>At work today
>Colleague tells me he's from South Africa
>Starts talking about how he's had various friends murdered
>Can't even walk from his house to the pub
>Talked about being burgled numerous times
>Needs an electric fence + 7 ft walls with barbed wire and electric on top to keep people out
>doesn't always work
I mean, what the fuck? I knew SA was fucked but GODDAMN. Can anyone give me a rundown or documentary that explains why this place is fucked? I watched one about Rhodesia and it's a disgrace
South Africa: What can be done?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill the Jews, they'll turn on each other and demand action for you. They're cowards at heart
Black people took over the government.
top fucking zozzle
>US fucks with South America relentlessly to prevent communism
>Cold war, etc
>Supports SA and Zimbabwe
Britfriend, you can't even begin to comprehend how bad it is.
I'll give an example:
>white people built houses
>black people chase whites out, kill, rape
>blacks settle in, an entire apartment complex becomes a multi-story crackhouse
>blacks have no idea how to maintain the house, electricity is gone, water is gone, windows are gone, basically it's just a shelter from rain, with elevator shafts being used as shit and garbage dumps
Now, that's already crazy enough, but there's more:
>there are still white people who try to make a decent living there, mostly office firms
>white company scouts a building infested with blacks
>hires a literal NIGGER REMOVAL UNIT
>at night, several armored jeeps drive by, armed men go in quietly
>drag blacks out of the office building, kick their asses in, send them packing
>quarantines the hole area, conducts clean-up, fixes infrastructure
>a month later, the white company moves in and begins working
>the whole building now has a 7ft high electrified fence
>workers drive through armored gates in armored cars in the morning, leave the same way in the evening
>if two office buildings happen to be next to one another, chances are high the companies will build a sky-bridge to connects them, just to stay out of reach of the blacks
It's an entirely different world.
Jesus christ
>Jesus christ
you mean Mohammed PBUH
just you wait until they outbreed you into a minority
>Can anyone give me a rundown or documentary that explains why this place is fucked?
white people erect an apartheid government, received karma years later
You think you can just make all that money and not have your family killed white boi?
Do you know know what city he lived in?
quick rundown
Probaly Johannesburg
>What can be done?
flood country with synthetic opioids.
Louis Theroux did a documentary that depicted that exactly how these guys said it.
Can't seem to find it now. Like it vanished from the face of the internet.
>mostly office firms
Don't companies have to have legally enforced quotas as well? So that no company can be more than 8.4% white?
That's bullshit. I've spoken to South Africans and they say that the different groups of blacks hate each other more than they hate the whites. The black groups native to South Africa especially hate Mozambicans apparently
How safe is Cape Town?
For what it's worth I have a close friend that I've been working with for around a decade now. He was born in South Africa and moved to Canada some years ago. He's in his late thirties. When I talk to him about this he says that the black violence situation is way, way over exaggerated. And before you think he's talking out of his ass this guy grew up in a gated community north of Johannesburg and he's extremely well-educated and knows what he's talking about. And he has seen his share of violence over the years. But at the end of the day a lot of the claims of difficulties for a white to live and work in South Africa in 2017 are exaggerated.
convinced me. brb, moving to glorious paradise of south africa
international militia? is that legal? considering the nig nogs it might be a hoot to help a dutch bro out.
Safer than JHB. It's pretty clean too, with much less blacks. The whites are a bit more liberal than other parts of the country, but our liberals are still far more redpilled than yours luckily. Cape Town is definitely the best place for tourists to come visit.
>that's bullshit
>"black South Africans kill other blacks therefore they don't kill whites"
Thanks for the input leaf
Wow, you're friends with Elon Musk?
Born and raised in South Africa. Had my house burgled twice this year despite electric fencing and armed response and a few months ago a man got shot in the parking lot of my workplace for his fucking wristwatch. All these incidents were black on white. We haven't had any black on black xenophobia in my area for quite some time now. So it's not all bullshit.
>lives in a gated community
>brah don't worry about it, it's grossly exaggerated breh, i know my shit brah don't worry
>blacks dindu nuffin they good boys
>i saw the full extent of that shit in my gated community brah, it's all good
At what point will the whites of South Africa melt into the countryside to become nomadic bands of raiders and geurillas?
