Why niggers do certain things like sagging their pants, wear head scarves, smoke menthol cigarettes, carry comb with them, speak bad english (ebonics), like "bling bling", drink kool aid and so on?
Why niggers do certain things like sagging their pants, wear head scarves, smoke menthol cigarettes...
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Live in the southeastern US, experienced niggers in full force.
>sagging their pants
Because it's "cool"
>wear head scarves
Because it's "fashion"
>smoke menthol cigarettes
Because cancer sticks are "cool"
>carry comb with them
Because despite the fact that they only have 1cm of hair length that doesn't move, they feel the need to comb it as if it is regular hair
>speak bad english (ebonics)
Because 99.9% of them grew up in the hood and never learned proper English in school, choosing to do drugs and rob stores instead
>drink kool aid
Because it's dirt cheap around here
What niggers are interested corresponds with what other niggers are interested it, that's why they are all the same.
Because they're niggers.
Because they average low iq's
Because they're basically children
because niggers are the most degenerate species to ever walk on this planet
When you figure out the menthol cigs, let me know. I worked in a gas station in my late teens and all they ever bought were Kools and Newports. Someone needs to get to the bottom of this.
Has anyone else noticed that blacks talk to themselves a lot in public? I wonder why that is. It's like they are incapable of internal monologue. Or they are just being their normal anti-social, passive-aggressive selves.
Not a political issue.
Probably b/c most blacks are like children, and menthol cigarettes are more like candy than regular cigarettes.
Pretty sure no nigger has said "bling bling" in 20 years, old man.
I've tried menthol cigs before, you aren't missing out on anything. They do it just to look cool and menthol is seems to be the default choice for every smoker I've seen.
>tfw 134 IQ white and smoke newports
foible signaling
I met few from military once, they gave some to try I think it was newport, weak as fuck, you might as well quit. Probably just doing it to look cool.
Mental illness or drug use.
>sagging their pants
The whole baggy clothing thing is because most are poor growing up and had to wear hand me down shit. The bigger your clothing the bigger your brother. Then it got marketed as fashion. Most black fashion is just poor people shit marketed as (((new) and (((hip))).
Why do they care so much about baseball caps, leaving the tag on? To show how "fresh" your hat is. Again poor people shit. Same reason why they lose their shit if someone scuffs their shoes. The shitty nike that they bought is probably their only pair of shoes.
Aside from koolaid which is just a dirt cheap way to get something sweet, all of that is kept alive through societal pressure from other black people.
They will berate each other if they're not looking wealthy or dressing the ways you described, taking care of their hair, and doing things that are commonly assosciated with an american black lifestyle.
An adult black person has the brain of a 14 year old white person
That's why
Holy shit no way this dindu at my gym shouts, sings and talks to himself all the time its obnoxious as fuck
I've absolutely noticed - it's impossible to miss.
>sagging their pants
For poor people, they are often given second hand clothing that doesn't fit well. This became a common street style, by turning a con into a trend.
>wear head scarves
For keeping their hair in a certain way while they sleep. Again, they turned this everyday thing into a fashion statement.
>carry comb with them
Afros tend to get distorted due to its fluffy nature, so it's logical to keep a comb nearby to fluff it during the day.
>speak bad english (ebonics)
A rejection of white culture and a simple fact of dialect. White have many distinct (i.e. "wrong") dialects, why would it be strange for black to it too? Plus, white people sound really dorky. Just like whites make fun of black dialects, blacks make fun of white dialects.
>like "bling bling"
Everyone likes ice, you fagtron.
>drink kool aid
Cheap, sugary drink.
Are you literally this fucking dumb?
Yeah man, it's hilarious.
What I'd really like to know, though, is why they get hooked on specific flavors like watermelon and grape. What kind of environmental explanation could there be for that? Or are they just somehow predisposed to like those flavors?
Their sense of fashion is shit. Have you ever seen nigger in a suit? They wear dumb shit like Nike shoes and oversized shirts and gold jewelry
Never got that one either. I personally prefer a menthol. I also smoke at work (security) since I need to stay awake and it helps kill time. I can only read so much of whatever book I bring before I need a break from the monotony.
This is a very simple question with a very simple answer. Not all people forced to identify as black do these things, the same way not all people forced to identify as white have small dicks, fuck kids, fuck their family, smoke crystal meth, smoke Marlboros, love hunting, drink Budweiser, drink Ovaltine, speak overly proper or overly country, are racist, listen to country music, wear baseball caps.
>white people sound really dorky
That dorkiness let you stay in this country after the civil war, you colored.
nigger detected
Nigger detected
>A rejection of white culture and a simple fact of dialect.
ayyyo das rite mah mane let deese muhfuggin honkey ass niggas know wut up feel?sheeeeeeiiit
This is their whole schtick
Cancerous, simple minded, backwards-ass, soon to be bred out of existence, par-for-the-course on Sup Forums, dumb shithead detected.
