Top Secret FISA Court Order
>More than 5 percent, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011, according to one classified internal report reviewed by Circa.
>The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.
>More than 5 percent, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011, according to one classified internal report reviewed by Circa.
>The normally supportive court censured administration officials, saying the failure to disclose the extent of the violations earlier amounted to an “institutional lack of candor” and that the improper searches constituted a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue,” according to a recently unsealed court document dated April 26, 2017.
>Officials like former National Security Adviser Susan Rice have argued their activities were legal under the so-called minimization rule changes Obama made, and that the intelligence agencies were strictly monitored to avoid abuses.
>The intelligence court and the NSA’s own internal watchdog found that not to be true.
Obama Didn't Just Spy On Trump, He Spied On All His Political Opponents
Other urls found in this thread:
>In question is the collection of what is known as upstream “about data”about an American that is collected even though they were not directly in contact with a foreigner that the NSA was legally allowed to intercept.
>The NSA said it doesn't have the ability to stop collecting ‘about’ information on Americans, “without losing some other important data. ” It, however, said it would stop the practice to “reduce the chance that it would acquire communication of U.S. persons or others who are not in direct contact with a foreign intelligence target.”
>Agency officials called the violations “inadvertent compliance lapses.” But the court and IG documents suggest the NSA had not developed a technological way to comply with the rules they had submitted to the court in 2011.
Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years
This has been building for a while with the work of Sara Carter & John Solomon who've been appearing on Hannity and other shows both on TV & radio for months.
Tell Barry we're bringing rendition back
Wow. His paranoia was on par with Nixon. Nothing will ever come of it though :(
So what? if Trump did this you guys would be cheering
Hell ya nigga
Is there even a 1% chance that Obama will go to prison
He's going to jail lol
Get your fucking head out of the sand if you can't understand that this is the bgigest scandal in US history
Complete constitutional crisis rsulting from massive abuse of presidential powers
Trump should just leak the blackmail on every single politician in congress
President creating developing implementing and illegally surveilling a govermnemt wide apparatus to spy on political opposition under the "cover" of "collecting intelligence"?
This is beyond any crime any other president has ever committed
illegally expanded surveilling*
It's illegal because he used fake oversight boards to justify 702 and used his stooges like Comey Brennan and Rice to protect it (and him)
Cute. Russia hoaxers dont even have a top secret unsealed FISA report / order
Improve your evidence game or get btfo
My god you're delusional. Take your meds.
How Is this not bigger news??? The docs are real yet nobody isn't talking about it. Huge information suppression happening RN. Meme war NOW
Keep making threads OP, this is literally the biggest scandal ever yet nothin is happening
Only because leftists have it coming. They started this and now their weapons are in our hands, it'd be a shame not to throw you all in the FEMA camps, now.
The pathetic leaf's tactics ITT is all they have left
To recap:
>Russia hoax made to obfuscate major Democrat crimes related to FISA amendment act Section 702
>Obama was the first to implement, then abused the shit out of it, for 8 years (it was only implemented beginning with Obama though the FISA amendment act was signed by W). The obama people were the ones who figured out how to abuse it
>Lied to get reauthorization using dummy PCLOB oversight board and obviously hid the massive ongoing abuse of the data collection program
>Exec Order 12333 illegally and abusively expanded NSA data availability to all IC agencies, meaning the abuse was multiplied 17x after signing
>Obama et al Thought they could admit partial wrongdoing 2 weeks before election and Clinton would brush it all under the rug after she won
>November 8th happened
>FISA writes 99 page doc describes government wide illegality, specifcally calls it "a very serious 4th amendment issue"
>Abuse far more institutionalzied than what was admitted, cited specifically for "lack of" honesty ("candor") in the FISA court order / report
Someone please try and honestly argue that this is "fake news" or that the crimes alleged and documented in the FISA order arent massive? I dare you
blah blah blah.. this is so much bigger then obama but no one is going to do anything about it but use it for cheap shots
the fbi is searching NSA data and says that it would be too much work for them to justify each search with a reason. The NSA has to justify each search and that's why you can sit here and bitch.
The FBI which shouldn't even have access to the data says that it can't because its too cumbersome......Let that sink in. Bush-Cheney set up a massive illegal surveillance state and the agencies don't want to give it up
Doesn't matter. Obama is a magic negro... and they don't want to sully his image.
Any wrongdoings will be ignored.
Bush Cheney may have created it but Obama bears sole responsibiliy for allowing the 702 abuse.
EO 12333 is where he can quite literally be charged for abuse of power while in office, because that order multiplied the abuse of 702 by orders of magnitude and shows a purely political retributive motivation
Or just continue to bump the thread for me so everyone sees this one.