>this guy grew up in a gated community north of Johannesburg
> he's extremely well-educated
Now, who's opinion should I give more weight to - the guy who's only seen the everyday black person from behind a ten foot electrified fence and is basing his opinion largely on what he was taught at university? Or the people who actually have to live out among the niggers, either in the countryside or the ordinary neighbourhoods in the cities?
It's true, there are islands of relative safety in South Africa, and if you only drive between them (and remember not to slow down at the wrong red light) you can live a facsimile of a normal life. But these islands are surrounded by a sea of deadly niggers. To me, that doesn't seem like something with a long-term future.
Tell your friend that if he doesn't feel comfortable living in a house with no fences, no private security and no gun then he does not live in a safe place.
At my uni we were forced to attend a speaking event where some bitch came and talked about how great SA is today after ending apathtied or whatever.
The tragic thing is that South Africa poured enormous amounts of welfare money into the bantustans, trying to let the blacks have their own individual lands, and invariably the black leaders squandered all the wealth, destroyed their territory, and bled migrants back into white South Africa.
Perhaps if whites really had hoarded the wealth all for themselves, things would have gone differently. But instead they tried to share.
Now this source isn't the most recent but i think it can give us a forecast.
Holy shit how did you get from SA to Macedonia brah
Maybe it's over-exaggerated by pol standards, as in the narrative that every black guy will kill you given the chance isn't right. But that isn't to say that it's not a problem. Everyone in SA has either been mugged or knows a close friend who has. People are robbed, armed mostly, multiple times through the course of their lives if they don't live in gated communities. I'm currently in the student town of Stellenbosch, one of the whitest most afrikaans placing in this motherfucking country, and if you stay on campus it's 80% white people. But that doesn't stop anything. Girls get violently raped (read: not american college regret/drunk), being are mugged often.
I would love to pull the "oh no breh like the country is okay it's just a few people, love everyone breh chilled vibes" but just yesterday a close friend of mine was driving on the road on the edge of campus (ie not even outside of town: one street away from uni buildings) and her friend had his arm broken and skull fractured by a screwdriver during a hijacking and they raped and murdered her. So nah breh, not all over-exaggerated
Look at the long dated history of Africa namely that of countries like your own and actions therein. See your hand in what has become the present. See the mirror of colonization's past.
It wasn't right then. It isn't right now.
However, it is what it is. The universe plays no favorites w.r.t to skin tone. Just as you perpetuate against others, so can be perpetuated against you... Which is why, when you make a mistake in this world, you repent, admit to it and do what is right to repair it so that you and others can grow from it.
I feel bad for what's happening in SA. However, I still sit back and say to myself wtf are these colonialist still in Africa?
>Starts talking about how he's had various friends murdered
>Can't even walk from his house to the pub
>Talked about being burgled numerous times
>Needs an electric fence + 7 ft walls with barbed wire and electric on top to keep people out
>doesn't always work
Yeah, that's a sign to gtfo and go back to where you came from.
Communist Jews pitted the black masses against the white minority and are now profiting off of the black Africans being too stupid to even defend their own interests.
Law and disorder in Johannesburg is the one you're thinking of, he's done a couple in SA
Here it is
First result when you search "louis theroux south africa" on Youtube
You're right, the Zulu should go back north where they came from and stop murdering everyone who tries to move into the territory they stole
South Africa is an example of a Social Engineering Petri Dish.
>Holy shit how did you get from SA to Macedonia brah
>tfw it's the same thing in every American city with a sizeable black population
My favorite pass time is to take a real slow drive through black hoods and subsidized housing while pointing and making as much eye contact with them as possible :^)
yeah you're right whites should leave so massive amounts of people starve, then the U.S. and Europe are pressured into giving more foreign aid.
Fucking retarded underaged child or woman.
>blocked in the UK
when you have a freemason and satanic fake jew infested goverment what do you expect getting rid of white people and promoting hate and genocide is what there trying to do there
Yeah, tends to happen, it's all copy right shit. Use a vpn or something you dumb fag
> talks about colonialism like it just happened yesterday
> 'go back where you came from' a statement that can only be said to white people
My point is that the UK government is hellbent on preventing use from seeing the nigger plague
>Go to /r/southafrica
>Literally third thread down
>"Body of hijacked Stellenbosch University student found"
Sad stuff
>CAPE TOWN – The body of Stellenbosch University student, Hannah Cornelius, has been found after she was hijacked and apparently abducted.
