Sup Forums btfo once again.
B..but I thought asians were souless ant people?
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit. Posts about Asians are getting deleted immediately now.
The Chinese are emulating white culture as best as they can.
>colonizing Africa
>hating Islam
Give it a few years and they'll be doing the exact opposite of that
Good for them, I hope they continue their drift towards capitalism as well. Another Christian capitalist superpower in the future wouldn't be a bad thing.
China is our only hope
>higherst IQ of all races
>actually gets children
Why haven't you become servants to the chinese master race yet, Sup Forums? You believe in racial superiority right? You don't want to become the niggers of the future, right?
Definitely. I had never seen Chinese Christians until I moved to Vancouver. The whole city is filled with them.
Asians are superstitious, not spiritual. They are "praying" for money, luck etc. not for their souls.
>has largest population
>christians make up insignificant minority
>still more christians than any other nation on earth
what is math?
Because Jesus saves.
Nah it's fucked. The chinese government is already weaving Christianity into it's web of propaganda bullshit. Government authorised churches preaching government authorised sermons with government authorised bible translations. This could very well be the end of Christianity.
I leave asians alone due to a local pac I have with the token asian family in my neighborhood. We had some niggers move in and as usual, the black plague spread so we got creative and planted some anti-nigger caltrops and other nasty surprises so the attention needy boom cars @ 4:AM would get flat tires. The trap locations were know to all but the niggers so we wouldn't run them over but the niggers would and they'd have to spend their welfare checks getting new tires on their free Obama/Trump cars, but after about 7 or 8 times started to notice but barley. Now we supposedly like in a "haunted" area since nogs are very highly superstitious unknown to them. I can't seem to find my caltrops pics but in consolation, take this:
>worshiping a dead kike on a stick
>not being an ant person
wtf I love the chinese now
they will be the next target of the giant globalist kike machine
No point immigrating though.
The only way it will work for them is to maintain homogeneity. We'll just have to sit at the side lines and watch our race and civilization breath its last breath. We had a good run at it I suppose, but we fucked up in the end.
>trump alienates china
>makes you think once again
The religion that has been dominate in Europe for a thousand years is a bad thing, your grandparents were most likely racist bigoted christians.
>he fell for the "China will become Christian" meme
that's what makes it funny
I have honest questions they're practicing Christianity and not Jewish influenced Protestantism.
but if they did become Christian they could make themselves souls
when i was in college i was only approached by christians asking me to go to a bible study or whatever one time. and it was from two chinese students studying abroad. I was very tempted to go just to have the possibility of banging one of them, but then they said at the end that it would be a male only group so i politely declined.
Don't listen to the shilling. Asian women are literally the future of the white race
Kill yourself chink
does the heeb on the left have a beard drawn on his face by a marker? these orthodox or whavever they are jews are fucking wackos. they make the amish look completely normal and sane by comparison.
I'm white.
Amish are based though
Hapas are the future hope for humanity and the greatest fear for the kike.
What happened to that spammer anyway? Did he kill himself once Trump started getting cozy with Xi Jinping?
are theses the one that controls the world?
I agree they are based. but that doesn't change the fact that they are nuts.
They also have a fake mini Paris in China.
Maybe this is the most christian Paris will ever be ?
Good for them
Christcucks are soulless ant people though
>world's most Christian nation
>more churchgoers than America
This makes no statement about percentages.
Christianity is how the Jews get their foot in the door
Glad to see fellow redditors here.
>Religion preaches literal cuckoldry
>not soulless
Are you saying you wouldn't raise your wife's son even if he was the Messiah?
>believing anything said on Sup Forums
>believing Sup Forums users are anything other than photoed
Well I should learn Mandarin anyway. Gotta help those displaced refugees
Which denomination are they following? Are they converting to the Catholic master race?
actually gives me a glimmer of hope. for mankind as a whole.
>no The_Donald tabs open
I wouldn't worship a jews that's for sure
These "X will become the world's most Y within z years" predictions are sooooo far fetched. Anything can happen in 15 yrs.
If this is true tho, it's good.
>and thus starts the Jewish subversion
I hope China cracks down in these Christians before they fuck everything up
good choice goy
Good. We have this thread every other day.
But the Jews killed him because he was against them
More fucking Christians? Fuck.
