But seriously is based Mike Cernovich makes a good point.
But seriously is based Mike Cernovich makes a good point.
Other urls found in this thread:
>kike on kike backstabbing
yeah, based (((thernovich)))
Supporting Israel is smart politics considering they are our greatest ally in a hostile region.
You're retarded
>tfw Sup Forums is at a stage where you can't tell if this burger is serious or not
It is in the West's best interests to not give muslims control of any part of Israel. It's the muslims that are raping and murdering in our homeland, not the Jews
What the fuck did you just fucking thay about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I fought a 5 year rape allegation, and I’ve been involved in numerous aluminum can collecting exercises, and I have over 300 confirmed book sales. I am trained in gorilla mindset and I’m the writer in the entire alt right/libertarian/conservative/independant movement. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with tweets the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking wordth. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, worm. As we speak I am contacting my secret platform of cucks across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for my next book, maggot. The mindset that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your platform. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can debate you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in free-speech combat, but I have access to an entire arsenal of twitter followers and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little thit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn worm. I will tweet fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, troll.
P.S. please buy my book
Chimp Attitude
This is insane. the amount of shills is through the roof lately
It's actually blacks, asians, mexicans and arabs. And jews were behind 3rd world immigration to USA.
Muslims actually tend to rape less than atheist Arabs
>jews are evil
there is no substantive evidence that the jews are somehow plotting to kill all the white people. not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill learn to get out of your echo chamber
>Israel greatest ally
>bombed USS liberty
>invaded Lebanon
>started Suez Crisis
>didn't help us at all during Iran-Iraq while we literally broke our backs bringing oil to their jewish pockets
>didn't help in 1991 gulf war
>didn't help in 2003
>greatest ally
go fuck yourself
The Jews were not behind 3rd world immigration to USA. It was the demand for cheap labour and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
Jews created communism,civil rights for blacks and feminism.
>Cernovich will turn against his owns for money?
He's a real Jew
He's the Jewest
i love the lavon affair back when they were sloppier and less integrated with teh US
>please be bait
Jews were behind African communism and the fall of Rhodesia.
Lies. Most people being imported in Europe today are useless shits but jews like Angela Merkel and Martin Schulz are behind it
read my post:
welcome to Sup Forums motherfucker
No one can deny the fact that jews are the founders of most liberal ideas.
The current white hating traitors are all reading jew written books
>israel == jews
Not this shit again.
Forgot your proxy again, Chaim.
My point is that you are not our greatest ally. (((CXFv1lyj))) seems to think otherwise
>comparing foreign policy deals to the free market.
>if I give you a gift, it's crony capitalism and I'm harming the free market.
Reminder that our "ally" attacked one of our ships on purpose so that we'd attack Egypt
>t. Dick Cheney
Read Kevin MacDonald. They were the single biggest force behind the 1965 act.
assuming you not trolling and actually this bluepilled, please google "Anti-Restrictionist jewish"
>When Dr. Stephen Steinlight first advocated a change in the traditional Jewish support for open borders, his reflexive loathing of the 1920s legislative cut-off that ended the First Great Wave of immigration (see timeline) overwhelmed the logic of his argument.
>He described the cut-off as “evil, xenophobic, anti-Semitic,” “vilely discriminatory,” a “vast moral failure,” a “monstrous policy.” And he dismissed the vast majority of pre-1965 Americans as a “thoughtless mob” because they supported a near-complete moratorium on immigration.
Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East and the only democracy. it's shekels well spent. stop being anti-semites goyim.
jews are the orchestrators of almost every left wing society destroying white genocidal program. I've spent A LOT more time than you looking into this and you need to sit the fuck down and lurk more.
how does that have anything to do with the free market or capitalism? it's the US government seizing private property by force to give to a foreign nation
that's not capitalism
>I've spent A LOT more time than you looking into this and you need to sit the fuck down and lurk more.
>Im very smart
Hey shlomoberg, shilling hard lately huh?
tfw are you even fucking serious? ask yourself why do you think the kikes have been run out of almost every country they've ever settled in?
AWWW!!!! Someone disagrees, they must be shill.!!!!
nice b8 I r8 8/8
>Support First amendment
>Support Jewish state
pick one neocons
They can have entire middle East for all I care. What has isreal done for us?
>Israel is our greatest ally
>not one single Israeli soldier had fought among side an American
Even Thailand has given us more support.
Ben Shapiro is giving billions of tax dollars to Israel? I knew he was a shifty jew, but damn..
Don't be fooled by the JIDF men, they want to destroy all white peoples so they can rule over a world of dumb brown peoples. This is a plan that was set in motion in the late 1800s. If you don't see that they are playing the long game you have been blinded.
Hi ben, welcome to pol.
Its corporate welfare
Tax $---Foreign aid---Lockheed---Workers pockets--local economy
Who even listens to that lisp riddled faggot? Gorilla mindset...lmao...sounds like some PUA conartist bullshit all over again, I'm sure all the NEETs love though.
#NotAllKikes is even worse than #NotAllMuslums
I hope I live to see the day some mudshit sets a nuke off in your hive of cancer.
You fucks have rotted and destroyed a peaceful world.
The reason why people can tell you're from reddit is because you hysterically scream "SHILL" at the most obvious bait that everyone else just chuckles at and moves on with their lives.
Over half of that list is wrong tho
>demand for cheap labor
>not Jews
(((Who))) do you think is concerned about cheap labor and making as much money as possible?
Good goyim the country that sold your military secrets to China and the USSR multiple times, attacked your navy unprovoked, did 9/11, and continues to bleed your country dry through the billions in aid you give them everyday while they subvert your people is truly your greatest ally.
You do know the author of the 1965 immigration act was a Jew named Emmanuel Celler?
San Diego fuck here...,That's our ex-mayor Bob Filner... very unsettling to look at that hideous face
Day of the gas when?
Free market it's a lie.
Most of the mayor companies took tons of funds from public money.
Get off of here, Thernovich. Repulsive fucking ape.
You're the biggest hack and fraud on either side of the media, latching on to the right's momentum for your own personal gain & attention, not genuine beliefs.
Drink bleach and this world will be a better place.
Take a few moments and listen to this portion of Oswald Mosley-Europeans. Know that there are other people who have seen the truth of what the real problem is that plagues the world. Yes, Hitler knew and acted, and he has been vilified for all of time because of that. He has been turned into a caricature of vile hatred, a monstrosity, a perversion of what he really wanted to accomplish. Oswald Mosley on the other hand is mostly ignored and swept under the rug. The spotlight is not shone upon him because it's harder to make someone look evil when a large part of the world speaks the same language.
a lot of pretty assumption
Kike shill, Cernokike gets the gas.