Black Americans

Why are they by far the most talked about ethnic group in the world? People just can't stop thinking about them. They are also heavily imitated, while being hated on. Does it all just boil down to underlying jealousy.

Other urls found in this thread:

They are like a circus. They are genetically programmed to peacock and attract attention as a mating strategy.

They aren't great with a lot of human endeavours but they do create a fascinating spectacle.

This. It's like a car crash. It's horrifying but you can't look away. The people who imitate them are pretty much bottom of the barrel humans

They aren't. Just in your little bubble called america.

I'm sure in china and India all they talk about is those crazy Negros in America

Because they complain the most but provide nothing to society.

Nobody in Europe (maybe except the top-cucked countries) really talks about nig-nogs overseas.Asia even less so. It's mostly a US spectacle of literal dancing monkeys.

I'm not jealous because I'm real

I don't know how to feel about this

Because jews

Because they all get to their positions through affirmative action or the Jews that run the music industry. Name me one black musician that is on par with Mozart, Beethoven or Wagner. Just one.

They're the number one topic on Sup Forums, and mods ban you if you make fun of whites. Why are white people so thin skinned.


>Make fun of whites
You're getting banned because you're posting blacked threads that have nothing to do with this board, you stupid nigger.

LOL says the group of people who coined the term "micro aggression"

Kys nigger

Nicki could get it.

Name one irish musician on par with Michael Jackson

Wtf i love Isis now

It all comes down to Africans, having always been under the thumbs, of the Jewish/Muslim elite.
They have domesticated them, turned them into their personal slaves, for thousands of years.
They literally changed their DNA, just like they did with dogs.
They now want everyone, to be just like them.
It is as simple as that, and knowing the elite Muzzies/Joos, were ALWAYS on the same side.
There was never a time they weren't.
Shit people, read some fucking books.


>Compares a country of 4 Million people to a race of 1.3 Billion people
You must be a Turk, I refuse to believe a German could be this stupid.

People aren't that smart. Mass media is very new, and has bizarre effects on human socialization. Basically, if things are presented to us as 'cool' over and over, we begin to accept and embrace it. Nigger culture is easy to mass produce and seems novel to most whites, so record companies push it and the masses have so far bought it.

I've never blacked thread


>trying to make fun of cultural appropriation

Because they are the most retarded, they do the most dumb shit
they are only relevant as a source of unintentional humor
would race mix, would work hard to make the kid not a cuck, or at least a top if he ended up gay from it

Both of these-this*2.
I've noticed that they are far far over represented in the media and television and movies and what not. They have farmore representation than Hispanics for example, but I've attributed this to the fact that a lot of Latinos watch Spanish television, where they are represented 100% and there are literally no blacks, apart from maybe an Argentinian or two. So it is very weird, but mostly blamable to the Jews (who own those networks that blacks are overrepresented in). It's a problem only in so far these black representations further legitimize niggerishness. Amd again, this is the fault of the Jews.

>retards live lives completely free of impulse control and self-awareness
>kikes push them through every media asshole like they're heroes
>white kids being told to sit still and be decent gets blasted in the face with MUH DICK 187 ON YO MOOT lifestyle
The more civilized you are, the more you dream about being a nigger. When someone says 'Go ahead, niggers are cool!' the impressionable youth will think it's his time to rebel like the coons on tv.

id fuck the shit out of nicki desu

is this a behind-the-stage photo op at a Hillary fundraiser?

One is a dead faggot, the other smells his own farts.

MJ literally turned himself white kek

>>Name me one black musician that is on par with Mozart, Beethoven or Wagner. Just one.

Here's two:

Duke Ellington.
Art Tatum.

Nope. Niggers were niggers long before special niggers could make money being niggers and nobody could tolerate niggers even before that time.