Pic related ;_;
Come on mate, you are wiser than that.
Brah just move, It aint worth it anymore.
Of course.
gib good rhodesia doc. pls.
Does it just say "unavailable in your country"?
This documentary isn't about South Africa, but Zimbabwe. Probably a similar theme.
Mugabe and the White African.
>Michael Campbell -- a white, 75-year-old farmer living in Zimbabwe -- stands up for his rights against an oppressive government in this fascinating documentary. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's controversial "Land Reform" system has forced most white farmers out of the country, turning their properties over to inexperienced government officials. But Campbell, determined to defend his farm (and the black workers and family members who live there), takes his case to international court.
It's on netflix lad, it's only down due to a copyright claim
What is about this mostly white Settlement called Orania? Is it not a viable option to move there for White people in South Africa? If the Black-on-White violence is so bad as it seems, (im not denying it) why is the town growth so low? Is it only inhabited by Afrikaners or people of other white nationalities. Would be nice if someone who is more educated on the matter to share some knowledge about it.
Jesus Christ, look at these posts.
Let me tell you the whole story
>He was about 16
>He lived in quite a large complex with his parents
>parents were gone
>He was just about to put his headphones on and start mixing some music when he heard loud bashing on the door
>Went outside and around the house and saw 4 men breaking in
>Went back inside and locked every single door
Apparently the door setup as actually like 5 doors to enter properly, all of which could be locked.
>Went back outside and shouted at the guys
>They all pulled out guns
>He ran away toward the gate at the back
>Saw their getaway driver
>Getaway driver pulls a gun on him
>He runs back into the house and calls his dad
Said police were useless, so he called his dad instead.
>Guys jump in the car and speed off
>Starts running down street to get the numberplate
>Guys see him
>Turn around and speed him down
>He narrowly escapes by jumping into a neighbour's garden, over the wall
>Guys speed back to the house and steal all of the major electronics
He told another one about his friend who was taking his wife and 2 kids (1 and I think 6 months) out for dinner
>Guys turn up and want to steal his car
>End up shooting him dead
>Dies infront of his children in his wife's arm over a damn car
Basically, Mandela was a communist terror agent employed by the NWO to subvert Suid-Afrika and failed, until his associates and the education system convinced people that he'd be their saviour.
While Apartheid limited democracy, it meant that whites were in charge of the nation and things worked out well.
Now that they are equal before the law, they're less equal than ever. The Zulu King even publicly stated that for the blacks, Apartheid was better.
Blacks are in charge now, and they're eager to get rid of the whites just like in Rhodesia. Difference is that Rhodesia was a fairly low-population colony, and that the Boer count in the millions of well trained and well armed people.
The video Molymeme posted recently is a good one.
It's one tiny town, is still subject to the laws of South Africa, and really is meaningless to my understanding. Plus it has a growing colored population, lmao
The niggers are savages
NWO, the Jews, Frankfurt School, you know. The usual.
Just look at the topics of discussion in that fucking subreddit.
Corruption, rape, poverty etc.
The place is completely fucked.
Heres the theroux documentary
I prefer "International Clique" since it dog waves at (((certain people))) but also isn't a loaded term to normies.
Trump should allow Boers to refuge here
Does anyone have any pictures of the cities there? I always hear everyone talk about how it's run down, or buildings are fenced off to prevent people from getting in, but I've never seen any pictures. I'm curious to see what it looks like.
Ofc he would fucking say that, the Leafstan's sharia police would arrest and deport him back to that hellhole if he said the truth
>our country is ever a shithole as blacks continue to grab power, influence, etc for their interests
>lol but this is all part of antiracialism g-goy
Honestly, we (whites) are going to get chased to the ends of the fuck Earth if we don't do something now or in the near future. Even if we're a tiny minority, less than 10% of the population of our own countries, we'll still be persecuted.
The ANC and other terrorists, such as in Rhodesia, got a lot more support, training and funding/arms from the Soviet Union (and even some Arab/Muslim countries) than it did from the West.
>South African says violence in South Africa is exaggerated
>Does not live in South Africa anymore
>Every time
This happened in February, yet barely anyone took any notice of it.
>A South African woman who was ambushed in her own home was stabbed 21 times before having her eyes gouged out before her naked body was discovered by her son who arrived home from school. Tanya Wiers, 44, was discovered by her son Rolf lying in her daughter's bedroom after suffering the gruesome attack. The brutal slaying has been described by police as the worst they have ever witnessed.
