Oh man it's happening varg is pissed this time.
What will happen guys and goy's ?
Oh man it's happening varg is pissed this time.
What will happen guys and goy's ?
Seriously, fuck Varg.
Fuck off shill kys
I hope shills like you get beaten in the streets one day.
he's right
we must become Vikangz again
Blohks Yu Pathe!
Vut Do???
Unironically/literally what is the appeal of this guy?
I see a man who has "failed successfully."
Still a loser.
>inb4 Shill
All liberals deserve to fly (pic)
*gets rekt by christian normans*
Daily reminder
>Hurr durr if I say inb4 shill it means I'm not a shill
Nice try shill
Who honestly listens to this retard.
how does merkel get the benefit of the doubt isntead of being considered all the things donald would be considered if he said exactly what she said with the countries reversed
Are you so stupid as to think Europe is not in danger from mass migration and all the other authoritarian nonsense going on ?
Did Varg try out two scoops? What the hell is going on he is morphing, oh my god I'm scared.
Dunkelheit is great what r u talking about
Du NOHT maek fun uf ze VIKEEENGZ!
Vee vuz Keengz und Sheeeeeet
I think DEUS VAULT is coming soon.
Fuck Merkel. That bitch deserves to rot.
I was hoping for a quick rundown as to why people like Varg.
>Shills advocate killing liberals
>Shills know about Hoppe
Hes right
Guys like The golden one, der Sellner etc are good guys but they will achieve nothing
The west is doomed
Its all over, it was since the german empire lost in 45
Do you enjoy knowing your a sellout piece of shit shill ?
>>Shills advocate killing liberals
>>Shills know about Hoppe
You're not even making sense detective autism.
>Everyone who doesn't want to LARP as a Viking and live in the 11th century is a shill
1) I'm a White Nationalist
2) Varg is a Nigger retard
3) Stop Sperging out and taking him so seriously
So what do you want the west to die ?
>Autistic screeching
You really have nothing, and can't justify your fandom.
Obviously the three other "shills" on this thread are right, this is just white version of "We Wuz Kangs."
Not an argument.
He's not wrong. The pagan larping suit about muh wotan is cringe but he has good ideas
Pretty much my feelings on him as a whole.
That's right it's the main idea's that count not the person.
Why the fuck are you posting that to me you Sperg? Why would I disagree with that just because I think Varg is a retard?
People like varg because he is black metal. That's why I do. I dont give a fuck about his politics I just love atmospheric black metalm
Well when you said this
>1) I'm a White Nationalist
>2) Varg is a Nigger retard
>3) Stop Sperging out and taking him so seriously
I thought you were calling me those things and I miss interperated what you ment.
He doesn't even talk like that.
Have you ever watched a vaarg video?
Did you watch the OP video?
Fuck YOU, you literacy-loving fuck
Meanwhile shills like you should do the beating, amirite? Nietzsche was right about you types.
You think the idea of the west dying is funny ?
Why is it that only 'murican christcucks cry about Varg?
That sounds about right.
kek, that part was pretty funny
>why people like varg
he has the personality of a cult leader, some people are ripe for the picking by cult leaders
listen to the testimonials from people that like him
>i was about to give up
>my life was in shambles
etc etc etc it's cult shit, black metal is cult shit too
This. Based Vikangz were great. Oh wait, the only intelligent vikings, the normans, were christian
Here is a real cult leader.
Anti varg Jewish shills are in full force itt
yeah they both are, there is a shared mentality between people on the right and left that are the problem. varg is not going to support anything unless he is in charge of it.
This autistic nigger isn't going to do shit
It's always them.
He's a literal sociopath. If he was living in some ultra traditional fascist state he would instead be a pot smoking hippie. People like Varg don't fit in anywhere, or don't feel like they fit in. Some blame themselves, others like Varg blame it on the world.
>varg is not going to support anything unless he is in charge of it.
That doesn't even make sense at what point has he said he has to be in charge of anything all he's done is tell the truth of what's happening to the world.
Are Lebanese white, Varg?
it's not something he says, it's how he lives
>it's how he lives
What he's independent from the state hahaha is that supposed to be a bad thing ?
What ever you say Sweden.
Don't you mean the middle east? LOL.
>120k subs
Because few Africans on Sup Forums and any European Christian here is just role-playing. Only religion that is taken seriously in Europe is Islam.
So white isis
>Don't you mean the middle east? LOL.
Certainly do Sven I mean Muhammad
inb4 Varg murders his kids and wife for real or perceived degeneracy
You probably think Normans were French. Don't you, retard?
When he said he was furious at himself I thought it was going to be about his past. How he wasted 20 years of his life in prison like a nigger. Of course he can't be self-critical like that. He still thinks he was perfectly justified murdering someone over some stupid black metal feud.
Keep it up Jew and this meme will spread all over social media.
You probably think they weren't the only worthwhile viking group and that pre christian vikings weren't cultureless barbarians
The ruling class and their minions must be left to fix the problem, or let things get worse. They brought this on themselves.
exactly, dude. white sharia is the only way forward.
It was kill or be killed situation on long run
Euronymous threatened him and he was know to point shotgun to any people he disagreed with.
Do you even know the definition of a shill?
You are the one shilling your WE WUZ nigger.
This is a shill
I really dont get how anyone can listen to people who speak so theatrically. His opinions dont really bother me but the way he talks is really fucking annoying
Well then pay attention whats actually important and that's the ideas and not the person.
And your a autisitc nigger LARPer.
A message to all shills in this thread thanks for taking the bait and wasting your shill powers on this thread hahahahahahahaha Jewish shill btfo.
All you shills could have ruined other threads but you fell for the distraction.
HAHAHAHA Stupid Jews.
Now that the shills are gone we can resume talking.
Sucked in shills you got double bluffed.
This guy is not an extreme faggot.
No no no
This guy is faggot alpha
The über fagoot
faggotto uno.
His highness Superfag.
Do you have a legitimate form of Autism?
No it's called shitposting you leaf.
He thinks he's Gandalf
Killing people isn't bad and doesn't need to be "justified," christcuck.
exactly this. Im glad I am not the only one who see things as they are.
Thats why I only plan on living a comfy and safe life because the game is already over.
It doesn't matter if it's bad or good. The price you pay is years in prison, wasting your life. If you're smart you don't go around killing people because you know what the consequences will be.
Whites are one of the few races that can justifiably be proud of their ancestors' achievements though
I can tolerate his larping, at least it's his culture and not a weeb