Poverty alone does not seem to explain the differences: poor white students do just as well as wealthy African-American students, measured by whether they qualify for subsidized school lunches.
Even black university students read at a much lower level.
Fewer books in low income homes growing up, greater portion of AAs in low income homes so greater portion of AAs without full bookshelves around them like you would find in higher income homes
That would be my guess
Ayden Richardson
Chicken/egg thing with ebonics and their inability to conjugate verbs
Bentley White
Because kangz used to have people read for them.
Robert Cox
Explain the first part to me bro
Ryder Turner
Let's not get hasty and assume that college niggers can read.
Nathan Bennett
My parents taught me how to read before I even started nursery school and they read to me a lot. Black parents just make unintelligible grunting noises at their kids in between beatings.
Jackson Brown
Thomas Hernandez
Gavin Sullivan
>legitimate hypothesis >0 replies
still focused too heavily on nurture over nature though -- our brains are plastic but not mercurial
Zachary Kelly
Niggers got literate in 1900s, whites literate since bc
Lucas Clark
Ebonics is a dumber version of english, so they have a very hard time understanding english.
Aiden Hill
Brains still wired for audio communication not visual symbols or writing. African niggers since Apartheid have been known to not be capable of reading even if they can solve equations its a literal brain malfunction.
Levi Ward
Serious response in relatively rough order of importance. >IQ difference >Single motherhood >Black culture
Nathaniel James
It's the racist animals of the earth holding them back. Birds and beavers simply grow up with better access to things like mud and sticks, whereas niggers grow up in low mud and stick environments. #BeaverAppropriationToBlacks
Michael Edwards
Poor parenting plays a part, reading is generally not encouraged. Also, good communication skills are not taught/encouraged
Joshua Young
I had a college teacher tell me its because their ancestors didn't use english. So according to her English is hereditary.
Nathaniel Moore
>Black parents just make unintelligible grunting noises at their kids in between beatings.
fucking kek.
Asher Jackson
With the rise of social media, I've noticed that blacks talk like they speak, which suggests to me that they are almost speaking an entirely different language. So reading standard english must be very confusing for them.
In my experience, blacks don't like to read because they find it boring. I theorize that they don't have the mental capacity to visualize what they're reading, which is part of what makes reading so enjoyable. Add this to poorer cognition and you can't form complex theories or conclusions about the text. Finally, blacks tend to have lower levels of empathy, so they can't relate to the characters. If a child doesn't like to read, their reading skills will not improve. Since most blacks don't enjoy reading, their reading abilities are low.
Landon Jenkins
They have different genes from whites that lower their intelligence.
Jack Martinez
You can tell if a nigger can actually read, they won't speak in Ebonics.
Isaac Gray
There are probably no replies because I addressed that hypothesis in my OP. It has already been disproven by countless tests over the years
Brody Evans
Hello anons, I am a teacher (of History, laugh if you want) My mother was also a teacher
Growing up she would tell me stories about teaching that I never took to heart until I started teaching to.
The reasons blacks have trouble reading is two-fold, one part lower IQ scores, one part black culture and it's the latter part I will focus on
Blacks largely don't view education as a path out of poverty They don't see the value of it Why learn grammar and speak correctly? No other black do that. Why learn to read well? No other blacks do that. Why clean up your writing? Just write like you speak.
Blacks on the whole see education the same way they see prison. As a sentence. Time served. They show up, get through, and leave. They don't make the 1 to 1 connection with speaking skills getting them through job interviews They don't connect good grades to more money in life They don't connect knowledge to power
School, knowledge, learning, education, reading, they just aren't considered things of value by blacks.
Black parents teach their kids that money is valuable And thus black students talk about money and "gettin paid" or "makin bank" in my classroom all the time
But black parents don't teach their kids that reading is valuable like money They don't realize they within books is useful and powerful information So they don't read
Reading is a skill, it requires practice, and blacks don't practice So they are bad at it and avoid it because they can't do it.
Josiah Wood
It's a proven fact, but libs have invented many things to explain away the IQ gap
Landon Howard
Cuz books be rasssist n sheeeit.
Aiden Phillips
You're gonna need at least one source for any of that garbage OP.
Henry Clark
Solid reply
Brandon Perry
The "reading makes you smarter" meme
Reality is: Higher IQ parents tend to buy more books. Higher IQ parents tend to have higher IQ kids.
This is wrong, high iq races tend to have high iq children, individuals play no part in anything, individuals barely exist outside of some control of motions.
Jaxon Bailey
Pretty much this, niggers can't do a lot to change their genetics, but they could alter their absolute shit culture. They choose to be this way, they were never meant to just be handed life in a first world country.
Ian Lopez
An signature aspect of Ebonics grammar, and one it says with many black patois and creole languages worldwide, is a failure to conjugate verbs.
