have to be?

>he can't spoof an email address
No it doesn't you stupid fucking retard

Many domains you can't do that for any longer.

this wtf is going on

what point are you trying to make?

Alien autopsy from X-Files.

Don't think he is using his @fbi.gov to leak info....he is just showing his sauce is legit

That you're a fucking idiot and should kill yourself

Some Internet dude is going to crash this plane with no survivors

Welcome back brett, thanks for the bump.

Wikileaks just exposed FBIanon as a LARP and he's gone to Twitter to become the alt-right's version of @RoguePOTUSstaff.


tread lightly anons don't put your eggs into this one basket. this guy could be working for the dnc to throw us off or he could be a hardcore larper

Honestly if anyone needed wikileaks to say FBIanon was a larp then they're probably braindead at the very least.
LARPers are fucking obvious and so easy to expose at this point, they do it themselves


>Look, they believed that and it was false so they are wrong about everything else too!

Basic discredit tactics 101

>just gimme a few more hours to touch it up in photoshop!

fbianon has never once said anything that wasn't already known. fbianon is a larper. All of these Sup Forums "insiders" are larpers. Codefag and all the rest. What have they ever said that wasn't known? What have they ever said that was something substantial and unpredicted that turned out true? They've actually said some stuff that turned out not to be true. Or outrageous like Codefag on the run and being raided which is a huge larper red flag!

This guy is shady but I want to see where it goes.

I don't mean to burst your bubble, but the proper domain would be ic.fbi.gov

It's not happening.

Shit. is this guy who I think he is? (Or at least pretending to be very well)


I would at least be inclined to try to pull a response out of the Fox chick Malia zim who they keep tagging in to address some things.

Does he seem to be suggesting she may have gotten this info too in these tweets? I obviously understand why she couldnt publish this for Fox without much more validation/corroboation
Would like to hear what her or Adam Housley (colleague at Fox, her pinned tweet is from him about investigating Seth) about it just for transparency

well, that's not true

still the picture looks fake as fuck though

unless they changed it recently

whether this guy is legit or not I think it's safe to say that we're getting close and they're panicked


Yeah that's a great theory and all but how did the FBI Vault release records that we asked them for? Magic?

You're a dumb nigger.

Davi is a Jew name.

If that is in fact his real name

Where the fuck did Sargon come from all of the sudden?

WEW lad

What a bunch of retarded faggots. Go back and read all the threads. You can see FBI user is either legit or goddamn Nostradamus.

FBI user threads have been the most historic and fruitful threads ever on /pol. It has actually made you retards relevant.You should express gratitude. You should be handing out doughnuts at the FBI entrance just to try and get them something to know we appreciate the great risks they have taken, are taking, in helping us save our country, and the free world.

Instead you skid marks are looking to fuck it all up.


Serious F'ed me for a few days.. Damm I remember when that shit came out...

what is new?

There is the real FBIanon, and then there's the larping tripfag.

Real FBIanon never used a tripcode.

I'm with Her 2020

>damn man this larp fanfic of screenshots just fucked me up for days

Perhaps evaluate your life, then end it.