Not shilling, but do I have to read this whole damn thing?
Hasn't anyone made an infographic with the key bits for quick rundown purposes?
Yes read things fucking obviously
>make bold clickbait claim in headline.
>don't provide any evidence for said claim
>doesn't matter cause most of the fags here won't care because they want to believe the headline
Wow. You should get a job at Buzzfeed.
Reminder Sup Forums is pro-spying
Here's what the MSM won't tell YOU about the biggest political scandal in American history:
>Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties
>Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans
>99-page FISC Memo Order / Report on Obama admin "serious 4th Amendment issue"
>NSA stops "upstream" data collection as a result of FISC Memo Order / Report
Additional reading:
>VIDEO: Clear, concise explanation of this massive scandal by Chris Farrrell of Judicial Watch (Donate!)
>New Evidence Obama Administration's NSA Spied On Americans (via Realclearpolitics)
>Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans
He's gonna get away with it literally just because he was the first 'black' president.
No. Nothing in there says Obama spied on all his political opponents as the OP claimed.
He's going to jail and so is Hillary.
Yes it does.
Also you should get some new images. It's cute and all, and I suppose it's a clever way to tip your fedora to your fellow treason conspirators, but really nigga you're dumber than Eric Clanton.
Just read it and fucking comprehend your beloved negro President's level of criminality
Cant allow pardons which is what they will beg for
No pardons. Agreed.
I scrolled through it. Again nothing about him spying on political opponents. The closest thing is the FISA against Carter Page. And considering he was being unwittingly cultivated to be a russian informant, and yet didn't break ties off with the after, it's not out of the ordinary for them to be concerned.
Where? Which one specifically.
>tips fluffy hood
he was caught authorizing tapping Merkel's cell phone, iirc
he'd spy on his allies, but not his enemies?
So the OP's claim is pure conjecture based on the NSA tapping Merkel's phone. All while the NSA had been spying on German Chancellors before Obama was even president?
Seems pretty flimsy.
Nope, that's not it at all. You're going to have to try again, shill.
Affirmative action hiring policies are really fucking up the shill game. Put the niggers in the mail room, not behind a computer.
Will do
>Nope, that's not it at all.
So then what is it?
Why don't you read a bit and find out?
Much better than sitting around letting everybody know by your comments that you're a shill hired for your dark skin.
This shill trying to muddy the waters is weak bait. Rand Paul Trey Gowdy Lindsey Graham have the fucking proof. It's all being done in the appropriately professional way and will be completely revealed in due time
What's that old saying Russia hoaxers like to use?
>Drip drip drip
I did read it. Then I asked you to specifically point out the proof. Something you have refused to do and fell back on "muh shill" because you know you cant.
>point gets btfo, "muh shill"
Thanks for keeping this thread alive mate, it's weak bait but it's at least serving a purpose
They clearly sent someone very new to this thread. Extremely embarrassing for MMFA or shareblue or whoever
Please use on media with a reputation for trash journalism and clickbait. Thank you.
No thank you botnigger
>specifically point out the proof.
Proof of what, Obama himself setting up wiretaps and listening devices? lol
The FISA courts flat out said they were illegally using the system, what more do we need?
You're doing great work. Please keep it up.
There's more evidence of massive Obama administration spying/wiretapping of Trump than there is of any improper 'collusion' with Russia, but RUSSIA (REEEEE) is all we hear about because it's a smoke screen to keep attention away from the Obama tampering.
There is no more glaring example of press power than this current campaign of disinformation and it truly shows the enormous influence of (((media))) puppet cru.
Honestly do people think that simply because CNN and MSNBC are refusing to promote or even cover the story that it isn't real?
That it will somehow shield these crimes, which are being actively talked about on Capitol Hill as we type, from being properly addressed?
I understand that may be a Democrat's wish/hope/dream, but, man, come on you people. It's time to face fucking reality. At least Trump supporters are honest enough to have real conversations about his adminisration and policies. We have to Make Democrats Face Reality Again
And he used B.I.A to do it, didn`t even trust his own to do the job.
Is it illegal to view this document, should I wait for CNN to read it for me?
And the deep state votes Republican
You are sad and wrong. People are far more concerned about Russia than unproven faux news claims.
Everyone should read it
Literal hard proof of constitutional amendment violations and other major wrongdoing. The FISA court admit the signs are likely that there is much more that is not yet even discovered
Id love to see 99 pages of declassified FISA documents proving the Russia hoax
Good point user. Apparently its bretty easy for FISC to get their shit unsealed and declassified quickly into the public eye. it certainly would have helped (((The Resistance))) if the same court wuold have shown similarly meticulous and thorough declassified materials about the Russia hoax by now.
