Osama? Saudi? Israel? Bush?
Who was behind 9/11?
The ((((Jews))))
ur mom did it, faggot
It was the first step in destroying Europe and depopulating the Middle East.
Osama was the front man to deceive the world
Saudi provided funding
Bush provided personnel (CIA)
Israel (Netanyahu, to be specific) was the mastermind
Saudis + Neocons
A quick but detailed rundown
Thank you
Saudis/Alqaeda, USA, Israel/Mossad
hans you forgot un, unesco, eu, asean, brics and pigs. in fact the whole world conspired together. only you didn't know.
>Israel paid Bin Laden to find a bunch of Saudi ideologues to attack the US under the green light of Dick Cheney and the shadow government, to be overlooked by the US Intelligence Agency
dont worry about it goy
And that's why 9/11 happened.
Jews who own us. NeoCons are called the Zionist party even by normies
you can't ((())) the word jews, what's the point?
Rabbi, did you survive!??!
>you can't ((())) the word jews, what's the point?
It is sort of a double negative
Hillary Clinton, Rudy giuliani and Donald Trump
(((Royal Saudis)))
a shark in the building.
Radical Islamic terrorists from Al Qaeda, no one else. Also, I get sleepy. and so do you
The Rothschilds
All of the above + kikes
stop asking questions, goy.
Implying these are not the same group.
Planned and financed by the Saudis, the same dudes your president was sword dancing with and making 'deals' for even more weapons that will end in the hands of terrorists.
Combination of different groups for several different reasons.
I did a KB on it, which you can find here:
The most obvious tell to me was "911". That it happened on that day and that 911 became the meme. It was downright corny.
PNAC, neocons, Jews, CIA, MIC. And Congress was entirely complicit. The hijackers were real but we MADE them. (Also obvious that WTC had "help")
The secondary tell was going after Saddam (WTF?) Not one terrorist came from Iraq.
The dancing Israelis.
Welcome, Anonymous5