The chicken/egg aspect is the question of whether blacks have trouble conjugating verbs because they were raised speaking Ebonics, or whether that's an aspect of Ebonics because blacks have innate trouble understanding verb conjugation.
Ethan Jackson
OP said from the beginning that even poor white kids read as well or better than rich niggers. The problem is that niggers are a backward race that never developed a written language. The should have been eliminated when the colonists from Europe first encountered the savages. For fucks sake, the Native Americans eventually made a written language, even though it was after coming in contact with whites.
Brody Richardson
wealth has nothing to do with it, what matters is do you sit down with your kid and make em read until their eyes bleed? white people do more of this.
Evan Brown
It's not based on income it's based on culture.
Most blacks from the poor nigher to the upper class integrated black are encouraged to be more active in both community and what they choose to do.
The result is that more of them have a variety of experiences and are active but have a harder time in classroom settings.
Jace Butler
Why does a race of people that lived in the land with best climate and riches yet failed to come close to Asians or Caucasians fail to be equal to them today?
Lincoln Gomez
Because white supremacy and the artificial, demonic language it emanates if fundamentally incompatible with the pure African mind. The fact they can even look at this tainted script without their minds melting into neurotic sludge is only a testament to their inherent resilience to evil.
Julian Martinez
What short term purpose would reading serve them?
Matthew Carter
Oh, well if OP said it, it must be true.
Jesus shit people on this board are so pathetically stupid it's sad.
Dominic Kelly
WOW I actually get to use this.
U will neva be on my level white boy.
Cameron Diaz
try pasting my post into Google and you'll find some studies
Oliver Murphy
>Why do black students struggle with reading? Average IQ = 85. That means that half of them have IQs lower than 85.
Leo Stewart
Is it normal to hear the words you read in your head? I heard silenting the voice makes you read quicker
Luke Allen
We see that wealthy blacks still have a lower reading level, but I'm not discounting the cultural argument. what if wealthy blacks still do not encourage reading in their families? it might be culturally seen as unimportant.
Jason Barnes
you're an idiot. Riches don't fucking matter, domesticable animals do. south africa is loaded with shit you have to hunt, north africa, middle east, india, and the like all had domeistable animals, europe had nearly none but it was colonized anyway. If you don't have domestic animals to help your labor efforts, you wont get a city society in the first place, let alone a people impervious to plague. If you track all the civilizations to one thing it's animal culture. places without farm animals where developed later than places nearby them immediately.
look at amaerica, where are the places where the most civilization happened? what do they have in common? turkeys and lamas. an easy to grow staple crop.
Charles Powell
>Is it normal to hear the words you read in your head?
David Sanchez
reading is gay twerk and crack is all that matter ya craka give my degree now
Josiah Carter
Because their melaninated minds evolved in Egypt to read the language of the gods, reading the English alphabet is like trying to decipher primitive grunts to them
Adam Murphy
Average iq 85? Doubtful, 70 or 60s yes, 85 iq can be traddies and graduate highschool
Easton Garcia
I want to take this time to remind you that the IQ gap is also representitive of cultures who find test taking to be important. this is also why the """"Superiorp"""" west falls behind asia; a place where schooling is everything and the nerd doesn't exist the way it does her.
Bentley Russell
t. nigger with underdeveloped brain
Kevin Watson
The daily assaults and murders that blacks commit inst the problem, It's white racism. Leftists are the most despicable fuckers I have ever seen.
Austin Foster
Niggers are genetically suited to Africa, not the first world. Is this a surprise to you?
Xavier Martin
>Blacks on the whole see education the same way they see prison. >As a sentence. >Time served. >They show up, get through, and leave. This so much. Blacks will even admit that they think school is prison. A popular phrase amongst blacks at my school is "I'm just here so I don't get fined" (quote from Marshawn Lynch of the Seattle Seahawks).
John Morris
Serious answer:
Genetic inferiority. Culture/environment reflects that and only makes the situation worse. It's a vicious downward spiral, indeed.
Jose Mitchell
>unintelligible grunting noises at their kids in between beatings
Joshua Gray
I have an extremely high reading level and I process words way too quickly to "hear the words in my head". it's visualization but even that may not be the right way to describe it
Isaiah Lewis
No you don't, wait until you meet a white, nigger
Thomas Long
And this.
Zachary Fisher
My guess is single parent households spend less time reading to their kids. Blacks have more single moms.
Cooper Wilson
I'm white and an avid reader. If you're repeating the words in your head then you might have a childlike processing speed
Isaiah Harris
Like I said, blacks at all levels encourage their kids into action and that changes how they develop.
The guy using the example of most Asians is right. They encourage their kids to prep for education and save their action and involvement till' later in life.
Camden Allen
Niggers are an offshoot of actual people, more like the missing link than man and closer to an ape mentally. They anger easily and why? Because they are frustrated at what they find difficult to understand and that is most social concepts and behaviours.
