The hambeast is back to tell us about her goals for Ramadan.
Allahu snackbar.
The hambeast is back to tell us about her goals for Ramadan.
Allahu snackbar.
just anormal brit wtf
hateful prick
This is the only occasion where it's okay for her to wear a Niqab
Fucking use hooktube, Nigel.
Quiet ahmed, shouldn't you be preying?
Bump. You have to give her credit for that 2nd video saying she didn't give a fuck about being trolled. I honestly expected a mental breakdown.
Her fans on the other hand were triggered as fuck.
preying on white women maybe
>hey guys look at this FAT mUdSLImE!! heHe you should really go watch the video and tell her how you feel!!!
Fuck off, idiot.
The religion of 20 peace McNuggets is her umbrella. Her goal for Yummadam is what now? Divesting herself of crap, she should divest herself from da carbohydrates
I bought a bacon cheeseburger in honour of Ramadan.
She did a Mr. Hanky voice. Isn't South Park harem?
Her face looks like it is being strangled by that tight fitting headscarf.
> Rosacea, the curse of celts
something something joke about haram pork
>all white women defending her have anglophone names
really makes you think
As soon as the sun sets she probably will do the same.
>Up Next
>t. mehmet
t:abdul kareem
What did I do?
Does she not understand the simple fact that muslims don't like white people. If she went to the middle east shes going to get gang raped by those savages. Oh well Darwinism at its finest
hahahahah america getting cucked by muslims. >bbb but muh europe getting cucked
Did she join Islam cause she wanted to lose weight?
Cis men aren't the only ones who suffer from phimosis you bigot!
most likely she to ugly, so she uses hijab to hide herself.