Brit/pol/ Sturgeon NEILED edition

>BA flights cancelled due to IT crash - now flying again

>UK terror threat level reduced to severe

>More than half of voters do not know who Tim Farron is

>Katie Hopkins to leave LBC immediately after "Final Solution" tweet

>Corbyn gets NEILED

>Corbyn Speech: UK foreign policy boosted terrorism and "Austerity has to stop at the A&E ward and at the police station door"

>RAF write "Love from Manchester" on ordinance

Other urls found in this thread:

It's time to emigrate.

Post your best haggis stirring memes lads


>tfw genuinely want to join a local environmentalist movement and make as much of a difference as I can, but if I do that I'll have to surround myself constantly with the worst type of SJW liberals

Why is there no conservative environmentalist movement in the UK?


kys immediately. mummy posters and haggisfags will hang

Fallon BTFO





Every time I see her I get a taste of haggis in my mouth.

You've done this to me Brit/pol/.

because environmentalists generally stand in the way of everything because some irrelevant type of newt might have to move to a different habitat or die off



North Yorkshire is pretty good desu.

Lovely countryside, didn't see any black people, truly an English paradise.

handled it pretty well desu.


I live near Rusholme and its like living in the fucking Middle East, especially when it gets hot

>they've decided to crowbar a nigger into the delightfully comfy Springwatch, the only thing I enjoy on telly besides This Week

Hahaha fucking kill me lads

>Unionists call them nationalists, and insinutate all the time that they're right-wing nazi particular-white supremacists, even though they're just as EUrophilic and lefty.

The SNP will still most likely retain a majority as so many people up here will vote for free shit, but they will never again hold as many as 54 seats at Westminster, and anything less can only ever be viewed as a loss and as a failure.
>win win

Morning, lads.

Rate me out of 10.

>I live near Rusholme
I'm sorry to hear that m8, it's a shithole round there.

Only a matter of time before NI is enriched too.


*blocks your girlfriends path*

We going to get any new polls tonight?

>bbc reporter literally saying something like the residents of Moss Side are distressed about the amount of attention it is getting
>just after he said that some wogs, one riding a bike the other sitting on it's handlebars ride past, with the one sitting on the handlebars mimicking shooting a gun at the reporter.

Fucking hell.

got a vid?

No Cummy in Mummy posters allowed.

For me its got to be 1>3>2

who would Sup Forums like to make long, slow love to. kezia, nicola or ruth?

how was sturlel? i didnt watch her interview, can someone give me le brief rundown

Just go to and then to just before 18:41

*blocks your wife's path*

would rather die

What is it about politics that turns women into lesbians?

>Sturgeon bows to Neil

Hang them all from the forth bridge instead...

I genuinely would rather kill myself than have to pump any of those three, and that's coming from someone who has done some seriously ugly trolls...

>55 y/o man dead in norn iron after being shot in sainsburys carpark in bangor, county down

all of them are fucking dykes wtf

It really is. I fucking hate it. The fucking takeaways aren't even good.

kezia and ruth are dykes and should be thrown off arthurs seat


Our party leaders are 3 women and 2 faggots didn't you know?

Careful now

Was it just a mentalist or was there another motivation?

If you don't like anything being sold, you don't have to buy.

Votetards need to learn this.

>free pussy? thanks

bunch of faggots.

I would merrily AND HEARTILY plough kezia into next week

*blocks your mums path*
>"do you have a light babe?"
>she blushes

What do you do brit/pol/?

I don't know yet.

I know this feel. Just join a local group that does beach cleaning and stuff and try to ignore their personalities.

Unlikely it would be reported on the news here

Just seen it on Sky News tv channel


It's on Beeb as of 22mins ago

Got some flip-flops today lads, best decision I've made all year


how did Sturgeon do?

If you count up MSPs and their staff, the majority of people in Scottish politics today are gay. Speaks volumes, really.

Then you haven't seen her up close.

Cultural appropriation



I already blocked your girlfriend's path. What now? Deus Vult? 99.9995% of you Simons don't even know what what having a girlfriend is even like, never mind surrendering them to the BBC

Why do all comprehensives built in the 50s, 60s and 70s look like my school?

>basically going BUT MY FACTS SAY THE OPPOSITE on education

ozymandias was easily the coolest character from the watchmen universe


*blocks your sisters path*
>she gets wet

Unironically, what could you do?

State-sanctioned yoga and morning exercises when?

Surprising, as usually with norn Ireland stuff there is a media blackout. They try make out the troubles are completely over and all is rosey


Basically the EU lad.


If I was going for bare-foot footwear it probably bear sandals or a very light and airy pair of trainers. Flip-flops never feel right on my feet

>Then you haven't seen her up close

aye I huv...I'm just high-test and alpha


It's off topic spam, report it as such.

Blocks his sisters path. Nice try Simon.

Have you bought your gun yet, brit/pol/?

Just another day in my wonderful country

Earlier I was toying with the policy that the NHS should provide free yoga sessions on a massive scale, to anyone who wants them. Sounds ridiculous, but I'm convinced that it would be a very cost-effective preventative strategy - if you read some of the scientific literature around yoga, it's linked to a shitload of positive physical and mental health effects.

Guaranteed it's drug gang shit which might be aligned along sectarian lines but it doesn't mean The Troubles are back.


based nuttall

Aren't the RIRA a glorified drugs gang now?

He said that before there were as many wogs in the country as there are now.

Please remember to archive sites with a reputation for shilling and clickbait.

Its probably drugs or internecine feuding

>implying anyone wants to see hairy manfeet in public

You better only be wearing them by a pool, lad.

Stay on your best behaviour for a bit and we'll see

It only applies to Simons, not non-Simons, faggot.

I wouldn't say the troubles are back, but lots of bombs are cars and killing that don't get reported on the news here

> Mr Nuttall stressed his support for capital punishment was a personal view, not official UKIP policy, but added: "If enough people called for a referendum on this we would be only too happy to give them one."
Meanwhile the headline
Fucking hate the media

fuck off back to Sup Forums

you've already ruined that place with all these shitty generals, stop coming here

Okay, champ.

Today he would probably be considered an arch-fascist by the same window-lickers on the left who love posting his quotes on Facebook and buying copies of 1984 as props.

And it's 99% drug related.

Any actual terrorism would be highlighted immediately because you can basically leverage the public hatred of Islamic terrorism into this shit; even the Irish have no interest in it.

>you always talk, you americans


How new? Brit/pol/ is ancient


>And it's 99% drug related.