Jacob Walker
It's called subvocalizing and only literal retards who don't read much do it.
It's indicative of low IQ. You'd be ridiculed on /lit/ if you admitted that you still subvocalize past the age of 10.
Isaiah Phillips
If that's true then why does your grammar suck so bad?
Adam Gray
>durr you probably don't even understand how IQ works do you? I have a high IQ, subvocalization only hurts your processing speed. and most people past the age of 10 do it.
Jordan James
Ignore all narc individualists.
Caleb Gonzalez
eh it's Sup Forums
Adrian Sullivan
Because alot of them are animals. One correlation I found between wild animals and muzzies,niggers and rural indians is, they just live to breed. There is no higher purpose, no ambition in their lives. They just breed like rabbits and live like subhumans. On the other hand, well educated ,high IQ people are not that keen on just living for sex.
Ethan Russell
At 4:55 they literally say WE WUZ KANGS WHILE WHITEY WUZ IN CAYVES!
Chase Nelson
though, not subvocalizing poetry/nice prose is really a waste
Zachary Murphy
I read 24/7 nigger, i can thibk of what you will think past the initial thought you were thinking, but I never uttered words when reading unless asked to read aloud.
Jonathan Gonzalez
So, mes amis, don't masturbate, don't have sex out of wedlock, and don't have more than two kids. Go nofap.
Ian Richardson
Keep coping, brainlet. Maybe read more than 20 books a year, and you'll be able to keep up.
No, Sci-Fi and Fantasy don't count.
Cameron Evans
Because it's hard to train a monkey to read, although it has been done.
Isaac Gutierrez
not an arguement.
Jackson Gonzalez
Forcing yourself to power read through books doesn't sound enjoyable at all.
Ayden Morgan
How do i not masturbate ? Its so easy and good but i know i shouldn't. I'm fine on the others though.
Ian Peterson
don't try to not masturbate, but control yourself. you should be able to pick random days and just not masturbate. don't do it more than one time a day, limit yourself to 3 times a week and just practice denial and choice. that will build more character than never doing it.
John Martin
it's not forced. I would have to force myself to slow down and "sound out" words in my head. That wouldn't be enjoyable for me
Ethan Bailey
>listening to indian shitters Why?
Evan Stewart
Will power.
Charles Hill
Reading ability is tied with blood flow in specific parts of the brain. It could be a structural problem.
Isaac Allen
How much indian pussy can i afford with 1,000 dollars?
Henry Rogers
The other guy is claiming that it's a learned skill; I can see how you can force yourself to do that until it became second nature. Whenever I read a boring section of the story (or if I'm about to put a book down), I do that a lot in order to rush through it. However, whenever I'm reading a good book, I want to casually enjoy the story. He's making it sound like he's powering through entire novels almost daily which doesn't sound fun.
Jaxson Lee
>OP points out that income doesn't explain differences >faggot can't read You're a nigger, aren't you?
Josiah Allen
What makes an animal domesticable? What makes it un-domesticable? You realize that other continents didn't just naturally produce friendly cows, horses, and donkeys, right? They were selectively bred from other, less docile animals, a process africans never even attempted with their wildlife.
Before they bred the dometic cow, Eurasians shared their continent with the aurochs. I'd place money on an aurochs over a little Cape Buffalo in a "which animal is a more hateful, dangerous asshole" contest any day of the week, but we fucking broke them. Africans failed to do the same.
Every time a geographic determinist tried to defend Africa, they start making these wild claims, "oh, the animals were impossible to domesticate, the cereals were impossible to farm, it just couldn't be done", with no rationale for why it was impossible other than the niggers failed to do it.
Zachary Sanchez
Their parent's don't read to them as children because they are too busy being in jail, doing drugs, and/or they only have a single parent who doesn't have time to.
This lack of engagement during the formative years of brain development handicaps them for the rest of their life
Joseph Parker
Black people care more about reading hype ("ayyyy") than literature, which is why black people have a collectively lower reading comprehension than whites for examples.
And also: How educational is black culture? It isn't.
>Sheeeit bruh it's all about that trap lyfe ayyye for real doe this codeine and xanny got me feeling lit senpai >AY YO WHY U USIN BIG WORDS N SHIIIEET? DAS RAYCISS
Oliver Brooks
Alot. But you get STDs free with them.
Charles Bell
I can afford harem of 1,000 indians
Asher Roberts
What the fuck does "bix nood" even mean? I've been around blacks all my life and never once heard it
Ayden Rogers
How much virgin indian pussy cost?
Mason Phillips
It's a cultural problem. Being smart is seen as becoming "white" in the eyes of the average black guy. They see no possible benefit to any learning in school because they feel as though they are so persecuted that there's no point. The only chains left on them are mental, in afraid. They don't do well because they believe they won't.