Nobody will ever take responsibility for the complete destablisation of that territory.
He's a rundown. They're called niggers
Dutch and English move into a mostly deserted area, apart from a few natives (the coloreds) build a successful first world country demographics are about 60-40 white and black 70 years ago, mass amount of bantu move in for gibs, this allowed for all the cheap labor whites become 10% of the country. International pressure to grant them equal rights leads to the South Africa of today, the only country to voluntarily abandon its nukes
Global banking cartel is the one I use with normies, works well.
watch this shit for the info on south africa. it's gonna go down this summer
Yeah real funny. Typical of Sup Forums Sup Forums and I knew that there would be many stupid responses such as yours. Bunch of nerdy idiots sitting around with no life experiences in your mommy's houses typing away at your computers. Half of you have never even left your own States. And a guy who has spoken with someone who actually grew up in South Africa and has information to share and I'm the idiot. Go ahead and keep living in your fantasy world where the best information comes from an anonymous source who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Is there a Niger problem in South Africa? Well obviously for fucksake it's Africa. Is there a Niger problem in the United States? Abso fucking lutely. Yes, I would rather take my chances in certain parts of South Africa then certain cities in the United States. Try walking around in South Chicago one night my friend. See how far you get. Livestream it for us.
Comes off too Alex Jones/generic conspiracy theory shit in my experience.
>it's gonna go down this summer
Nah. If it was going to go down at any point in a sharp matter it would have in the early-mid 90's. The only thing that will go down is the black bantu ANC turning more extreme and anti-white in an attempt to keep relevant.
Would anyone else whole-heartedly support a genocide of black South Africans?
Reading shit like this makes me wish we could exterminate them all and I don't usually have feelings like that but clearly they are Satanic animals.
no it's going to go down cause they're deciding to seize all the land from the white people
Anc party was funded by communist
tensions are high and all it takes is 1 major incident for the rifles to go off and the domino effect will kick in
negroes will definitely act on the government's hate speech and if the government actually moves in - then it's full scale race war without doubt
So they're seizing the means of production? Ie, the white people :)
to some degree (mostly for large firms), yes
not that low
You're incorrect in not appreciating SA civilizations that were colonized. Try doing a more in-depth study of Africa before colonization started splitting it up into opposed tribes. Try doing some research and ancient SA civilizations.
I'll never understand white dindus who end up in the thick of things of their own creation and pretend or behave as if they have no understanding why or how things got to be the way they are...
Incredible amounts of cognitive dissonance....
Still not seeing even as presented that the Zulu have more of a right to SA than some foreign colonist who raped the fucking land and people across the whole continent.
Welcome to the inverted mirror of time.
If shit like this didn't set it off back when there was organization, then nothing will
The latter is one of six bits of a pretty shitty bias documentary but it gives you some good footage, watch the thing through if you haven't.
The idea of a south african race war makes me kek about the how the sides will be divided. The indian population is small, but it's concentrated in a coastal area surrounded by Zulus. And the indians fucking hate blacks. The Bothas and the Pillays, against the odds. Fucking kek. Plus the coloured population will be divided, actually they'll probably end up forming their own side. Then all the different black tribes will argue. At least the Afrikaans and the English can put their arguments aside to work towards not dying. Except that a lot of English first-language South Africans are USA college liberal-tier
Thanks my Ebonay Queen, yasss slayyyyy
Finally starting to see why you don't fuck around in places that aren't your own. Finally starting to live out the long term effects of global slavery and colonization. Life's a mother fucker isn't it.
P.S - It's whites pressuring other whites to give foreign aid. The utterly confused liberals among you.
Hows does one acquire a non-slutty Boer qt gf/wife?
Regardless of what I am and I am neither of those, the situation is what it is and it is for historic reasons. You can deny that all you want.. It's going to make resolving and moving beyond it all the harder. It's not my skeletons falling out of the closet.
Most of the coloureds will take the white's side. But I just don't see a race war happening, at least one that involves anyone but the Afrikaners picking up arms to fight. Who knows though, it's Africa, anything's possible.
Yes, they have black employment empowerment. AKA affirmative action
there's something weird about afrikaner
they either make it seem like they living in a race war
or they brag about how their whites are making a ton of money and living like kings