Making the US might have been a mistake. Whites build it, and then the blacks and spics just come in and take it. I know this isn't what the Founding Fathers envisioned.
Wtf is this shit?
Slaves didnt ask to be taken to this land and the people whom you refer to as "spics" were here thousands of years before the first colonists came here.
>soon to be bred out of existence
You better pray that never happens, Mr. future engineer.
>Slaves didnt ask to be taken to this land
Most whites didn't want them here either. Only Jews and rich WASPs benefitted from slavery.
>the people whom you refer to as "spics" were here thousands of years before the first colonists came here.
And then they were BTFO'd by a superior civilization.
>Slaves didnt ask to be taken to this land
We offered for you to go back. Your ancestors didn't take up the offer.
We took this land from the Indians by force. You're trying to take it by being subversive liars.
yeah WHY do they like watermelon? comedians used to talk about this in the 70s and now it all muh feelings, so we can only talk about the evil whitey which is actually a jew masquerading as white example sterling that used to own the clippers, as soon as it leaked he was jewish the story died. well, fake white as a marshmallow jewish
It's just an inevitable future given how easy it now is for different populations to mingle and how rapidly the overall global population is growing. Races as we know them now won't exist in a thousand years and we can finally stop wasting time and effort agonizing over such a meaningless thing; focus on space travel.
The only reason you're currently winning is because you're taking advantage of whites' higher empathy. That is it.
Even using your own "multicultural" arguments, whites are still better, because even when you fucking shitskins are blowing us up, we're still trying to give your stupid asses a chance.
Go fuck yourself.
What's up with gang signs? Why niggers think being a criminal is cool?
you forgot bass fishing
>sagging their pants
Originates in prison culture
>menthol cigarettes
A successful niche-marketing campaign by Kool
>carry comb with them
They have fucking pubes as hair, seems pretty necessary
>speak bad english (ebonics)
They are uneducated low IQ niggers
And yet whites are still smarter, commit less crime, and are able to keep jobs and support their families.
Go be an uppity nigger somewhere else.
So what? My point is how can we take a land we were forcibly brought to?
>bad english
poor English
Short answer, they're fucking dumb apes. You see a lot of the same shit with stupid white trash, mexicans, etc.
There will be a main recurring thing here -- being "black," AKA, not stereotypically "white" (well-spoken, good financial situation; productive member of society); antithesis to civil order. What makes it really bad is that blacks are basically dumb animals who lack nuance and think only in terms of visual shit and raw physicality. Shit like humility and being wealthy in spirit is incomprehensibile is them.
>sagging their pants
Largely a contrarian "identity" thing. It's their way of not fitting in with/rebelling against DAT WHITEY. Also turned into a "gangsta" thing, so they think it conveys toughness. It's not considered "black" to be dressed like a normal member of society.
>wear head scarves
Same as above. It's not considered "black" to be dressed like a normal member of society.
>carry comb with them
Keep dat kinky hair in line. Aside from that, it's good to have a comb handy IMO...
>speak bad english (ebonics)
A "culture" / "identity" thing again. Speaking in 2 syllable unintelligible words means you certified black, b. It's not considered "black" to be well-spoken.
>like "bling bling"
Everyone likes to show off status symbols, but remember, niggers are dumb and take it to the extreme. In a culture where everyone is poor and stupid, the natural swing of the pendulum will be toward EXTREME ostentatious behavior. If people can't see how rich you are, how else will they know? It's not considered "black" to be humble.
>drink kool aid
Cheap and loaded with sugar, a known addictive substance. You'll see niggers buy shit tons of candy too. While it's not just a black thing, since any animal or person will just keep getting that sweet sugar so long as it's easily obtainable (a major health problem in America, worsened by manufacturers of all the cheap death foods). However, it's also not considered "black" to be take care of your health.
Not everyone was offered a ticket back and ny point is we didn't take a country from anybody we were brought here under protest.
a lot of it is jail house culture
>sagging pants
Because they don't get to wear belts in prison
>head scarves
Because they are gang-members
>bad english
Look up sub-standard English
>kool aid
Because they are niggers
>It's just an inevitable future given how easy it now is for different populations to mingle and how rapidly the overall global population is growing.
It is absolutely a reversible trend. If we wanted to slow global population growth, all we'd have to do is stop sending aid to places like Africa.
>stop wasting time and effort agonizing over such a meaningless thing
>he thinks race isn't real
>focus on space travel.
>he thinks a horde of shitskins are going to make it to space
Really makes you think
Let them be, they are enlightened by their own sense of entitlement, same reason they can't afford health care.
They have the IQ of a retarded person
>poor english
kill yourself
I guess it's pretty hard to construct a well thought out argument for being a racist asshole because you're fucking wrong and on the wrong side of history.
Why does the fact that blacks were forcibly brought here prevent them from taking over?
That nigger on the left...
Look at those fucking nigger lips!!!
I think it's that they aren't capable of internal dialogue and aren't capable of having the self awareness that would make them feel weird about doing weird ass shit in public
"bling bling"
1999 called, they want their slang back.