>raising Jamal's mulatto with Stacy is somehow magically better
Nice try Rabbi
how can i take a 'redpill' serious from someone who says he knows china but says retarded shit like that
Non whites are always one step behind.
W-where can I get a cute and productive Chinese wife?
>tfw China goes Deus Vult and saves Europe.
Jews have the highest iq goy
I love it coz we need a new crusade deus vult
It's because Christianity is the outlet by which they can try and escape the disgustingly crushing culture
I hope the Chinese have the balls to get Deus vult on the sand niggers.
But the sad reality is that Christianity will destroy China just like it did Rome and the Chinese will be Jewish slaves supporting israel in another two generations while believing in egalitarianism.
Dead kike on a stick: not even once
Look North if you want Chinese gfs. Anyone who speaks Cantonese is probably a sickly looking woman
So even Chinese are going to get cucked. Christianity is literally based on cuckoldry.
I played Dynasty Warriors.
This will not end well.
All according to the jewish keikaku.
>delusional christfags will celebrate the downfall of yet another civilization
Stop trying to hog all the Cantonese qt's for yourself
You do realize if he had married a white woman she'd have divorced his kike ass for half of his stuff by now
Nice try kike.
2% of the population of China is about 22 million people (and that's without adjusting for Chinese population growth over the next 33 years).
It's worth noting that the Chinese government discourages public expressions of religion. Their position is one of "Keep it under wraps." As long as you pretend you're following the state's plan to eradicate religion, the state will refrain from enacting it's plan to eradicate religion.
Thus why we're seeing the most persecution of Christians in the most Christian parts of China. It's also why a country with enormous numbers of atheists in polls seems, according to expats, to be "teeming" with Christians.
China. Go to China! Learn Putonghua and find work. There's no shortage of it. If you live in mainland China just speaking English and dressing yourself in normal clothes qualifies you for low-wage work and a fucking work visa.
In China, nobody knows you are a pathetic failure who disappointed your parents and earned the ire of your classmates. I mean, they may figure it out, but it's less likely. Your weirdness is equally likely to be chalked up to being a strange foreigner with barbaric habits.
Taiwan wins those dumb internet polls for best place to be a male expat. Women expats hate it, but dudes love it, which is quite telling. Sup Forums could dig it.
>tfw no Christian slant gf
Hapas are gooks
How's this relevant to anything, user?
They're obviously preparing their invasion force.
I'm not sure about being Christian changes any of that.
Grossly polluted though :(
Once China becomes a green renewable utopia it might actually be extremely nice.
>believing Jewish fairy tales
>Based Chin-
Polish visiting germanistan
Germans are mostly Christian but still soulless your point?
It isn't real Christianity. It's a cultish glorified social network bastard version
>I'm visiting China later this year
Am I fucked?
There's 5 trillion of them who cares if one dies? They're literally disposable with how many there are
>be 100% Chinese born in California
>part of me dislike how china is atm, yet muh heritage
>love the us for what it is, but dislike how it is right now, wish it was the 80's or 90's
wat do?
Move out of California
Well let's hope the chinese combine the best of their Society with Christian ideals. Otherwise the only thing we will get is a crusade to Japan. Pray for Anime.
> Germany
> Christian
Already did, now in a heavily red colored state.
>who cares if one dies
The elites hope more would die, prevents overcrowding in the slums and less traffic in the streets. Worker supply is not an issue as you really can't pay them any less than they already do in the sweatshops. The poor chinks are modern day serfs to the rich politically aligned.
holy kek, the average German folks. no wonder the Arabs are taking over
Looking forward to the 9th grade next year, champ?
please all people have been nuts whites in europe burning each other during the post reformation days.
someone please orient the hive wrt sino-jewsus relations
what I'm missing here? all I see is a bunch of kids having fun. Even though their dance looks a bit goofy.
Honestly China turning to Christian values is one of the best things happening. Even the chinese can't stand godless society they have created with rampant capitalism etc. So they turn christian.
Which state chin?
You really need to leave the house at least a couple times a year to grasp the concept.
What bizarro Sup Forums have you been frequenting, OP?
Obviously high off drugs, a lot of pre- martial sex going on, dressed as freaks, dancing like they just got shocked with a cattle prod.
Of course a person from Brazil with their decadent Carnival wouldn't see anything wrong with this.
>Pre-marital sex on Youtube
I'm 12 and what is this?