I have created THE perfect Europe

I have created THE perfect Europe.
If you disagree with this, there is something very clearly wrong with you, and you reject facts, putting your feefee's first.

If you are foolish enough to think that you can best me, here's the template

You can fuck right off, anglo.

I wanna play risk now
Whos up for a game?

>primorska is italian
hahaha, fuck you cunt

ok now fix this part

Fuck you!
Fuck you too!
if you host

>independent catalonia
So this is the power of the eternal anglo...

Why not?

The (((anglo))) strikes again

>Eternal Anglo flag
>NI is given to the Fenians
>People's Republic of Scotland independent

You're a disgrace. At least Eternal Kraut is balkanised.

Getting rid of all those sandniggers/nigger monkeys would be an improvement

My country and the slavs dont get along very well you know?

You're split between Hungarians and Italians, it's k
Fuck you it's perfect this way, we don't have to financially support the fucking scots

Don't worry i have fixed it.


I bet you support Corbyn dont you

>Willingly giving up clay to the SNP

You can't just make another part of Europe like Sweden just out of spite, and Scotland also is a net contributor to the Union.

I vote UKIP
Scots can crash and burn on their own.

We wouldn't give it up without a fight

That's more like it

We will make greater israel i promise you.

island monkeys like yourself are the cancer of this planet, may you be annihalated completely

>Slovenians butthurt about me pairing them up with Croatia
grow some balls you are the exact same and historical friends

>Sup Forums

pick one

People like you are the reason we lost the Empire.

If the Jews ensure that all sand niggers and niggers there are gassed instead of exported then a Greater Israel would be well GREAT.

Shut it Ivan. We all know your dad is either Czech, Croatian or Serbian.

>muh empir xD
Empires are not economically viable
It was a proud moment, sure, but all we did is provide for fucking Africans most of the time

True, it was an economic burden by the end, but you can hardly call yourself a British patriot or UKIP supporter if you want to dissolve the Union and leave Scotland and NI to the immigrants and micks. It's a cancerous mentality that only aids the separatists and leftists.

>macedonia not in Bulgaria
Why even live desu

>Hungary still exists


>no crusader state
Fuck your map


>belgium still a country

why ? its best that belgium splits up, well i guess no one cares about us either :c

Jews ARE sandniggers you dumb leaf

Belgium needs to be cleansed from globalism and eu leftism.

>check hungary
>not a crippled semi-microstate

Done, your map is shit btw


u mad?

What have you done to Central and Western Europe?

I mean, yeah, but shouldn't you be too, dago? Your country is in tatters.


Tbqh the borders we have now are pretty good, with a few exceptions for most (Istanbul, Crimea, Belarus, Luxembourg, Kaliningrad, North Ireland depending on your views)

You botched western Europe

Lmao keeping Bosnia as independent and not splitting it between Croatians and Serbs


ok for me


worst timeline

You know it's the right thing for Europe

>giving land to the fucking germans
are you kidding me?

In his timeline Germans are already a minority within their own country once you count their Polish, French, and Slovene populations. So are Greeks and possibly Hungarians.

First good non-meme map.

You sure about that m8? Germans are ~90 mil, the poles, french and slovenes in the annexed areas are barely 10 mil

fixed it for ya

Oh, the ancient Dutch Empire


>perfect Europe
>Bosnia exists
>Switzerland exists
>Corsica part of France
>Belgium exists
>Russian territory in Europe exists
>Macedonia with Serbia
>Ukraine exists
>Poland allied with Belarus?

Look up the polish borders before the war imbecile

>Giving Kocaeli and Istanbul to Greece
why are rapebabies are always so retarded?
Do you want to Kurdify your shitty continent? Please do so that we'll have a legit reason to genocide all of you.

>creating fake countries
>expecting them to last and not fall into madness

Just another typical bong

>Creating fake countries


I agree 100%, No Albania makes for the perfect Europe


>Corsica not going to Italy
Okay dis funny


Tell me what is a fake country, goy?

>grow some balls you are the exact same and historical friends

no, we migrated on the territory before they did, they came in the second wave. They're also trying to steal our territory at every chance they get, they don't stick to anything we agree or stick to it only if it's in their favour and they sided with the nazis during second world war.

We have hardly anything in common.

Improvemnts have been made