Here's the thing. Most white people don't just hate the blacks for no reason; just because they have a darker skin color... They dislike them because all they do is shoot us and rob us the most statistically.
If you ever want to get a red pill on your fellow blacks, go to the deep South in towns/cities with 80%+ black population. You'll feel like you're about to be robbed at all times if you're white. They stare like animals.
I'm sorry. It's just the truth. The whites who are all about multiculturalism are the ones who've only been around blacks who've learned how to assimilate by copping our "dorky" way of speaking an gave up the thug culture.
Is that Jamal B. Petetson?
retarded people -> eventually get a retarded culture.
Except for the fact that Africa is an entire continent containing many nations perfectly capable of pulling themselves up. Economic growth in Africa is the highest in the world.
*cough* Bullshit *cough*
>fuck their family
People who don't know who their father is shouldn't be making incest comments, nigger.
I don't speak nigger
Not all people with who share similar amounts of melanin act like this dude. Like this is basic social skills. Generalization will get you nowhere quickly.
Aren't Newport cigarettes more expensive than most brands? It's a status symbol to them, same reason they all have $200 shoes and $500 smart phones despite living on food stamps.
>nations perfectly capable of pulling themselves up.
lmao ok they can go ahead and start doing that any time now.
Can't tell if you're a troll or if you're serious. If youre black it would make sense that you're this stupid. Just declaring that someone is on the wrong side of history is nothing. I'm sure you don't understand but it's not an argument it's not anything at all.
Calling us assholes is pointless. We are race realists. Niggers have extremely low IQ - to the point of a retarded person - on average. When they aren't commiting outright crimes they are loud and obnoxious and they think nothing of anyone else around them. I live in NYC and trust me being around your kind all day will turn anyone racist. I don't hate you niggers I just consider you animals. You belong in Africa and we should leave you alone to do the monkey things you want to do.
>Hassan Ben Sober?
I had a few too many myself!
Racists are the worst. Just die.
>Africa is an entire continent containing many nations perfectly capable of pulling themselves up.
>Economic growth in Africa is the highest in the world.
Everything you just said is anecdotal nothings.
Anyone unironically posting SJW-y shit in this thread needs to come live in the southeastern US. Start with like middle Virginia as the ceiling, and choose anywhere below it on the east and gulf coasts. Go drive on roads with mostly black drivers. Go live in areas with high black populations. That shit'll change anyone with a spine's mind.
I didn't say all of them. I said it at the very end of that post.
>The whites who are all about multiculturalism are the ones who've only been around blacks who have learned how to assimilate by copping our "dorky" way of speaking and gave up thug culture.
Literally the only way multiculturalism can work is if blacks stop acting like thug niggers......... Liberals are literally giving you a chance..........
they become clowns.
then they kill each other.
to make the world a better place.
Same reason most white guys wear button ups, wear watches and belts, and try to be as level headed and cool as they can.
It's just what they do. They made a sub-culture that glorifies those thuggish things just as we made one that rewards what we value in people
Idk about leafland, but in NJ it's the opposite, Newports are dirt cheap
I have one dollar. White people give me another dollar. LOOK AT MY ECONOMICS GROWTH. In a thousand years nigger countries will look exactly how they do now which was exactly how they looked a thousand years ago until whites came in and tried to advance shit.
We always need to remember who the root of the problem is - the Jew.
And maybe we all need to be putting more thought and effort into redpilling black people (and ALL people). All of us goyim are in this together. We should all be working together to preserve our races and countries. Even if 1 out of 7 individuals on this planet banded together for this common cause, that would be one billion people.
Why do we let the Jew keep us busy fighting other Goys when we all could stand together for a few moments in time and tell them to fuck off... But I still see people saying nigger-this and nigger-that like it's really going to get us anywhere.
Seriously though stop being a dumb nigger and use some logic bruh.
Whites would be in the same position even if oppressive studies weren't accessible to blacks. Step up and compete.
Allow me to clear up any ambiguity:
>Whites stole it then built it
Because the stats are well known on pol. What do you want to see? IQ? Crime rates? SAT scores? Gibs use? Murder rate? Tell me what you want me to show you jamal.
Thank God for all that much needed cultural enrichment. Paris was like, waaaaay too white and boring before.
Lol American niggers are inbred as fuck because none of them know who's related to who, and in any case half of them are to dumb to give a fuck anyway
The majority of blacks I've been around have been loud. I live in a duplex and my neighbors are coal-burners, their black friends scream and holler in the middle of the night each weekend. I'm thankful they don't do this on weeknights when I have to wake up early, anyway. But it seems to me that niggers consistently don't grow up.
>Forgetting Sadie Arabia
>forgetting the highs and lows of South Africa
Good luck getting to space when the global average iq is 80
Why finns do certain things like rally racing, wear kiitos t-shirts, go in sauna, hold wife carrying contests, carry puukko with them, speak bad Finnish (spurdo), eat bark bread, drink es and so on?