But as you note, they, of course, have not.
Of course not, but if the rule of law doesn't apply to one, it applies to none...
Rand Paul makes statement that he has been told his campaign was spied on. Submits request to know if he was on 5/5.
Dennis Kucinich reveals he was spied on in 2011 after taking a call for a foreign leader.
Off the top of my head but this is evidence he was spying on political opposition (even party members who didn't play ball)
I'm betting he knew about Seth and tipped off Hillary. How could he not know Seth was in contact with Kim and Assange?
sounds like it
We need to get a hashtag going for this, guys. What should it be? It has to be about Obama because that's the only way the MSM will talk about it.
But when people hear about it, people will become curious.
"What difference does it make??!!" That ape will never be brought to court.
>Rand Paul makes statement that he has been told his campaign was spied on. Submits request to know if he was on 5/5.
>Dennis Kucinich reveals he was spied on in 2011 after taking a call for a foreign leader.
>Off the top of my head but this is evidence he was spying on political opposition (even party members who didn't play ball)
Bumping. Just want to point out the direct evidence this was used on political opponents.
Tried this the other day with #DontSpyOnMe and linking to the important articles or the judicial watch video
It's in reality a non partisan issue There has to be enough normie opposition to the reauthorization of Section 702 due up in congress this fall. So if you want to try hashtag campaign try to use something that doesnt sound overly partisan like #Jailobama or too far right wing / Trump related.
This story has absolutely nothing to do with Trump other than he was one of the people spied on
You need leftists on board so sell it as the civil rights infringement that it is. They eat that shit up. Celebrities will even defend privacy rights so tweet it to them anyone you think who is famous and been political on the right. Show them the stories and ask if they were spied on
I just mean use different messages for different targets. This is a story that can be spun and sold and explained to everyone as being outrageously illegal
People were genuinely fucking surveilled and spied on at home who should not have been. Politicians and private citizens, their private conversations revealed and shared at the direct order of the President
One user made a good pitch if you try to sell it to lefties: Try to scare them with a message along the lines of:
>Yeah well if this is what obama was doing just imagine what kind of shit trump will do! will be way worse!
Again the end game is three fold:
(1) bring Democratts and deep staters to justice who oversaw and engaed in this spying net.
(2) Destroy Obamas supposedly clean legacy and badly damage Democrats politically by tying them all to the scandal and media coverup and
(3) bring public outrage to a high enough level that politicians on both sides of the aisle are pressured this fall to not re authorize Section 702 of the FISA amendments act. This will be the same effect of taking a sledgehammer to the deep state.
That works.
The key is making sure people understand that this was systemic. Someone consciously made that policy.
That, or they are really, really are incompetent.
Fuck off leaf
I think comey badly showed his hand when he took his last public opportunity as director to unilaterally shill for the re authorization of 702. He wasnt even asked about it but used his opening comment to stress how important it was. Fucking scam artist crook he was too
Do you expect that Trump administration will act? Maybe prosecute someone because of this? Why would they do it, this surveillance system is a very powerful tool and they probably will want to use it, as well as all future administrations. Prosecution will mean that the system will be dismantled or at least severely limited, and no one in power would willingly give away their favorite toy.
He also lied about the FBI's involvement.
That report has a bunch of shit that the FBI was sharing.
It's not Trump's favorite toy or his people's. Stop spreading lies. It's actually the mechanism by which he is being constantly harassed with the Russia hoax business. Trump would have no idea what it is or how to operate the spy net. This is entirely a Democrat / Deep state creation. They felt they could maintain a chokehold by using this "government within a government" structure to pull everyone's strings through massive data sweeping. Trump doesn't need this shit. He knows how to win by being himself.
Yep this is the latest report from Sara Carter and John Solomon who are scooping their colleagues on everything.
Discusses FBI involvement in criminal unmasking and sharing of raw 702 data
where the red circles connecting the memes?
lol you guys are so desperate
Read the report.
>This is entirely a Democrat / Deep state creation
Are you implying that surveillance programs didn't exist and weren't abused by Bush and Cheney?
>Trump doesn't need this shit. He knows how to win by being himself.
You speak of him as if you're best friends and you could vouch for him. He might as well dismantle all three-letter agencies, if he's such a saint in white gloves.
I still remember how 8 years ago people had same hopes about Obama, he was the one who was (supposedly) against unwarranted surveillance and Bush/Cheney abuse of power...
And now the new generation fell for the same meme again. Sad.
Not him but the Dems are hypocrites.
also in the prison wit bumma
>African president
>African style of governing
Anyone who's surprised is a retard.