Why do black students struggle with reading?

Looking for serious responses.

Poverty alone does not seem to explain the differences: poor white students do just as well as wealthy African-American students, measured by whether they qualify for subsidized school lunches.

Even black university students read at a much lower level.

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Fewer books in low income homes growing up, greater portion of AAs in low income homes so greater portion of AAs without full bookshelves around them like you would find in higher income homes

That would be my guess

Chicken/egg thing with ebonics and their inability to conjugate verbs

Because kangz used to have people read for them.

Explain the first part to me bro

Let's not get hasty and assume that college niggers can read.

My parents taught me how to read before I even started nursery school and they read to me a lot.
Black parents just make unintelligible grunting noises at their kids in between beatings.



>legitimate hypothesis
>0 replies

still focused too heavily on nurture over nature though -- our brains are plastic but not mercurial