Why do Americans lose their shit when someone tells points the lack of culture, history and heritage in USA?

Why do Americans lose their shit when someone tells points the lack of culture, history and heritage in USA?

Why do they think they live in the #1 country in the world while there are Eastern European countries with better life standards?

Americans, when was the last time you ate something other than burger/pizza/asian?

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That is the Hagia Sophia.
And whilst I agree with you to some degree and Turks have other cultural buildings themselves, this is not a Turkish or Islamic Building.

Compare these two images.

What I posted earlier is the Blue Mosque.

There's no really coherent americans.

>Orson Welles
>TS Eliot

>large buildings built before they arrived
>inarticulate yelling and strong body odor

I actually just had a pulled pork sandwich it was delicious and I don't get upset when people talk about how young and relatively new my country is. Your little Turk town has been around like a thousand years longer than us yet we are still superior in every possible way. To be the youngest self made full blown superpower and to achieve more power in two hundred years than any other country ever has. We went from pilgrims to the absolute most powerful country in human history quicker than your country went from child rape to more child rape. Sorry roach but not today.

>Roaches 500 years ago finish jihading glorious city of Constantinople
>Put domes on the tremendous architecture in the city they spent centuries trying to conquer
>Build nothing of value
>Literally nothing. There is nothing to see in Turkey besides Istanbul, which was built by the Byzantines
>Sustain an empire on raping and pillaging until they pick the wrong side in WWI and an almost-human turkroach sets up a secular republic
>Roaches chimp out and give their president dictatorial powers because they're sick of democracy

>Roach criticizes literally anybody

Ok, Cenk.

America has tons of history and culture. It was founded in 800 BC by Romulus. It grew from a small City state to a massive empire.

It split in two, and survived 1,000 more years in the East.

It was destroyed as a political entity but it's culture and philosophy lived on before reemerging in the new Rome in North America.

In 10,000 years historians will all reflect that America is Rome.

What kind of dumb shit is this. You are a bunch of Anatolian natives pretending to be descendants of primitive Asian pony riders.
You deny your own history and culture.

Also the blue mosque is from the 17th century. America was already being settled by Europeans by then.

anyway its constantinople, its a stolen city, dont boast about whats not legitimately yours

Is this how you cope with living in Roachland?

Mormon temple, 100% American

>eats American food
>listens to American music
>watches American movies
>wears American clothing

"Americans have no culture!"

Hagia Sophia was a christian church which you roaches stole, just like you stole everything else. If any country on Earth deserves a nuke it's roachland

the new heights of we wuz romans

>lack of culture
Implying roaches have more culture than America

This is bait, people. Do not respond -- or at least sage if you do.

>Americans, when was the last time you ate something other than burger/pizza/asian?
You're ignorant as fuck. NYC and the SF bay area have the most prolific food scenes in the world. I've traveled all over and am generally not blown away by the local food because it's all available in the US. I am, on the other hand,surprised by the laxk of diverse food in other countries.

Why are Mormon churches extremely bad ass? Where do they get the money etc?

>>Put domes on the tremendous architecture in the city they spent centuries trying to conquer

Not even this. The domes were part of Byzantine church architecture (see Hagia Sophia). All they did was ad a bunch of minarets.

Arent you being raped by Muslims as we speak?

Jokes on you, I had steak for dinner last night. On my way to cook up a shit ton of bacon for breakfast, saving some for bacon guac burgers this afternoon. Guess I got back to burgers pretty quick. I'm Greek btw, go fuck yourself roach.

I unironically agree with you, America doesn't have any culture aside from "muh capitalism" and "muh corporatism"

They are absolutely delusional about their standards of living. The average American town/city is a shit hole strip mall plastered with big corporate logos.

Americans can't reconcile reality with the 20 years of public education indoctrination that America is "muh greatest country"

so... you just limited to copy another culture's buildings anyway... *clap clap clap*

Whens the last time you ate something other than kebabs and hummus?


Filthy turkroach, your time comes soon.

Why did you post a great temple that was built by the Byzantines that a bunch of horsefuckers now squat in? This is a thread about culture so post something Ottoman.


Please describe the marvels of Turkish culture for me, along with some of their accomplishments
Hard mode: Nothing of the Byzantines is allowed.

Because it's an outright lie.

I am corrected. Thank you, user

When we kick them out, you have to go, too.

You won't do anything, just like all the other pussy faggots for the past 60 years who have been ranting and raving about their "muh guns"

Your threats are impotent nonsense just like they have been and they will continue to be.

You nor anyone else will do shit in 2020 or 2024 when the government is headed by a nigger Democrat and they outlaw all your guns except single shot rifles. You won't do anything because you're a big pussy, all bark and no bite.

Nobody here cares what a roach thinks.

Now, go drink some pesticide, roach.

Okay, r/eddit. You can go back now.

That's not hagia sophia retard it's the blue mosque

Great refutation of my points

Not only are you a pussy but you're dumb too

>Build nothing of value
Constantinople is just a small part of today's Istanbul. Everything that surrounds it is made by the Ottoman Empire or Turkey. There are also a lot of architecture done after the conquer of Constantinople.
For example Grand Bazaar, Galata Tower, Topkapi Palace, Blue Mosque, etc. There are also many places to visit and different cultures in Anatolia, up North near Black Sea, and south near the Mediterranian. Because we don't destroy ancient sites and places of belief. There are many synagogues and churches in Turkey, and pretty much 0 mosques in Greece.

Turkish culture is a mixture of Persian, Turkic, Byzantine and Greek cultures. No country or its people keep their identity from 10000 years ago. Things change. At least we have SOME culture, a richer one even.

Only coherent answer

>american food
literally just google turkish cuisine
>american music
you mean black people talking fast about how great they are and how many pussies they get? I prefer this.
>american movies
I agree with this, even though there are few good Turkish movies.
>American clothes
made in china


>Being this new



When someone mentions American culture or gives examples, they cry racism.

Muh Eurocentrism

If there is no white culture then why do non-whites rag on white people-isms?

Somehow Redneck and hillbilly culture doesn't count. BBQ, line dancing, cowboy boots, etc.


Oh it's that WE WUZ COCK-ROACH guy, good to see you after a long time. You always preach that Islam will rule the world, while the only thing a manlet jihadi can do, is bomb up little girls. Face it...Muslims are manlets who hide behind brainwashed liberals and push their women forward at the time of confrontation. All they can do is attack their enemies on their backs and runaway when they are about to get their asses kicked. This is a coward's strategy called guerilla warfare. Moreover, Muslims are so much worse than animals that they can't even control their own sexual desires and thus have to cover up their own women with burkha.
Sage,hidden and reported.

muslims don't understand the word culture. even apes have a culture from group to group.

Not that guy.
Islam won't rule the world, and it shouldn't. I believe that cultural differences make us better.
I believe that even your culture that is entirely based on poo and cows (and cow poo) has *some* value even though I find it distasteful.

>Americans, why havent you made time go faster?
>why havent you snapped your fingers and made your country older?
>why did you have to invent RAID?
>why America? Why?


And it's all literal mudhuts, Turks have a fucking red hat that's mocked the world and you've the audacity to claim the single most culturally influential country on the planet one without culture?

>a 1:1 carbon copy
How original...